Truths unknown

This is a month after Talpa's defeat.  The Ronins scouted everywhere from the city to the countryside many times with no signs of any familiar or new evils.  But, the concern of the Ronins had Mia worried, so she suggested for them to take a small vacation…to remember what it was like being boys.  The five teens decided to go on a campout in the mountains and be fully engulfed in their elements this night.

"This is it," the teen, in a white shirt, yelled as he reached the top of the mountain.

Ryo stood to his left, "Nice Kento.  How did you know about this?"

"Easily.  He found a place as hard as his head," the Auburn haired teen laughed.

"Hey, don't crack on me, yet, Cye," Kento, looking back at him.  I guess you didn't see the whole view, yet."  Cye ventured onto the ledge, to Kento's right and saw the huge lake below.

"I love you, Kento," Cye cried as he hugged the biggest of his friends.

"Hey.  Where's Rowen," Ryo asked.

"Where do you think, Ryo?  Haven't you looked around?"  Ryo whipped his jet-black haired head around, to see that he was questioned by Sage, a tall blonde with violet eyes.  His friends managed to scrub up a purple T-shirt and a pair of brown shorts for him.

"Well, I see the lake…trees…volcano…and," Ryo looked up after Sage's eyes looked up to the heavens, "the stars," he finished slowly.

"Rowen is probably wondering off to who knows where," Sage sighed.

Cye smiled, "Don't worry.  I'm sure that he'll find us.  Until then, I'm going for a swim."

"Cye, wait up.  I'll join you.  And, Kento?  Will you give us a holler if you see him?"

"Sure, Sage."  After the two disappeared over the horizon, he started helping Ryo to set camp.  "It's not like Sage to ask favors."

"It's ok, Kento," Ryo smiled, "If you ask me, I am a bit concerned too.  I mean, this IS the first time that we get together as a group in a long time without fighting anything.  But, the best thing is to side with Cye on this one.  Rowen knows how to take care of himself."

Cye laughed as he passed his hands through the water.  He looked back at his blonde friend and saw that he was deep in meditation.

"Come swim with me, Sage."  Cye took off his navy colored shirt and jumped in.  As he surfaced, he saw that his friend did not budge an inch, maybe too deep in meditation to hear his surroundings.  Cye came out and pulled Sage up by his arms.

"Huh?  What is it, Cye?"  Amazingly, the auburn haired boy got him to go into the water.  Cye, giggling all the way like a schoolgirl.  "Cye, I don't want to.  CYE, cut it out."  A second ago he was meditating, but now he found himself chest deep in water.  His only guess in this magical disposition was all in Cye.  All the way to the water all he could look at was Cye's beautiful smile.  A smile, which makes you think to yourself that he truly possessed the virtue of trust.

"Sage, …this is the time for us to spend time together.  So, stop trying to be somewhere else."  He sprinkled water onto the other boy's head, which caused a water fight.  After all of their playing was through, Sage gave a huge smile in what seemed to be a long time.

"You are something else Cye," as he pushed his hair out of one of his eyes.

"Hey, guys," Kento yelled, "I'm starving!"  Sage snickered at the comment.

"Rowen?  ROWEN!  Over here," Ryo yelled.  "Sage, Cye, come quickly!  Something's wrong."

"What happened," the blonde asked, scuffing his hair, so it would no longer obscure his view.

"Rowen was acting oblivious to his surroundings," Ryo answered.

"I thought he was always like that when looking at the stars," Kento said.

"He wasn't.  He was looking straight ahead and heading that way."  At that moment they all heard a woman's scream.  All quickly changed into their under armors as they went toward the sound.  Suddenly, they fell into a rather large hole.  Ryo got up first.

"Is everyone all right," Cye asked as he too arose.

"I'm ok.  Just can't see," Ryo answered.

"I'll handle that," Sage told them.  "Armor of Halo, Tao Chi!"  The green armor formed on him, then took out his sword.  He brought it towards himself and closed his eyes.  "I think Rowen's here too.  This way."  The rest followed the Halo warrior and his glowing sword.  The only thing they knew about this place was that it was a cave and now they are traveling through narrow passages.  Some being so narrow that Sage had to armor down to get through, but still carried sword in hand.  After some time, they entered another large area.  At their arrival, an arrow was shot at them, and Sage blocked it with his sword.

"HALT!  Who goes there?"

"It's us," Kento shouted, "Chill out!"  The golden arrow lit up the right side of Rowen's face as he pulled it back in the string, ready to fire again.

"I am a servant of the royal family.  Now, who goes there?"

"Rowen, what are you talking about?  We're you're friends, remember," Cye told him.

"How can I trust you, friend or foe?"

"What's WRONG with him," Cye whispered.

"He's being controlled by another force or presence in this room," Sage answered.  "Believe me, there is definitely someone else here."

"If you are friend," Rowen asked, "then why are you here?"

Ryo pushed Sage aside, "I am Ryo and serve the royal family along with you."

"Which person?"  Rowen's kanji of life burned on his forehead.  Ryo's kanji of virtue also lit after Rowen's did.

"We protect the princess.  And, take care of her as well."

"It's a good thing you finally came back, Ryo…we're so scared."  Rowen started to break out in tears as both of their kanjis vanished.

"Why," as Ryo walked up to him.

"The palace is surrounded and I don't know where to take her.  You have to help me get her out of here."

"Where is she?"  At that moment Kayura steps out from behind Rowen.

"What's Kayura doing here," Cye asked.  "We all thought that she and the warlords were repairing the nether world."

"Ryo…Ryo, I…," Rowen then fell forward.

"Rowen!"  All rushed forward and Ryo caught the archer in his arms.  "Rowen…."  The light from Sage's sword reveled that Rowen had a large gash on the other side of his head, but Kayura was not there.

"Where is she?  Where's Kayura," Kento asked.

"She's not here anymore," Sage gasped.

Kento pushed Sage, "What do you mean that she isn't here anymore?"

"Kento, calm down," Cye told him.

"She just isn't."

"What do you mean she isn't?  We saw her with our own eyes?"


"I'll be damned if she's trying to get us to finish Talpa's evil work, Sage!"

Cye started to get closer, "Kento, please-."

"Now, what happened, Sage!?"

"I don't know!"

Kento pushed him again, "What do you mean you don't know?  You sensed her, didn't you?"

"I did-."

"Then, DON'T play us around!  Tell us what the heck is going on!  Tell us, tell us," Kento immediately held Sage in the air by a chokehold, all the while, ignoring Cye's pleas, "TELL US!  Tell us, or so help me God, I'll kill you right here and now, Sage," he growled.

"Kentoooooooooo," Cye yelled, then slugged him.  The larger teen fell to the ground and Sage landed, massaging his neck.  "There's no time for that!  Help him, Sage.  Please?"  Cye could only look up at him with tears rolling down his pale cheeks.  And, only minutes ago that same face carried a beautiful enchanting smile, which asked the warrior of light to play with him.