Okay so reviews were good this time guys x they made me feel loads better and now I come again bringing another instalment of this story. Sorry its been a ridiculous amount of time since I last updated I kinda lost faith in this story but now I am determined to finish it….so here I come baring a very long chapter to make up for my absence…..

So here we go again…….

Those brown eyes….

Those tiny brown eyes and dark curls held close to her mother's chest perched gently against her breast being softly lulled into a deep sleep. Small fingers gripping a piece of golden hair just to make sure that she was safe.

Her mother's hand carefully caressed her skin and brought her lips down onto her forehead leaving a loving kiss onto warm skin leaving a tingling sensation that made the girl's stomach feel dizzy.

Her mother brought her eyes away from her and looked out around them as if only just realising that they were standing on an isolated beach, with the spray of the sea hitting their faces and the wind blowing through their hairs. She turned around and smiled to the figure approaching them.

Jack smiled sadly as he looked upon his family as he came closer towards them, they looked so beautiful surrounded by the aluminous light radiating from the sun glowing their outline perfectly. His heart skipped a beat. There was his family waiting for him just as he knew they would be forever.

He wanted to stand there and look at them forever because he knew that the perfect moment would never come and they would never be like that standing on that little beach altogether watching the sunrise, they would never actually be as happy as the two of them looked.

He wanted it to be real. But he knew deep down that he had missed his chance, and even if a miracle did take place and Elizabeth and his daughter did actually manage to get away from Will he knew that she would never forgive him for what he did. He abandoned her, he broke his promise.

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry" he said quietly his eyes darting down to the child asleep in her mother's grasp. He smiled and reached down to touch her but something made him stop and take a short step back, those dark eyes….tiny dark eyes began to grow lighter and the dark curls began to soften and lighten. The young baby in his wife's arms seemed to look less and less like the way he pictured her to be, one name came to mind when he looked down into Elizabeth's arms. Turner.

He retreated quickly, and looked into Elizabeth's eyes but couldn't see her looking back at him,

"Lizzie?" he asked wearily taking a step closer after a few minutes of her not responding. He made to grab her hand but was horrified to discover that she could not feel his touch and his fingers went straight through her hand.

She looked straight through him, and toward the sea before braking out into a smile. He looked in the direction she was looking in and found Will walking towards them.

"You!" Jack shouted as he approached them, he swung his fist but found that he didn't touch Will in the slightest.

His heart broke when he saw Elizabeth run to him with a smile on her lips so big that he once thought she only gave him. She actually wanted the whelp.

"Lizzie no!" Jack shouted reaching out to grasp onto her but each time failing with a pierce of the heart. "Lizzie no!" he shouted again.

Suddenly he started to shake violently, shuddering and shouting into the sky blackness taking over, his chest painfully clenching , his wife and daughter's face fresh on his mind…he was shaking more and more….Jack!…….Jack!

"Jack!" Peg shouted with her hands placed firmly on his shoulders peering over the pirate bringing him out of his dream, "Jack love it's alright it's just a dream"

Jack opened his eyes quickly sitting up to find himself soaking from head to toe in sweat, his breath quick in his chest his heart pounding painfully in his ribcage.

"Now there love" Peg said wiping his forehead wit a wet rag "Gotta sweat this fever out of you before it gets out of hand, and you go back into the state Mr Norrington found you in. Now just stay calm pet." She said patting his head carefully, he looked around the room confused. He tried to lift his head from the pillow but his head was too heavy and he fell back.

"What's happening?" he asked trying to keep his eyes open but it seemed a hard enough task to carry on. What had happened? He had only fallen to sleep mere hours ago.

"There , there pet you just been sleeping that's all" Peg said then turned to the door and shouted in a louder voice "He's woken up!"

Loud thundering footsteps were heard within seconds and the door flew open

"Jack!" gasped Gibbs quickly moving to the end of the bed, soon followed by James who stood next to the first mate. He smiled down to him, "Good to have you back Captain" he said.

"Back?" asked Jack confused taking deep breaths and trying to sit up but failing " I only slept for an hour or two"

Gibbs shot James a concerned look then looked back to Peg who closed her eyes and shook her head, Gibbs cleared his throat and took a step closer towards Jack,

"Cap'n you've been sleeping for days" he said watching as Jack shook his head knowing that his Captain was in pain and it seemed he had trouble lifting his head from the pillow.

