Chapter Eight
Alice POV
We ran as fast as we could back to Bellas house. I could smell vampire. It wasn't Emmett but I have smelled it before. Victoria was already here. I tried to run faster. My feet weren't going fast enough.
I wasn't only running for Bella. I was trying to keep up with Bella. Just in case we were too late , I couldn't have him finding out. Not without me there. I needed to keep him from acting stupid. Victorias scent was getting stronger. Bellas house was getting close as we reached the out skirts of town.
Bella had to be okay. Shes been through so much lately. With Edward and us leaving, to her suicide, this wasn't fair. Her house was getting closer. I could almost smell her.
Edward was in front of me but he was too close to do anything stupid with me here. No , I shouldn't be thinking about it. Bellas future wasn't clear , I couldn't see anything but she couldn't die. She can't, she's been waiting so long to be with Edward. It wouldn't be fair.
Her house was getting close. The forest was coming to an opening and her home was in sight. Victoria was still here. I could smell her.
I tried to listen for a heart beat. I ran as feet as my feet could go and ran into the house seconds after Edward folowed by Carlisle, Esme and Rosalie. Jasper stayed behind just incase.
Then I heard it. A heart beat. It was weak but it was better then nothing. She was going to be okay. We weren't too late.
I saw her but Victoria was gone. Edward was leaning over Bellas now crippled body. She looked worse then she did in the medow. Her heart was failing, I could hear it slowing. We needed to act now , before it was too late.
Bella , my Bella. I was with her in one way but it was if she was already gone. Her heart beat was weak and getting weaker. Her blood was pulsing out. We were too late. I needed my Bella. My existence.
"Bella , Bella. Can you hear me? Bella please!" I said , trying to get her. To know she was going to be okay.
"Ed -" That was all she could conjour up. Her voice was scratchy. Tatterd. Broken beyond repair.
"Edward, I'm sorry." Carlisles calm voice even sounded different. Troubled and broken. Full of sadness.
"What do you mean? We can change her!"
"Not enough blood for the venom to take. I'm so sorry." He said. My world crashed. It started falling.
"No." I said and turned back to Bella. "Please, don't give up. I love you. Bella , I love you!" Her eyes fluttered open.
"Love ... you ... too. Letter -" Then her eyes closed and was followed by silence. Her heart had finally stopped. That was the last time I'd look into her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes. See her beautiful body with life in it. Bella was gone.
"NO! Bella no !" I screamed and crashed. Never before had I ever wanted to cry as much as I wanted to know. Alice and Carlisle tried to hold me down.
I needed to leave. Go to the Volturi , the vampires. Anything. I needed to leave. To follow Bella. My world was gone. No , it couldn't be true.
She said she loved me. She loved the monster that caused her death. She said something about a letter.
"Carlisle. She said something about a letter." My voice wasn't the same melody that Bella loved. It sounded broken. I was broken. Carlisle hesitated and turned to Alice who nodded and he got up. He walked around the kitchen as I stayed hugging the body of my existence. He came back in the seconds holding two letters and handed me one.
I took it and read it.
Edward, I'm so sorry. Maybe if I was stronger this wouldn't have happend. If I listened to Emmett and stayed with him longer. If I hadn't been so stupid to have tried to kill myself in the first place. Its all my fault, never was it yours. I truely do love you. Forever and always. Please, don't do anything reckless or stupid. Even though I broke my promise , you better not break yours. For me Edward. I never knew how someone as amazing as you could love me and I am eternally grateful. If this is the cost to the time spent with you, I got the better end of the deal. Good bye, Bella.
She thought it was her fault. Even in her time of death she thought she was the reason. She told me not to blame myself but that wasn't possible. I loved her.
And to think she thought it was impossible for me to love her. She was wrong. She was so blinded by love she couldn't see that she was the one in love with a blood sucking monster.
But she was okay with dieing for me. She didn't want me to do as she did. She wanted to live. It was her last wish. And I guess for her, I could try.
I looked up. Alice was smiling at me. She must have seen my desion. I tried to smile back but I couldn't. She nodded, knowing it was too soon. I looked back down at Bella and kissed her now cold lips for the last time and turned around.
Nothing was ever going to be the same anymore. I would never be as happy as I was but I had to keep doing my best. Sooner or later we would be together again. It was worth a try.
For her.
The End