Disclaimer: I do not own High School Musical or any of its characters.

A/N: Yay!! Here is the sequel to Without You. Finally I got round to typing the first chapter of Find You There! Sorry it took so long but my life has been pretty chaotic with 10 people at my house. So yeah I really hope you like the first chapter This story takes place in the beginning of the May after Gabriella was cured of Leukemia. Anyway, I really am glad everyone liked Without You I hope you like Find You There. Enjoy…

Find You There

Chapter One


Gabriella was sitting on her bed watching a basketball game Troy was playing in. God she wished she could be there with him or he could be with her, but it just didn't work out that way. Troy had been gone for a little over 2 weeks now and Gabriella missed him so much.

He was going to be away for a total of 2 months playing basketball around the country. She wanted to travel with him but she had to teach and couldn't just leave for 2 months. So Gabriella stayed in Albuquerque while Troy was away. They spoke often but Gabriella missed having him with her. As she lay on the bed watching the game she thought about the day he left.


As the sun shone through the window of their bedroom window, Gabriella opened her eyes and looked over at the clock.

7:03 am

Gabriella sighed as she realized the date, May 4th. Today was the day Troy left for 2 months.

"Just try to stay positive Gabi, you can get through this. You can do it for Troy." Gabriella thought

She rolled over and saw that Troy was still asleep, typical of him on a Saturday morning. She moved closer to him, gently placing her head on his chest. Keeping him eyes shut Troy wrapped his arm around Gabriella and pulled her even closer. Gabriella put one of her arms around Troy and fell back asleep.

2 hours later Troy's cell phone rang. Troy groaned as Gabriella lifted off of him so that he could answer the phone.

"Talk to me"


"Yeah actually you did, but it's not like you've never done it before Chad, so what do you want?"


"Yeah duh"


"Ok I'll meet you there at 10:30. Deal?"


"Cool bye"

Troy hung up his phone and relaxed back into bed, pulling Gabriella back towards him.

"Where are you meeting Chad at 10:30?" Gabriella asked.

"The airport" Troy replied sadly "Maybe I shouldn't go, I don't want to leave you."

"Of course you should go Troy; this is what you love to do. I'll be right here when you get back, waiting for you. And I'll watch all of your games. I love you so much and can't let myself stand in the way of your dreams." Gabriella said convincing.

"You're amazing you know that?" he said "How about we go take a nice hot shower?" Troy whispered seductively.

"Now that's an idea." Gabriella giggled as Troy pulled her out of bed and they made their way to the shower.

After spending half and hour in the shower bathing each other and never spending a moment not touching, they got out. When Troy walked into the kitchen Gabriella was already cooking at the stove. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear,

"Mmm, French toast my favorite."

"Only for you" Gabriella whispered back.

"Good because you better not be cooking this for anyone else." Troy said kissing Gabriella's neck softly. Gabriella moaned in delight but quickly stopped because the French toast was ready.

Soon they were in the car and on their way to the airport. As Gabriella drove neither spoke but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence it was enjoyable.

After Gabriella parked the car they walked hand in hand into the terminal. Thankfully there weren't any paparazzi. Troy had become sort of a sports celebrity and when there wasn't anything major going on in other famous people's lives the paparazzi decided to invade Troy and Gabriella's lives.

They spotted Chad and Taylor in the terminal and walked over to them. After Chad and Troy had been checked in it was time to say goodbye.

Gabriella threw her arms around Troy and Troy put his arms tightly around Gabriella's waist.

"Troy I'm going to miss you so much, don't worry about me it will only mess up your game, I'll be alright." Gabriella said.

"I'll miss you too baby. And Gabi, I hate being away from you so you are going to have to call be twice a day, ok?"

"I promise" Troy leaned in for last passionate kiss, neither of them wanting it to end.

"I love you" he whispered after the broke apart.

"I love you too" Gabriella whispered. Troy squeezed her hand and began walking towards security. Gabriella put her hand over her mouth to try to keep herself from crying; she promised herself she wouldn't let Troy see her cry today. Troy looked back one last time before disappearing and mouthed I love you. Gabriella smiled and stood there for a few minutes before Taylor snapped her back into reality.

End Flashback

As the memory ended Gabriella stared down at the rings on her left hand; one a stunning engagement ring and the other her wedding band. Just 2 ½ months ago Gabriella became Mrs. Bolton in the most perfect wedding she could have ever imagined. But even more memorable to her was the night Troy proposed, just a few months after Gabriella had been cured.


Troy surprised Gabriella by taking her to the ski lodge they met in for New Year.

On New Year's Eve, they sang Karaoke, had a romantic dinner and in general had a fantastic time.

Troy took Gabriella out onto the balcony to watch the New Year come in. At two minutes to midnight Troy turned to Gabriella,

"Gabriella, every time I'm away from you it is torture. I love you so much. You always think of others before yourself and you always have a smile on your face. Ever since I met you I've wanted to spend every moment with you. I want to find you there everyday of my life because you make me more than I can be" Troy said sincerely. Then he pulled a small box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. "Gabriella Marie Montez, I love you more than anything in this world. Will you marry me?" he opened the box to reveal a dazzling diamond ring. Gabriella had tears streaming down her face.

"Yes! Yes of course!" She exclaimed happily. Troy grinned and slipped the ring onto her finger. Just as the clock struck midnight they kissed lovingly.

End Flashback

Gabriella smiled as she remembered when they had announced their engagement to their friends and family.

Kayla, Taylor and Kelsi all screamed with excitement. Mr. Montez said congratulations; he already knew Troy was going to ask. Troy came and asked permission to ask for Gabriella's hand in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton said, finally. Mrs. Montez said that she thought Troy was coming to ask permission to ask Gabriella to marry him, when he came to ask permission to ask Gabriella to move in with him.

Gabriella laughed and went back to thinking. It was funny how the 2 months Troy and Gabriella had been married had gone by so fast. Where as the 2 weeks Troy had been gone seemed to go on forever. Slowly Gabriella drifted off to sleep.

At five in the morning she woke up again with a horrible feeling in her stomach, racing to the bathroom she threw up in the toilet.

After washing her mouth out she thought to herself,

"What on earth is wrong with me? This is the third time this week…God don't tell me it's Leukemia. No it couldn't be. It's supposed to be cured, but then what is it?"

A/N: Uh oh, Gabriella is puking, what could be wrong with her? Haha, I used the "Talk to me" line from HSM2. You know when Troy answers the phone and it's Mr. Fulton. I love that. I really hope you liked it. I didn't want to have the whole first half of the story be about them getting engaged and married so I kinda did the flashback thing. I hope it wasn't too rushed or something. Don't worry there will be plenty of drama and fluff in chapters to come. A picture of Gabriella's engagement ring is in my profile. Please review and thank you so much for reading!!!!