Simple Addiction

Summary: Vampires? Fairy tales, that's what they were..and that's what she had always thought them as. But on a fateful day, when he claimed her as his mate, did her world turn upside down, and her beliefs were nothing but fake reality.

A/N: Sorry for the confusion guys. I'm not trying to purposly update without giving a chapter. I'm not sure if it's my computer, or fanfiction. But everytime I try to update, I have to do it 2 times or so before my chapter actually comes up. Sorry for those who thinks I keep doing that on purpose. But I'm not.

So please don't get mad at me or something like that.

You might see much more mistakes in this chapter then usual and that there aren't as much detail. I haven't had much time to check it over so I hope that some of you might tell me nicely of what my mistakes are so I can work on it.

I'm sorry again to people who thinking I'm not updating purposly and testing with your patience. I'm honestly trying to fix the problem with my chapters uploading without being uploaded. I hope you can forgive me..

Oh yeah, the song that is used in this chap is 'Talk to me' By George.

Please review.

Chapter 5

It all happened very fast.

The moment she had opened her eyes and looked at the man who had kissed her so passionately, he was gone. All she saw were the dark blue eyes that were clouded with lust. Serena felt her self shiver lightly as her friends ran towards her, asking her questions.

But she couldn't hear any of them, she was only thinking about what had happened. It really wasn't him.

He wasn't the same man that had been in her dreams. Although she had only a quick glimps of him, she knew it wasn't him. The two had looked a bit the same, but they weren't. They had the same dark hair and dark blue eyes, but they were also different. The guy who had just kissed her was hard, rough and exciting.

But the other, who had been in her dream was different. So very different.

He was seductive, charming and sweet.

Her head felt like it was about to explode, but she kept on thinking. So the guy in her dreams...was the seductive one..while the other who just kissed her, the other who had taken her home in her dreams, was the exciting one.

She wasn't even sure if she was making sense right now. Her head was clouded in facts that were running over and over and over again. They just wouldn't stop, and the way that her friends were blabbing on and on wasn't helping either. Serena felt that she may had been in a daze for days until she felt Rei's cold hands slapping her face.

And before she knew it, she was back to reality, and out of her dark fantasy thoughts.

"Serena! We've been looking for you everywhere!" Cried a Ami, as Serena watched her with the light that had shone from the opened door.

"We searched and searched-"

"-And we've finally found you"

"God, do you know how worried we were?" Mina asked as she hugged her, while Rei and Lita continued talking.

"You should never leave our sides at a party" Lita started.

"And you shouldn't have us leave your side either, unless we see that you're with some one we know" Rei followed.

"Plus, you can't wander a strangers house by yourself"

"And you can't stay in a room where all the lights are turned off" Rei finished as she shuffled around the dark room and turned on the lights.

The sudden brightness made her eyes hurt until she was able to see all her friends clearly.

They all looked haggard and worned out. She knew she should've been guilty of leaving her friends, but she didn't feel it. Although she had not wanted the experience, she felt contented that she had been pulled into the room and had been kissed senseless. It was her second best kiss ever. Counting the one that she had felt in her dreams.

And she felt happy that she was one step closer, to solving the puzzle to her dream.


Maybe she hadn't thought of solving the dream until now.

But it still counts right?

It wasn't like the experience made her want to solve it..


Okay fine, it had been because of the kiss that made her want to know the true meaning of the dream. Of why it happened.

Serena felt herself completely out of her mind. She didn't even know what she was thinking about. It was like..her thoughts were a big piece of puzzle. That had been hurled and broken into small little tiny pieces. And it was taking her a long time to get them back together. Okay..calm. Calm. Calm, Calm, Calm.

She would only focus on one thing. And one thing only.

She would find out what her dream meant. Even if it was going to get her jumped or raped or killed.

Well, maybe not raped.


It had only been 30 minutes since Serena and her friends had gotten out of the house, and they were going over to Mina's for a sleep over. But there was still one thing that she was confused about.

"By the way..didn't you see him?"

"See who?" Mina asked in puzzlement as she turned on to Vine St.

"You didn't see a guy in the room with me?" Serena asked, her eyes going wide.

