Star Wars Legacy: Family Ties

A/N: I don't own Star Wars. It is owned by George Lucas. Star Wars Legacy Comics are written and illustrated by Jon Ostrander and Jan Duursema. All Original Characters belong to me.

A/N: This fanfiction is dedicated to ChildofWinds over at JCC.

Teaser: A new Skywalker for a new generation…a new Rebel Alliance for a new Empire…new Sith for new Jedi...

Opening Crawl:

The 'known' galaxy

For nearly one hundred years, Darth Krayt, leader of the new Sith order, had watched as the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, plunging the galaxy into darkness. The lingering hate for the Yuuzhan Vong still festered amongst the worlds that had been heavily devastated by the invaders even though they were now exiled to Zonama Sekot, a punishment too light, as viewed by many. Emerging from their hiding place on Korriban they formed an alliance with the newly reborn Empire based on Bastion. It was at the time of the Ossus Project that this nefarious alliance manufactured a cause for war and broke the Galactic Alliance asunder.

By 130ABY, the Galactic Alliance had lost the war, for the most part, after the Sith-Imperial Alliance had by taken Coruscant. The Sith then launched an attack on the Jedi praxeum at Ossus where many Jedi had fled after the fall of Coruscant. Many Jedi were slaughtered as the Sith, utilising both Imperial and their own resources and men laid waste to the praxeum. It is in the direct aftermath of this incident known to be the Massacre at Ossus that this story begins.