A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Hope you enjoy the chapter!
Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. It belongs to Tite Kubo.
"Matsumoto, how's she doing?" Toushirou asked, holding the phone between his ear and shoulder while he continued looking up things on his computer. It'd been a few hours since he'd dropped Misaki off at Rangiku's. The little girl had been hesitant, and it'd taken a full hour before she'd stopped clinging to Toushirou. He'd had to promise the little girl over and over that he'd see her in the morning, but she had to stay with Matsumoto while he worked. Misaki, as if sensing his urgency, reluctantly agreed to stay.
"She's fine, Hitsugaya. I don't understand why you're so worried. I may like drinking, but that doesn't mean that I can't take care of a kid. She's actually pretty sweet and easy to please," Matsumoto replied.
"What'd you feed her for dinner? Have you been giving her snacks? Have you made sure she's brushed her teeth? She better be going to bed soon; it's already past eight. Did you go buy her pajamas and clothes for tomorrow like I asked you to?" asked Toushirou, his brow furrowing as he continued to search for information on Misaki. He'd already called the superintendent of the school and asked for permission to search for files on her. It didn't hurt that he had the influential status as CEO of his own company either.
"Wow, Hitsugaya, you've sure turned fatherly all of a sudden," Rangiku commented amusedly. "But, anyway, since I can't remember all of the questions you asked…I'll just tell you what we did. Let's see…you left, and then I took her shopping. Do you know how cute clothes for girls are? I got her a pair of p.j.s with little teddy bears on them. Not exactly my taste, but she likes it." He could imagine Rangiku shrugging her shoulders at this. "There was just so much to choose from. We spent well over two hours in the stores. You didn't give me enough money to buy a whole bunch of stuff, so I bought some stuff by myself. I even got her some clothes that will totally make her fit in in Harajuku. Oh, and wouldn't you know it? Rukia and Ichigo were shopping around there too for their kid on the way. Rukia has pretty good taste when it comes to clothes. Ichigo was just sort of like the bag carrier. And then her toothbrush is Hello Kitty, and I even got Hello Kitty toothpaste, strawberry flavor and glittery. Hm…what did we do for dinner? Oh, I didn't get her McDonald's or anything, if that's what you're worried about. We went out with Ichigo and Rukia to a ramen shop. It's pretty good. We should book it sometime for a company party. We just got home a little over an hour ago and started baking cookies." Toushirou almost snorted. Rangiku cooking? She'd more likely burn her house down. "I know you're probably scoffing to yourself; I didn't say I did the baking. Misaki-chan's pretty good at it."
"You let her use the oven by herself too, didn't you?" Toushirou asked seriously before smirking as he found what he wanted.
"Of course I didn't," Rangiku replied immediately. I offered to help her, but she insisted. The end result was no burns and a good-smelling house." He heard her chewing on the other end much to his disgust. He pulled the phone away from his ear before putting it back once he was sure she wasn't eating anything anymore. "Her cookies are pretty good. They're nice and chewy. Oh, she just finished her cookie and wants to talk to you."
Toushirou sat on the other end, flabbergasted. What would he say to her?
"Daddy…?" He heard her ask softly on the other end.
Instantly his expression softened. "Hey, Misaki. Is Matsumoto treating you well?"
"Yes, Rangiku-san is being very nice. I like her a lot."
"That's good, that's good," he said. He paused then, unsure of what to say next.
"Daddy…you'll be here in the morning, right?" Misaki asked worriedly.
"Yeah," Toushirou replied. "I promised, didn't I?"
"Mm-hm," Misaki said, sounding relieved. "Well…I have to go brush my teeth now. See you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Daddy."
"'Night, Misaki. Sweet dreams." He waited, knowing Rangiku was probably going to take the phone again.
"You really do make a good dad," she commented. "Who would've thought? Anyway, are you picking her up before school or do I have to drop her off?"
"I think it'll be better if you drop her off. I have to finish up some things still. Bye."
"Bye, Hitsugaya," Rangiku replied. He could imagine her rolling her eyes as she said this.
After hanging up, Toushirou stared at the computer screen. He rubbed his eyes tiredly before looking at the picture frame beside it. He leaned forward and grabbed it. His thumb brushed the glass as he reminisced. The picture was supposed to have been a nice one where he and Momo stood in the water, smiling while the camera would automatically flash. Momo, being the clumsy being she was—is—she'd slipped on a small rock and grabbed onto Toushirou's arm, dragging him down with her. They'd ended up soaked, and the picture showed that, Momo laughing happily while Toushirou looked slightly irritated, his arms crossed, but a small, evident smile on his face.
A/N: I'm sorry the chapter's so short and that there's hardly any Momo/Toushirou interaction, but I wanted to get this chapter out there. And it's getting kind of late, and I'm really tired. Thanks for sticking with me though. ::smiles::