" were just lying there on your back spacing out" Rei replied grimacing a little, "And that's when I had to slap you to get you out of your daze"

"So..there was no guy?" She asked again. Serena was so sure that they would've been able to see wasn't her own imagination again was it?

"Serena, what's up with 'this' guy? There was no guy in the room. You were in the room, alone. No lights were on and the whole room was dark, the window was opened and the doors and closets were all closed. End of story" Lita huffed out as she rolled down her window for some air.

"The window was opened?" Serena murmured to herself as she thought back to what had happened a hour or so ago.

Serena hadn't been noticing where she was going until she felt herself coming out of her mindless thinking. A warm hand was clamped tightly against her mouth, and she felt herself being dragged into a room on her left. God! How come things happen to her before she reached the end of the hall way?

She gasped against the hand as the person closed the door behind them, before pushing her towards a bed that had been in the center of the room. She didn't even have time to notice what had been into the room as she felt the intruder gently lifted their hand away from her mouth. She had had a chance to look at who they were, but she didn't dare.

She didn't want to see what had awaited her in the dark room.

She shook slightly as she felt their hand caress her cheek gently before cupping her chin.

"I made sure to keep you stop you from realizing" The voice came, masculine and soft. "Ever since I saw you..I knew that you were the 'one'. But how sad to know that you belonged to that..filth"

"I tried..I really did! I made sure to restrain myself in front of you..pretend that you were just a normal stranger. It would've worked..but you showed up this party. Why?"

She gasped a little, forcing her eyes closed, even though she knew she wanted them opened.

The window wasn't opened. All she saw were the darkness before she closed her eyes. And when she was being kissed and filled with emotions, she hadn't felt the breeze of the window. Or the sounds of the moving trees that were outside.

Come to think of it, it did get a bit cold after her friends had came to the rescue, and the guy was gone. She guessed that he had probably left from the window. But how couldn't any one move so fast? And if they did accomplish it, then how did they move that it wouldn't be noticed by the human eye?

He wasn't one..of them. Like in her dreams..Was he?

No, he wasn't..she was sure of it. Or..that's what she thought. Gahh, why did everything have to be so confusing all of a sudden? She didn't even know what she was talking about right now.

"Hey guys..want to listen to something?" Came Mina's voice, interrupting my thoughts.

"Give me some hard rock" Lita cried as she reached from the back seat, turned on the radio and switched it to the rock section.

"Lita! This kind of thing can kill you, so why don't we listen to a little bit of classic" Ami said dreamily as she switched it to the classical section where a song played by Beethoven came on.

"God, you guys are so naive, just listen to some rap yo!" Rei cried as she quickly switched it to the rap section where a song, sang by Kanye West came on.

"Uh..I think I'll just change it to the Alternate station" Mina said quietly as she made them shut up and changed it to the station where all kind of music and talk shows, and such came on. I personally, loved that station. TheCRAZE 98.6, yah gotta love it.

"Besides, the relationship guru is on right now, I want to hear what she says" Mina said as she shushed Rei and Lita, who had started to fight after 2 seconds later.

"Alright ladies and gents, it's that time of day again. Where the problems are out to be solved or heard. Now I know you guys are excited,so I won't pause for even a second. Now I just got a email, and this guy wants his special 'somebody' to hear this song, so why don't we give him our devoted attention, and listen to the song he picked for his love?"

"So here it is, 'Talk to me' from Dark Knight, to his love"

"I wanna take you home

To my place

Share my dreams and my fantasies

I can't wait

I wanna show you things

That you have never seen before

Girl I hear you crying

Crying out for more"

Serena frozed abruptly as she listened to the song. Some how, this song was tugging at her heart so hard that she felt like she couldn't breathe. She gasped silently as the song continued.

"Talk to me, talk to me

Am I doing this right?

Talk to me, talk to me

Are you feelin alright?

I've been waiting for this my whole life

And here you are tonight

I've been waiting for this my whole life

And I can see it in your eyes

Are you ready to stay up all night?

To see the morning light?

I've been waiting

And waiting

And waiting

My whole life..."

