Welcome to the long awaited premiere of Heaven's Shadow!

I have had this project in the works for several months now, doing research and whatnot of all that entails in this story. I hope this will be as popular as some of my other stories and hope to see some feedback for it.

XxcrimsonheartxX and Black Egyptian Dragon, you guys have been just as excited about this as I have, and I know it is because of the countless questions I asked about your characters. I really hope you guys like it more than anyone else.

Warnings: This story focuses around a bar, so expect adult themes in later chapters, it will be having yaoi in later chapters. There will be brutal violence here and there, as well as many other things that I will try and mention at the beginning of the chapters.

We all know I don't own anything, however, I own my own OC, as well as XxcrimsonheartxX owning her own and she is allowing me to use it for this story. Black Egyptian Dragon is also allowing me to use another OC. Meaning, do not take this characters without our permission, or there will be dire consequences.

I hope you guys enjoy, because it is finally here after all this time.


Heaven's Shadow

Chapter 1: Meeting the Owners

A figure was backed up against the wall, while a man, clearly drunk, was roaming his hands over her side and where ever he could get to. The figure being touched was clearly unafraid, almost seeming as if she was used to this behavior. She wore an emotionless face that was beginning to take on an angered look.

"Back off." She said with a tone that said, get the fuck away from me.

The man just chuckled darkly and continued his roaming, his eyes wandering over her form and taking in everything from her hair, to her face and slender built form. She was losing her patience and almost punched the guy in the face when another voice was heard.

"You had better let go of her before our sister catches you." Another voice, female, had said causing the man to look back at a younger looking girl who had an almost uncanny resemblance to the one he had pinned against the wall. He merely chuckled again in response, never taking his hand from his spot on the figure's hip, causing both of the girls to narrow their eyes further and almost growl in frustration.

The man ignored the younger girl and turned back to his own focus when he looked at the figure's face and saw she had an almost devilish grin on her face as she looked like she was looking at something behind them.

Before the man could figure out what that look was for, he felt a set of nails dig into his scalp and grabbing a handful of hair jerked his head backwards in a vicious manner, leaving him to gasp loudly and painfully as he looked upside down into the enraged look of another set of eyes, this piercing crimson set belonging to yet another girl, clearly older and the facial features looked like the first two.

"I thought you were told to back off." The newest girl said, anger dripping off of every word, and only getting more enraged with each passing moment.

Before the guy could issue a response, she spoke again, or more or less yelled for someone.

"Marik! Yami!"

The girl against the wall smiled in assurance as two tall handsome looking men emerged from the crowd behind them wondering what was going on.

The first of the two, was Marik, a tall tanned individual with a well build body, harsh dark violet eyes, sandy colored hair that seemed to spike out in all directions in an untamable way. He was wearing a pair of tight black jeans and a black skin hugging muscle shirt, showing off his build, black heavy boots adorned his feet. He also had a small thin silver necklace that had a pure black onyx stone that hung just above his heart.

The second man, was Yami, he was shorter than his companion, but looked no less intimidating than the previous. He also had a well built form, he also had a set of soul piercing crimson eyes, just as the one who still had the guy's head grasped in her hand. Tri-colored hair, consisting of black base with a dark red edge and golden bangs that spiked up into the rest. Yami was wearing a pair of tight black leather pants with crimson flames running up the right leg. A spiked belt hanging off his hips. A crimson shirt with a set of thin chains criss-crossing in the front. He had crimson arm cuffs on his wrists, black boots, and a black choker with a deep ruby stone hanging from it.

Yami looked at the guy who was having his head gripped while Marik looked to see his friend against the wall.

"What's going on here?" Marik asked.

Still having a firm grip on a handful of the guy's hair, "This guy was breaking several rules."

Yami and Marik narrowed their eyes, because after that, no one had to tell them what had happened. Marik grabbed the guy from the girl's hand and proceeded to drag him outside while he was thrashing in a futile manner, because in his drunken state, didn't stand a chance against Marik's strength.

The three girls and Yami stood and watched as Marik took the guy out the front door, hearing his yells die down the further away they got.

After they were out of sight, the girl that was pinned against the wall spoke up.

"Thanks Ketegdra."

The oldest of the three girls, the one that grabbed the guy, looked back at the second oldest of the three and smiled softly as her enraged crimson eyes dulled back down to a calmer shade.

"No problem Zael." Was all she said.

