The young girl tottered across the hardwood floors, eagerly chasing a blue rubber ball. Sing-song giggles echoed around the castle as she quickly pursued the toy through the kitchen. Her dark brown hair hung messily just above her shoulders, and big blue eyes twinkled as she watched the ball bounce just out of her reach.

As she channeled her focus on it, the ball slowly lifted from the floor and began to hover a few feet in the air. The young child clapped her hands ecstatically, and squealed with delight.


The child turned her head, and the ball dropped to it's proper place on the floor again. She smiled as her mother, silver hair tied out of her face, walked into the room.

"There you are, little Adele," Sophie said sweetly, picking the child up in her arms and brushing the brown locks out of her small face, "What have you been up to?"

"It seems she inherited some of her father's talent," a voice commented. Sophie turned fondly to the hearth.

"I've noticed it myself, Calcifer," she answered. The child in her arms, named for the woman who had given her life for the infant's parents so long ago, hummed in delight as she watched the fire demon with wide eyes.

"Did he not promise to return today?" Calcifer asked. Sophie placed little Adele back on the floor and moved to the sink to do the dishes that had been placed there from that morning's breakfast.

"He did," she replied softly, keeping her gaze on Adele. The child stooped down to pick up her ball. Staring hard at it, she took her hands away from it and watched it as it remained suspended in the air. She giggled musically again, smiling.

The dial turned, and the door swung open. Adele turned away from the ball she focused on. As it bounced away from her, she squealed with joy once more.

Howl strode across the floor and plucked up his young daughter, kissing her forehead and holding her close to his chest. Adele nuzzled into him, stretching her small arms up and wrapping them around his neck. Sophie abandoned her dishes and ran to Howl as well, embracing him and kissing his mouth lovingly. Squashed between her parents, Adele giggled again.

"Sorry to be so long," Howl apologized as Sophie pulled away from him, "There's been talk of another war starting- people are beginning to suspect darker motives behind the disappearance of their queen."

Sophie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Turnip better remarry soon," she remarked sternly, "Before some sort of uproar starts up."

"Anyways," Howl casually dismissed the subject, and turned his affectionate gaze to little Adele, "How have things been here?"

"Adele's become quite the handful," Sophie answered, a smile on her lips, "Her 'natural talent' is coming through."

"Ah," Howl's smile widened as he understood, and kissed Adele's forehead again.

Nearly two and a half years had passed since Howl's horrific containment in the execution chamber. Things had returned more or less to normal around the castle. Sophie had become pregnant shortly after their return, and young Adele had come about nine months later. Their selection for her name had been obvious, and the memory of the brave woman who had saved their lives lived on in the smiling baby girl.

Markl continued studying under Howl, growing steadily more skilled. And there were still occasions where Howl would have to leave for days on end in survey of the surrounding areas. But he returned as quickly as he was able to his two precious girls.

Adele squirmed up in Howl's arms so she could plant a wet kiss on her father's cheek. Howl smiled, capturing the young girl in a loving embrace. With a small wave of his hand, a daisy bloomed in front of the young girls nose.

Adele giggled gleefully, and a second, smaller daisy sprouted from the stem. Howl beamed with pride for his daughter, and hugged her again.

The vision of their family living happily forever returned to Howl's mind as he looked upon his daughter's young face. Despite all the adversity they had suffered, it had finally become a reality. He turned to Sophie as she came up behind them to kiss his cheek as well.

He knew there would be more troubles in the future, but for now, everything was perfect.

And that was more than enough for him.


And so ends this tale. But no good story can every truly end. In fact, I was considering writing a spinoff story with Adele as a young woman... please let me know if you think I should write such a thing. Reviews are much appreciated!

And until I return with a new story, I hope you enjoyed Binding Enchantment.