The song was was trying to tell her something. But how could Serena relate herself to it? The song wasn't even for her, and she was sure that she didn't know a guy called the 'Dark Knight'. But still..the song was bringing meaning to her. It seemed like..god. She didn't even know how to express her words now.

"So now here we are

Dim the lights down low

Oh we can go fast

Or should I go slow?

I wanna kiss your lips

Is that okay?

I'm that guy, I'm that guy baby

You'll be callin' out my name

Sing it to me now"

And that was the last thing she heard before she zoned out, going back to a memory of the dream.

"Can't you see..see what you're doing to me?" His right hand, carefully tracing her jaw. "I've been waiting so long Serena, why can't you see that? Do you know..I've never really slept peacefully, not once. Each night, I would lie in bed..thinking..thinking how to..find you. And than I did! How surprised I was, I never thought in a thousand years..would I meet you in a coffee shop. In such a common place!"

"When your hand brushed against mine, I felt it...the static..the charge! I've finally found you!" He said, with bright eyes as he watched her intently. "I wasn't really sure than..but when you started running, the wind had blew your scent towards me. And I was so very sure.."

"What are yo-" She started, but he cut her off.

"Trust me, I won't hurt you" He whispered as his mouth came down on her neck. She gasped as she felt something sharp touch her, and she immediatly pulled back from him. Eyes wide with bewilderment, she watched him..and choked as she saw the sharp fangs that pertruded from his mouth. She didn't know what to was a joke. A joke! But there was no denying it this time, she had felt them..

The song.

God, it was like the song was bringing out the meaning of his words. Had he really been looking for her all his life? Looking for her..thinking that she was the one for him? Was she really that special.

But he's a monster.

"He's a monster" She felt herself whisper as her mother's stories came back to her again.

Serena had always been a bit slow when she was a child. And she had always known that she would ask her mother stupid questions from time to time. And now, she recalled herself asking one. Her mother gave her a foolish answer..or so she thought..until today.

"Mama..what if 'those creatures' are real?" She asked quietly as her mother started to braid her hair.

"Hun, even if there really were 'things', they're horrible creatures. They'll grab you in the mist of the dark, and devour you instantly that the pain would be horrible" Her mother whispered harshly as she felt her hair being yanked a little too tightly.

"Owwiee" Serena cried softly as she rubbed the spot where her mother had yanked.

"Sorry hun, got myself a little carried away there" Her mother said quietly as she kissed her on the head.

"Now Serena, these creatures are not real. So stop yourself from thinking about them. They're just stories that are used to scare and punish bad children. And you're not bad, are you Serena?"

"No mama"

"Good, then if the creatures are real, they won't get you any how. Understand that?" Her mother's voice tinkled as she shushed Serena from asking more questions.

"Ohh Mom" Serena thought silently before yanked into reality.

"Serena! God, when are you going to stop spacing out? Get out of the car, we need to get some sleep" Rei cried as she dragged her arms harshly out of the car and to the front door of Mina's house.

"Sorry" Serena felt herself murmur as the girls pushed her inside and headed towards the living room where Mina's laptop had been displayed.

On most nights when the girls came over, they would all go on Mina's laptop and go to chatrooms where they would fool around or just simple to trick guys. It was very rare where they would meet a nice innocent guy, so they didn't hope. Mostly there would be guys that were too sure of themselves. Or ones that were so perverted that the police had to be sent in to take them away. Just thinking of that pushed away her warried thoughts of the dream.

Slowly forgetting about it made her feel a bit more light.

"So, lets see who's our next victim today" Mina laughed loudly as she signed onto her chat room user on LUCKY while we crowded around her on her couch, watching the lighted up screen.

Blue Eyed Beauty has signed in.

"Let's see.."

"Ohh, ohh! Pick 'Dinoluver'" Rei cried happily as she pointed to a place on the screen. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun with him"

"Ew much? Sorry, but I want something serious" Mina said as she rolled her eyes and continued to search for guys who she thought would be good ideal specimens.

But before Mina could look any further, a chat screen popped up.

Black Knight has requested for your attention, accept?

"Black Knight huh? Sounds familiar" Mina murmured as we crowded in closer to her as she accepted the chat.

Black Knight: I've been looking for you.