Ketegdra Kyros, the oldest of the three at age 28, was wearing black leather pants with a studded leather belt. Chains criss-crossed on either side of her hips, she had a tight crimson midriff with a sleeveless chain link shirt over it. On her wrists, she had dark crimson wrist guards, and a red leather choker with a small flame shaped garnet hanging from it. She had shoulder length black hair with red highlights, and a tattoo of Slifer the Sky Dragon wrapped around her upper left arm.

Zael Kyros, the second oldest of the three, at 26, was wearing a black leather skirt, knee high boots to match. A purple silk strap shirt. She had a slender build, a pair of icy blue eyes, shoulder length black hair with icy blue tips. Her right eyebrow was pierced, reflecting the light off her eyes. She also was wearing a leather choker but had a sapphire heart shaped stone hanging from it.

Ketegdra and Zael stood there with Yami scouting the room for future problems.

The youngest of the sisters spoke up.

"That guy was bothering Zael and he didn't listen to me, so by the time I went to go get Ketegdra, she was already heading over here." She grinned happily.

This was Nekris Kyros, the youngest of them at age 23. Even though she was not as old as the others, didn't make her any less intimidating than her sisters. She was wearing a silk knee length skirt with a slit going down the left side. Midnight blue midriff showing off her toned lean form. She had short black hair, light green eyes, and a tattoo of a dark gold rose with a star inside of the flower on her upper right arm. She was wearing a silk choker with an emerald rose shaped stone hanging from it.

The Kyros sisters. The owners of the prestigious club known as Heaven's Shadow. The most popular bar for miles around and becoming more popular with each passing year.

They all had an immense amount of patience when it came to customers and drunken people, but when it came to anyone threatening one of them, they all had a very short fuse and refused to take any shit from anyone. They worked hard to get where they are, and were not going to loose it over something as petty as a guy who can't control his alcohol intake and his hormones.

The three sisters all smiled at each other before Ketegdra started heading back to the bar where Marik and Yami had picked up their previous job before the interruption. They were helping to prepare drinks, and very gracefully and very skillfully flipping numerous shot glasses onto the bar, and then flipping bottles of a variety of liquors, whiskies, rums, whatever the customer wanted, and mixing what was necessary for which drink. They were doing this as if they had been doing it for years, for not one bottle or shot glass was dropped or broken.

The owners pushed their way through the mass of people that was gathered around the bar waiting for their drinks, Ketegdra jumped the counter, Zael stepped on an empty stool and hopped over while Nekris ducked under the wooden beam separating the front of the counter from the back.

They had all picked up their own bottles and started flipping more shot glasses on the counter beginning to mix more orders before a new voice rose up.

"Where in the hell were you guys!? Do you not see that we are busy as shit!?"

Nekris chuckled at her friend's pissed off tone, while never loosing focus on the glasses.

Zael had just walked behind the new guy talking loud enough to get over the level of noise coming from the customers.

"Some drunk idiot was trying to hit on me and he wouldn't leave me alone."

Nekris shouted over to him.

"I told him to leave her alone before Ketegdra found out, and when he didn't..."

"I went over and put a stop to it." Ketegdra finished for her.

The guy just rolled his eyes irritated and continued what he was doing, while avoiding running into anybody while they were all walking back and forth getting the things they needed for the moment.

As he walked by Yami and Marik, he yelled at both of them.

"And what the hell were you two doing?"

Yami laughed and continued, "Come on Bakura, you know when one of the owners calls us by name, we had better come or they will beat our ass, and since Ketegdra called us, we went, because you know how short her temper is."

Ketegdra heard the remark and shouted back.

"I do not have a short temper! I just don't have any patience for assholes that's all."

Yami chuckled again, only him, Marik, Bakura and her sisters were allowed to make a comment like that and not get their ass beat for real.

Marik spoke up, "Besides 'Kura, you would have went running too if it were Nekris calling you, right?"

Bakura took in the statement before he realized Marik was right, if it had been Nekris that was in trouble, he would have went to her in a heartbeat, because she was his best friend and owed her a lot.

Of the three guys, Yami was the oldest at age 28, him and Ketegdra went way back, which is why they were such good friends.

Marik was second oldest at age 26, him and Zael met years ago and they hit it off and became really good friends.

Bakura, like Nekris was the youngest, except he was 24 while Nekris was 23.

Bakura was wearing dark blue leather pants with ripped holes in the sides to give off the bad boy look. He was also wearing a glossy silver muscle shirt, silver arm cuffs adorned his wrists and upper arms. He had a choker with a sapphire hanging from it to match his outfit.

