Ishida picked up the soul candy that contained Nemu's soul within. There was a tiny crack running through it but it was still in one piece. He placed her soul candy into his pocket. He bent over Nemu's body and picked her up gently. Her eyes stared back at him lifelessly. They had lost their spark, he couldn't stand to see her like this. He choked back a sob and closed her eyes gently.

Matsumoto placed a hand on his shoulder. "What are you going to do now?"

"What can I do? I killed the only one who would be able to save her."

"Perhaps Urahara could fix her"
Ishida gazed up at her, and whispered "Do you think he will?"
"We lose nothing by trying"

The stepped trough the ruble and walked towards the gate. Akon came running towards them, the noise and spirit pressure increase had caused him to worry.

He gazed at the body in Ishida's hands.
"What happened?"

Matsumoto stepped towards Akon. "Mayuri killed her."
Akon snickered slightly and Matsumoto's eyes flashed. Ishida gripped Nemu's body tighter against her, and glared at him.
"Don't worry Akon, Ishida killed Mayrui"

Akon laughed. "Him? That's funny"

Matsumoto laughed harshly. "We've got to go."
They ran toward the gate leaving a bewildered Akon to find the body of his captain.
They reached the gate and raced back to the real world.


Hitsugaya pulled open the door to the Urahara shop. Renji looked up from the floor he was cleaning.

"Hitsugaya-taichou, what are you?
"Where's Urahara? It's an emergency."
Noting the serious expression on Hitsugaya-taichou's face Renji stopped his cleaning.

"I'll go get him."
He ran to the back of the shop and through the doors.

Ishida walked into the store, careful not to knock anything over with Nemu's legs. He held her protectively against her. The blood on his clothes had dried to a dull brown.
Matsumoto followed behind him, closing the door behind her.

"Ahhh, Hitsugaya-taichou, to what do I owe this honor?" Urahara called out, in his usual jovial way.
"Oh and Matsumoto and Ishida are here as well, how" his sentence stopped short when he saw the body that Ishida held in his arms.

"What on Earth happened to her?"
"Mayuri found out about her relationship with Ishida, and he destroyed her" Htsugaya said.
Ishida stepped forward, holding Nemu tightly. "You need to help her. If you can't fix her, I don't know what I'll do." Ishida's voice shook. "I'll be forever in your debt. I'll do anything that you want, but please fix her" Tears began to slide down his cheeks.
"I can't live without her. I won't live without her. I can't lose her too." His entire body shook as the tears flowed more freely. He began to sob.

Urahara stared at the young man. He had never seen him so overcome with emotion. It was not like him, but he could understand what he was feeling.

"Give her to me, I'll try my best to help her" Urahara said softly. His voice sounded as close to somber as Urahara could get.
Ishids looked down at Nemu's face and kissed her forehead. He allowed Urahara to take Nemu from his arms.
"Do you have her soul?"
Ishida pulled the soul candy out of his pocket, and handed it to Urahara.
"I'll start working on restoring her right away"

Urahara walked toward the back of the shop and Ishida called out to him. "Do you mind if I wait here till you're done."
"Of course" Urahara laughed. "Make yourselves at home"

Ishida, Hitsugaya, and Matsumoto went through the doors at the back of the shop, into the living area.
They sat down at the small table.
Three stuffed animals walked toward them.

"It's been a while" Ririn called out to Ishida as she hopped onto the table.
Cloud said "It has been a long time, you should come visit us more often though I would rather see Orihime to tell you the truth. She's such a beautiful"
"Would you like some coffee?" Nova interrupted.

"No" Hitsugaya replied

"No thank you. I'll just sit here" Ishida whispered
"I'd like some" Matsumoto said.

Nova looked up at Matsumoto and blushed, remembering when they had shared their spirit energy.

"I'll bring it now" he mumbled, his head already half hidden in his shell


Urahara sighed as he looked down at the mess that was Nemu's gigai.
"What do you think?" Tessai asks?
"Her gigai is remarkable but I can give her a new one, one that looks exactly like this one, what I'm concerned with is this crack in her soul candy."
I have no idea what has been damaged."

Urahara sighed again. This will be a long night. I'm already so tired."
"I can give you some pills that I bought. They give you lots of energy. The television ad was very interesting."

Urahara looked at Tessai, remembering the horrors of Tessai's previous purchases. I really need to removed that TV from his room he thought.
"No, no, it's ok. I'm sure I'll be fine. Bring me a gigai please"
Tessai nodded, and walked out of the room.
Time to get to work.


Matsumoto and Hitsugaya had both gone to bed, but Ishida remained sitting at the table, staring at his hands. He had not moved in hours.

Urahara walked into the room. Ishida jumped up.

"How is she?"
"She's awake, you can go see her, but"
Ishida pushed past him and walked toward the room where Nemu lay.

He opened the door slowly, and walked quietly to her side. He knelt next to the bed and stared at her face. She looked exactly the same, she looked at peace. He touched her hair and whispered "You're back. I knew you wouldn't leave me."

Nemu opened her eyes slowly, and looked at him, a soft smile on her face.
"Hello" she whispered

"He grabbed her hand tightly and said "I missed you so much. I don't know what I would have done if I ever lost you"
Nemu cocked her head slightly. "I'm sorry, but, who are you?"


My Comments:
Ahh, the horror of a cliché. Forgive me, but I couldn't help it. It just sounded too good, but then I was like, uggh is it too much of a cliché? It's already a saving a damsel in distress story, do I have to add amnesia to boot?

Blame it on the Spanish soap operas I watch.
The next chapter will be added by the 21st. I wrote it, but I need to re-read and work on it a bit. I'm giving myself a deadline so I don't get lazy and let it sit there for a few weeks, like I usually do.
Comments and critiques are always appreciated.