"What?" Jack asked confused "How?"

James took a step forwards, "It seems that the poison you took was stronger than we'd first hoped. You came up here and when you didn't emerge for a few hours the next day we got worried and found you here. Your body is stronger than we originally thought, doctor said that your fighting it off yourself" he said.

Jack took a few breaths trying to take in the news, then he looked around the room expecting someone else to be there but he couldn't see them.

"Where is she?" he asked "Where's Lizzie?"

Peg looked to James with tears in her eyes then back to Jack taking a long deep breath, she sat on the edge of the bed and looked down to him.

"She was here" she said "five days ago"………

--... Elizabeth thought he would have rescued her. But she was still trapped in her new home with her "loving husband". A proper good husband he was as well. Since her stolen dirty wedding night Will had thought it best that he take her every night and since she refused he would take her by force. She would fight back for the first few attempts then gave up towards the end of the night and give herself unwillingly to him. She hated herself for being so weak.

She hated Jack for not coming to rescue her, she hated God for making her life such a mess.

But after each forced counter of passion she would retire to her own room and convince herself that Jack was making a plan to rescue her in the most daftest yet passionate way she could think of. She prayed he would hurry up.

She sat in the library writing a letter to Peg, begging her to give her any news on Jack and if he has plans to come find her then bribed a young maid to do her an errand. She paid the young girl 4 gold pieces to deliver the letter by hand to her dear friend, and wait for a reply. The young girl agreed and ran off to secretly deliver her mistresses note, Elizabeth watched from the window at the young girls skill at sneaking off the grounds without being noticed by anyone.

It reminded her so much of herself a million years ago….

A few hours past with no sign of the young girl and Elizabeth had started to panic, pacing frantically in front of the window searching the streets in the distance for any sign of her.

When she was thrown out of her thoughts by Will's voice filling the room

"He's gone" he said his voice full of happiness , Elizabeth felt as if she had been shot. he had gone? Will sneered and carried on "rumour has it that the crew of the Black Pearl and it's Captain sailed in the early hours of this morning with enough barrels of rum to last them a good few months" he said sitting down on the chair opposite her looking into the fire "even by his standards" he added.

She fought back her tears, "you're lying" she chocked out.

"My dear I wish I was, I was preparing for a daring attempt at rescuing you at the very least but it seems your dearest Captain Sparrow doesn't want you after-all" he said "I mean who would after all?"

Her eyes shot to his and she stood tall her back straight her hand shaking at her sides as she strode towards him "Well I'm good enough for you to fuck!" she all but yelled in his face. In seconds he was on his feet and his hand striking her cheek. She fell back and hit her back in the table, she yelped in pain.

He rushed over to her "Oh Elizabeth I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" he said reaching out to help her up but she smacked his hands away from her as if they burnt her skin. She stared up into his eyes and helped herself up standing on shaky legs before him, her head down and her hands in front of her.

"I didn't mean to loose my temper Elizabeth I promise and I didn't mean to say what I said, it's just I'm having a slight difficulty adjusting to married life that's all." he said which made her fists curl so tight her nails sunk deep into her palms as he carried on "I mean you're not making the situation any easier are you?"

She took a breath, "I know" she said surprising him, knowing that he expected her to lash out she smiled at herself and tried to think like Jack, a plan trying to form in her head "I haven't made the situation any easier have I…and I'm sorry for that. Now let me make it up to you" she said seductively as she came closer towards him watching him clearly become aroused by her behaviour " sit and I shall make us a lovely dinner"

She began to move closer to the door but he moved with her reaching out to grab her waist but she moved back "Lets forget dinner , I have a more healthier appetite for something else" Will replied reaching out and ran his fingertips along of the front of her dress. This wasn't part of her plan. She needed to get out of there and get to Jack.

Will smiled and moved in for a kiss…….when there was a nock at the door which made her pull herself away from him immediately .

Will growled in annoyance and shouted " come in!"

The door opened and in came the young servant girl, Elizabeth froze in fear when they met eyes. It was silent before Will cleared his throat "well….?" he asked.

The young girl held out her hand and handed him a note, her eyes dropping to the floor and Elizabeth knew she would be found out.

"You've got to be joking!" he exclaimed

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked confused, Will looked back to her "I have to go into the shop, Master Wilkes has messed an order which could effect the business." he said

"Oh?" Elizabeth replied feigning concern, Will nodded and answered, "Yes I'll be back in an hour my darling and we will resume this conversation."

