AN I don't own Twilight, New Moon or Eclipse and I never will ( ; I know it's short but its only the first chapter. Trust me the rest of the chapters will be much longer. I will be leaving for a roadtrip tomorow morning and wont be back for about three days but once I get back I will continue if you like it. Please review!

"That's it Bella. I can't take this! I need you out of this house. You can't keep letting that stupid cullen ruin your life. Just get over him or I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave!" Oh no. He said his last name. Breathe Bella, breathe. How could Charlie be that heartless? Five months wasn't that long. Not if you just lost the love of your life. No, that didn't do him justice. The love of your eternity. Dammitt Bella, stop thinking about him.

I don't know how much time passed before I heard the door slamed. Charlie left, I think he said something about fishing. I looked around the room, trying to clear my head when something caught my eye. Charlies gun. He said either get over it or get out and I was going to get out. It would do him some good. I knew my deprission was making him depressed. And I know I can't go on much longer. So it's decided. Suicide. Who ever thought that me, Isabella Swan, would be the one to let her life get so out of hand that suicide was the only awnser. It's not like he would ever come back. But where to do it?

Maybe the place that screwed my life up. The medow. Our medow. No, don't think like that. No matter what happend, being with Edward was the best time of my life. Dammitt, I grabed my sides and gasped for breath. Breath, breath. Okay, the medow it was. My favourite place is where I'll end my pain. I'd write a note to Charlie. Charlie, maybe it will be better this way. And I'll leave right after.

I ran up to my room and grabbed a paper, pen and my keys.

Charlie, I'm sorry. I had to do it. I love you, Renee too. Please forgive me. Never forget, it was never your fault. Never anyones fault, never forget I love you. Bella.

It was final. I grabbed Charlies gun and got into my car. Now to get to the medow.