Dare – The Deed- Chapter 5


The next morning, Bit was still in bed. He couldn't face any one. He was still too upset. He lay in bed thinking. Was it his fault Leena wanted to dump him? Was she playing with him that whole time? Was she using him? No he couldn't think that of Leena. But he was so full of doubt he didn't know what to think. He wanted to forgive and forget, however it would be more difficult than it sounded. Bit decided to just stay in his room, locked away, hiding. He decided to stay curled up in a ball under his warm covers that treated him better than the people around him.

Leena was in the living room flipping mindlessly through channels thinking about how she had hurt Bit. She put the remote down. How could she have done that to him? He had been so kind to her, and they really liked each other. She was so stupid. Just then Brad walked in. She had to seem unfazed from yesterday. So she acted bored as she flipped through the channels. Brad sat down on the other side of Leena and sipped his coffee. It was too quiet, so quiet it nearly drove Leena crazy. All she heard was the low murmur of the TV Brad sipping his warm coffee and her heart beating out of control from her nervousness. She put down the remote, "Do you want something?" She asked in a huffed tone.

Brad had been watching Leena squirm under his gaze for a few moments until she looked at him. "What'cha mean?" He asked trying to seem oblivious.

"You came here for a reason. What is it?" she demanded.

"Nothing." He replied indifferently taking a sip of coffee while not taking his eyes off of Leena.

Leena was growing aggravated. She saw his smirk from under his coffee cup. "I won that bet!" She proclaimed as she stood up.

Brad had been waiting for this. "Oh yeah? And what did you win? Dumping your boyfriend? Having the chance to hurt the one person's feelings that you totally love? Not only breaking his heart but tearing it out?" Brad wasn't helping but he made a point. He was the one who had won the bet. Leena was suffering just as bad and Bit was.

Leena sat down quietly. "Shut up." She barely was able to get out before she started crying. Her sobs became loud and unbearable.

Brad hadn't meant to make her cry. How was he supposed to comfort her? He wasn't good with that kind of stuff. "Uhm... there, there..." He said patting her back awkwardly.

"You set me up! This is all, your fault!" Leena was angry now! Brad sometimes wondered in she was bipolar. "If you hadn't made that dare, he wouldn't be locked away in his room!" Leena wasn't crying anymore. No, she was ready to kill.

Brad knew nothing good was going to come out of this. He put his cup of coffee down and slowly attempted to make his way to the door. Leena was on him by now. He was running down the hall with a very angry Leena on his tail.

Bit heard a commotion outside his room, but was too depressed to care. He closed his eyes and tried to find peace. But that was soon put to a stop when his door was practically torn off its hinges. He shot up and saw Leena yanking the door off and beating Brad who was now on the ground. After content with her punishing she became softer and ran into the room. She put the door back where it belonged as though to give her and Bit some privacy. Bit felt awkward and still upset that Leena had hurt, now she was here breaking into his room.

Leena ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel warm tears brushing against his neck. "I'm sorry Bit, I was so selfish. I never should have dumped you!" her grip was tightening.

Bit broke free, not sure if he could trust her. She knew what he was thinking. "Please Bit, give me another chance!" She began choking him again.

He wanted to give her another chance, but he wasn't sure if it was wise. He didn't care, he wasn't wise anyway. He smiled slightly and put his arms around her resting his head. He hadn't slept much last night. He was tired and wanted something soft. He lay in Leena's arms resting his mind and body. "You win. I can't say no to you." He pressed his lips to Leena's cheek and placed his head down on her shoulder. He soon fell asleep and Leena cradled him.

Meanwhile out in the hanger, Jamie was bandaging Brad up from Leena's most recent attack. "I told you it would work." Brad said then cringed in pain as Jamie tightened the bandage.

"Yeah I suppose. Stop moving, Brad." Jamie said as he tried to continue his first aid.

"Ow! Hey come on!" Brad said swinging his arm that was in a sling, and kicking his leg that was in cast. His head was bandaged also and he had band aids on his face and arms.

Jamie ignored his groans of pain. "Careful Brad or you'll spill your coff-…"

It was too late brad had already spilled his coffee all over his lap and burned himself. He jumped up and landed on his bad leg then fell to the ground. Jamie sighed. It was going to be a long day.



[A/N Sorry the chapter was kind of short. It's probably kind of lame…but this was all I could come up with… I have no idea how I'm going to make a sequel, although some have mentioned it. If you want to run your idea by me, I'd be happy to write it for you and also give you credit ;) Just email me at Thanks 