He took hold of her hand and kissed it before leaving the room.

He hadn't been gone for a minute when Elizabeth turned to the young girl, and was met with a note and a mischievous smile. "was that note a diversion?" she asked making the young girl smile "well I had to get him out of the room didn't I miss?" she replied.

Elizabeth smiled and took the letter unfolding it quickly

Miss Elizabeth

I hope you are well, Pet.

The Black Pearl has sailed without Jack, we thought it best not to arouse suspicion in the town. But Jack has fallen ill. It seems by Mr Norrington that he was not well enough to come back yet and it has effected the healing process. In other words Pet, Jack is ill and hasn't woken up since the wedding. If you can get away as soon as you can we are hoping that you could bring him out of his deep sleep….as it were.

Elizabeth looked back to the young girl with tears streaming down her face. No she couldn't loose him, not again.

"Where's Lucia?" she asked the girl

"Not back yet from her day with me ma'am, the master made sure the young miss would be taken care of for most of the night so he could have some time alone with his bride." The young girl replied as if it were carved in the back of her skull.

That bastard.

He knew that she would be running off to see Peg so he arranged for Lucia to be taken so she couldn't run with her daughter.

"You haven't got much time miss" The girl said handing her a coat. " I will make sure that he will be non the wiser if you're not back in time. But please hurry!"

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, until she got to the tavern.

She opened the doors and looked around for Peg, she was sat at a table with Mr Gibbs when she spotted her.

Peg jumped up and ran to her "Pet!" she exclaimed "upstairs quickly!"

Elizabeth ran to her and gripped onto her and allowed her to be pulled through the bar and up toward her old room. Her heartbeat pounding in her chest making it painful to catch her breath.

When they reached her old room her heart stopped when she opened the door.

Jack Sparrow, her only love was lying unconscious in what used to be her old bed his brow soaking with sweat and his cheeks clammy. She ran to him as her breath hitched.

"Jack!" she gasped as she took hold of his hand bringing it to her own cheek, "I knew you hadn't gone, I knew it!"

But there was no response, she clutched his hand tighter "Why didn't anyone tell me sooner?" she said her eyes never leaving Jack. "He could have died and I wouldn't have known. Like before…" she said.

Peg made a move to comfort Elizabeth when she was distracted by a sudden crash from downstairs. "Hang on right there poppet, I'll explain everything in a minute" she said before disappearing from the room.

Elizabeth looked back to her husband and lowered her cheek more into his hand letting her tears fall freely down her face, it wasn't the same as when he would touch her skin. She was so angry that this was happening to her again, and yet this time she would have to watch it for herself.

She sucked in a breath and cried into his palm, "Oh why Jack?" she whispered "Why don't the Gods favour us?" taking another breath she smiled "come on Jack, we're so close…How could I face the faceless days if I should loose you now?….Jack….my love, we're so close to reaching our happy ending don't you see? You've got to believe me this was not just pretend….I love you. Please wake up and rescue me. You're so close" She cried.

She looked into his sleeping face and saw that it was not as he used to sleep, he seemed so much in pain and seemed to be experiencing a nightmare. Wishing that she could hold him close to her chest as she did many nights on the Pearl when he had nightmares, just letting him know that she would be there to fight away all of his monsters both life and in dreams. He would always settle back down…..but she couldn't anymore and it hurt her so much….no matter how much she tired and how much they would try to forget things would never be the way it was for them. Everything had changed and if Jack lived though this she knew that no matter what she would love him, just as she did on that island all those years ago, and just as she did when he kissed her lips for the first time. But she didn't know what would happen to them…. And that was what scared her the most.

She sat forwards and kissed his lips lightly before she let go of his hand and stood up, she didn't have much time Will would be waiting for her and she couldn't risk him knowing of Jack's true whereabouts. She wiped her eyes and moved to the door taking one last glance at him smiling sadly across to her forbidden lover, her true husband, "We were so close" she thought opening the door and slowly closing it behind her making sure he was the last thing she saw before closing it completely, her heart heavy in her chest, "…. and yet so far".

A/n: so there we go for this week anyway……hope you liked it and anyone recognize the song I referred to in it? Massive giant cookies for the first one to tell me x x x x

You must be quick, I have made young Molly create a diversion but it will only be able to buy you an hour or so. Come quick Pet. He needs you.
