Disclaimer: I do not own High School Musical or any of its characters.

A/N: Ok, here is the epilogue. This is dedicated to everyone who reviewed and read. I cannot thank you guys enough for all the support you've given me! Thanks so much again! Enjoy…


9 years later…

"Come on guys, hustle! Let's go! Move!" Troy Bolton yelled at his team. 5 years ago he had stopped playing basketball professionally. He found it got too hard to be away from his family, so now he coached the East High School basketball team. Troy blew his whistle,

"Ok nice work today guys, go shower. I'll see you tomorrow" Troy said finishing off the practice session.

"But coach, practice doesn't finish for another half hour." The captain of the team, Alex protested.

"I know, but you guys worked hard today, so I'm ending practice early." Troy explained as he received strange looks from the team members.

"What he is trying to say is that he just wants to get home early. Tonight happens to be a very special night for someone" Chad piped up; he was the co-coach of the team also. The team laughed at Chad's comment.

"Thanks man." Troy said sarcastically. "But it's true and if I am not home on time that certain someone won't be alive tomorrow. So, you guys can go home too."

"Ok thanks coach" The team chorused as they ran to the locker room. Troy turned to Chad and said,

"Well, I'll see you later bud, I gotta run!"

"Ok man, have fun tonight!" Chad called after him.

"I will" Troy yelled back.

Once outside he jumped into his car and drove home.

About 15 minutes later Troy pulled up to their large house, which they had bought a couple months after being on The Tyra Show for the second time. Troy parked the car in the garage and walked in the back door.

"I'm home!" He called. Then his four children came running towards him, the first Adriana, who was now 10. She was like a mini Gabriella, everything about her was the same as Gabriella, her brown curls, her personality and her intelligence, except one minor detail, she had her father's blue eyes.

"Hey, how's my big girl?" Troy asked.

"She's good Daddy. Adriana responded. Troy hugged his eldest tightly and then let go to have his eldest son, Lucas, who was 7 standing there ready to do their special handshake. Lucas had dark hair and eyes like Gabriella, but he had inherited his dad's basketball skills and temper. They finished the handshake just in time for Peter to come running into his arms.

"Hey Buddy!" Troy exclaimed as he hugged his 6 year old and ruffled his sandy blond hair. Peter was the spinning image of Troy, but was quieter, more like Gabriella. And then somehow he had gotten the ability to play soccer from someone. Even though Peter was only 6 he already had the makings of an amazing soccer star. Then there was Sophia, the baby of the pack,

"Hello princess, have you been a good girl for mommy today?" Troy asked. Sophia was only 4, but already she had the stubbornness of her mother and silliness of her father. She had sandy blonde hair, like her brother and Gabriella's big brown eyes.

"Yes daddy, I've been a very good girl today. Mommy and me had to go to the doctors and mommy said I had to be a good girl there and I was and then she took me for ice cream because I was such a good girl and then I came back home and we played dollies and then mommy made lunch and we had yummy sandwiches and then we played pretty pretty princess, do you know that game daddy? I think you would be really good at it, next time you have to play with us." Sophia babbled excitedly.

"Ok I'll play with you next time" Troy laughed at his daughter's excitement.


"But what did you say about going to the doctors, were you not feeling well?" Troy asked concerned.

"No, mommy had a ul…ut…uta…ultaso…ultasoundrathingy" Sophia said struggling with the last word.

"An ultrasound?" Troy said shocked, was Gabriella pregnant?

"Yeah except I didn't really get why she need it" Sophia said but then her face turned pale. "Uh no! I wasn't aupposed to tell you that. Uh oh"

"Hey it's ok don't worry" Troy said tried to calm her down.

"No, mommy said it was a secret and that I wasn't aupposed to tell anyone" she said dramatically.

"Well I won't tell her that you told me ok?"


"So where is mommy anyway?" Troy asked.

"She's getting ready"

"Ok well, then why don't you go play" Troy said as Sophia skipped off. Just then Mrs. Montez came into the kitchen.

"Hi Christine. Thanks so much for babysitting tonight." Troy said.

"No problem, I would babysit for weeks for my grandkids and besides you only get one 10 year anniversary." Christine said warmly.

"Then I'm going to go get ready." Troy said.

"Wait, you're not allowed to go into your bedroom." Christine said.


"Gabriella's orders, she put out what she knew you were going to wear in the guest bedroom." Christine explained.

"Ok see you in bit" Troy said as he headed off to the guestroom.

30 minutes later, after he had taken a shower and put on his suit he walked out into the family room, where his four children were playing with their grandparents.

"Hi Daddy!" Sophia said happily.

"Hey princess"

"Daddy how come you are all dressed up?" Peter asked.

"Because daddy is taking mommy out to dinner tonight." Troy explained.

"How come?" Lucas asked.

"Because it's their anniversary, duh" Adriana pointed out.

"What's an anniberstary?" Sophia asked struggling to pronounce anniversary correctly.

"It's kind of like a birthday, only instead of celebrating it on the day you were born we celebrate the day mommy and daddy got married." Troy explained crouching down to his kids' level.

"Do we get presents?" Peter asked.