All six of them continued going about preparing drinks, and keeping things in order, while the bouncer at the front door was making sure no underage people were trying to sneak in. The music was echoing throughout the room, causing the crowd to pick up on a dance off in several areas. The lights were flashing and shining overhead, adding that wild party atmosphere to the air. Everyone having a great time, and continuing about their business as if nothing had happened.

As a new song kicked up, everyone started cheering and dancing more wildly than before as Nekris knew this was a song that Bakura favored and decided to let him have a break since he was left to tend to the bar alone for a few minutes. They all knew Bakura liked the song that was playing and so urged him up onto the counter because they also knew he loved performing and enjoyed the spotlight. He wasn't the greatest singer, but he was one hell of a dancer, and wasted no time in proving it.

Bakura hopped onto the bar, and skillfully dodging the customers and everyone in the back working, and started dancing wildly and seductively. Several loud cheers came from the female population of the bar, while Bakura performed flips and twists that made some girl's jaws go slack as they stared at him.

While Bakura was keeping himself entertained, he was also giving his co-workers and the owners a show. They all were laughing and mock catcalling at him as he kept on, but Bakura smiled away and never faltered in his performance.

Nekris was laughing madly as she yelled out to him louder than any of the girls on the opposite side of him.

" 'Kura! You know you can make a few girls faint with your new move, don't hide it, show it!"

Bakura glanced back at Nekris and grinned as he ran to one end of the bar, and after jumping off the pole, he ran back and slid down the rest, everyone moving their glasses out of the way to watch him finish, as Bakura, while sliding, flipped over onto his stomach and quickly rolled onto his side and gave a seductive grin to everyone, indeed making several girls faint and squeal loudly. Bakura had his head propped up on his hand as he tossed a look behind him to see the owners smiling at him especially Nekris, while Marik and Yami just shook their heads and grinned at their youngest co-worker, knowing he definately had no stage fright issues.

Bakura jumped back up as the song ended and hopped back behind the counter grinning triumphantly at his act.

Everyone glanced at each other as they continued the night with no further interruptions.

A few hours later, all the customers had been cleared out, and Ketegdra tossed a wad of bills at the bouncer for a bang up job tonight, and he smiled and walked out and left with a "See ya'll tomorrow night!"

Everyone was winding down from a most productive night, and everyone was humming or singing a different song that had played at some point, while cleaning glasses, or tossing out bottles, cleaning up here and there.

"Hey guys how about a drink?" Ketegdra spoke up after a bit.

Everyone looked at her and agreed and took a seat around the bar while she and Yami hopped back behind the counter to start mixing their own personal favorite drinks.

"Zael, what do you want?" Ketegdra asked.

"Just give me my Angel's Kiss." Ketegdra reached under a special shelf which had their own stash of mixes and liquors for themselves and began mixing the needed ingredients.

Ketegdra expertly mixed some creme de cacao, sloe gin, brandy and light cream, to make a light white colored drink and passed it to Zael, and looked to Nekris.

"Nekris? How about you?"

"I want my Catalina Margarita please"

They looked at Yami, making Marik his Hurricane, and Bakura his traditional Bermuda Triangle, while Ketegdra mixed up the margarita with some peach schnapps, blue Curacao, superfine sugar and a touch of lemon juice to give it a kick.

After handing Nekris her drink, Ketegdra and Yami made their own, Ketegdra's being a Desert Sunrise, made up of some vodka, her personal favorite of liquor, some orange juice, pineapple juice and a bit of grenadine. Yami made his Golden Dawn, with some apple brandy, apricot brandy, gin, orange juice and grenadine.

After everyone had their drinks, they all sat down and Ketegdra raised her glass.

"Here is to Heaven's Shadow, the best damn bar on the face of the earth."

Everyone nodded and raised their glasses up to join hers saying in unison.

"To Heaven's Shadow!"

Everyone then started drinking and conversing until it came time to go home and everyone said their farewells, and telling each other they will see each other tomorrow night and hopefully there will not be another problem like tonight. If they only knew...


Well guys, there is the first chapter, Yami-chan, Kitten, thanks so much for all your help, for your characters, the help with outfits, everything. Let us see what will happen in the next chapter shall we? Leave a review and let me know how I did.

And thanks everyone who was looking forward to this and for your support, and hope you enjoyed and can't wait until I can update!