Chapter 1

"Wanna make out, babe?" the PCA resident heartbreaker, Logan asked.

"Uggh! Why do you keep asking that? You are such a pig-headed, egoistical jerk," replied a hotheaded, tough chick, Dana.

It was just a normal day at PCA. With Zoey's obliviousness towards Chase's feelings, Chase's fear of declaring his love for Zoey, plus Nicole's blabbermouth, Michael's potato chips, and Dana and Logan's love/hate relationship. Everyone, besides Dana and Logan, noticed that they have some kind of attraction to each other.

"Would you stop your fighting, you guys," the peacemaker, Zoey asked. "It was amusing before, but now it's getting really annoying."

"Okay fine," Dana said forlornly.

The gang looked at Dana, shocked. This has been going on for a past few days. It's not normal for Dana to just stop arguing with Logan. It's not like her to act so withdrawn towards them. It's really starting to worry them.

As Dana walked out of the room, they started talking about what's going on.

"Wow! That was so unlike Dana," Chase said.

"I know. Why do you think she's acting like that?" Zoey asked.

"Do you think it's because she doesn't want to hang with us? 'Cause I think so. That is so terrible. Do you think it's very terrible? I'm so upset," Nicole blabbered sadly. (Author: I tried to make Nicole talk so much and stuff, but it doesn't sound right.)

"I don't think so. Everyone wants to hang with THE Logan Reese," Logan arrogantly said.

"I think it started when she received that phone call from her mom," Chase said, ignoring what Nicole and Logan said before.

"Haha. Maybe it's time of her month," Michael said awkwardly, trying to lighten up the mood.

Zoey glared at him. " I wonder what happened. I just hope that she would tell us."

They talked about other stuff for a while. When they were about to go, they saw Dana walking towards them. They waited for her until she was with them.

"Guys, I need to tell you something," Dana seriously said.

Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope you like the first chapter. I appreciate constructive criticism. BTW, the first three or four chapters will not start about Dana being the Isabella Herrera. It's gonna be about their life at PCA. Please review!