"No, but the present for daddy is that he gets to be with mommy tonight." Troy said.

"But that's not a present and besides you get to see mommy everyday" Lucas pointed out.

"I know, but daddy and mommy haven't gotten to go out for dinner in a long time." Troy explained.

Suddenly Sophia gasped, "Daddy, do you have to look like a princess on your anniberstary?"

"No you don't. Why?" Troy asked confused.

"Because mommy looks a princess right now" she explained. Troy stood up and turned around to look at his wife. His mouth dropped open. Gabriella was wearing a floor length blue gown and she looked absolutely stunning.

"You look absolutely amazing" Troy managed to say.

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself." Gabriella smiled.

"Come on, let's go, we have reservations at 7." Troy said.

"Ok, now kids be good for grandma and grandpa" Gabriella warned.

"We will mommy" the children chorused.

"Bye guys, I love you" Gabriella said.

"Bye mommy, bye daddy, love you"

"Bye guys I love you too." Troy said as he took Gabriella's hand leading her towards his car.

"So, where are we going? You told me to wear something fancy but you never told me where we are going." Gabriella asked.

"Ahh that it a surprise my dear" Troy said.

"Please" Gabriella moaned.

"You need to learn how to take surprises, we'll be there soon." Troy laughed.


After 15 of driving the couple arrived in downtown Albuquerque. Troy parked the car and ran around to the passenger side to help Gabriella out.

"Thank you" she said as he took up her by the hand, "So are we here?"

"Not yet, we just have to walk around the corner." Troy said. Together, hand in hand the pair walked around the corner and Troy stopped in front of the most expensive, high profile and the hardest to get into restaurant in all of Albuquerque, Le Chair de Lune. Gabriella gasped,

"Troy, how?" Gabriella stuttered.

"I have connections, now come on" he said leading her inside.

"Reservations under the name of Bolton please"

"Yes monsieur, follow me" the waiter said with a heavy French accent as he led them to the elevator. He, Gabriella and Troy inside and soon the elevator reached the highest level. The three got up and climbed a short flight of stairs onto the roof top. There was a single table set with candle surrounding it. Once again Gabriella gasped,

"Troy, how did you get this?" she asked stunned.

"I have my ways." He said kissing her softly.

"I love you" she said.

"Mmm, me too" Troy said. The pair sat down and the table and ordered their food quickly.

"So what did you do today?" Troy asked, seeing if she would bring up the ultrasound.

"Oh nothing really, Sophia and I ran some errands and played some games." Gabriella said.

"Oh what kind of errands?" Troy inquired.

"Why are you so curious?" Gabriella asked suspiciously.

"No reason." Troy said quickly.

"Troy Bolton you have a reason, I've known you for way too long to get that response."

"Ok fine, I heard a little rumor from someone about someone." Troy said "and I wanted to know if it was true."

"And what rumor would that be?" Gabriella questioned.

"Well I heard from a little girl of ours that someone had an ultrasound today." Troy whispered leaning over so that he was face to face with Gabriella.

"Well, that little girl was right" Gabriella smiled.

"So you're pregnant!" Troy exclaimed hopping up from the table.

"Yes!" Gabriella said with equal excitement. Troy did his little happy dance then proceeded to pick Gabriella up and twirl her around. He careful placed her back on the ground and kissed her. Once they broke away, to whispered,

"Come on let's dance."

"But Troy, there's no music" Gabriella pointed out. But then music began to play.

What a way to wake up

Just to find you there and

Touch you in the morning

You turn your head and look up

There's no need to catch me

Baby, I'm not falling

Could have guessed after all that I'd be standing tall

You make me feel


When you're near me

Yeah I'm free

All the time I just need you to hear me

It's only you that makes me free

I'm not used to being loved, not me

Open up the window

Just as the sun comes over the horizon

What a perfect moment

Trying to catch my breath

I find it so surprising

Who'd have guessed after all that I'd be standing tall

You make me feel

Seem to exist with these

Chains around me

I thought that I was free

I never knew that's not

An easy thing to be

It's just the way that

Your love surrounds me

Who'd have guessed after all that I'd be standing tall

You make me feel

Free, when you're near me

Who'd have guessed after all that I'd be standing tall

You make me feel

The song ended and there was no space between Troy and Gabriella's bodies. Gabriella's arms were wrapped tightly around Troy's neck and her head was resting on his chest. Troy's arms were wrapped around Gabriella's waist, keeping her close.

"I am the luckiest man in the world" Troy announced.

"And why is that?" Gabriella questioned.

"Because I have 4 healthy, beautiful children and one on the way and I get to find you next to me for the rest of my life." Troy said before closing the space that had formed between their mouths, kissing her tenderly and passionately.

A/N: tear I can't believe it's over, I'm so sad. I hope you like the epilogue, the song is Free by Simon Webbe and there is a picture of the dress is in my profile. Thank you so much for everyone who reviewed, read and added me to their favorites list, it means the world to me. Check out my new story Always Here For You! Thanks again! Oh before I forget you should totally check out Sarah590's FanFiction Choice Awards: HSM, it is a totally brilliant idea! Thanks again!