The story Line

Jack wakes up on the day of his death "The kiss of Death" he lives through the day, and at the end of the day, Elizabeth kisses him, and of course he dies, but as he wakes up in the locker, he has gone back a week, and he now has 7 days to free himself from his fate, however there is a twist, he cannot stop it by telling Elizabeth not to kill him, he has to make is come from Elizabeth through her own choice "From the Heart".

The Day of his Death

"He's right be have to head for land" Elizabeth said, whilst looking Jack in the eyes, thinking her plan through. Jack stared at her, looking at her beauty, her smartness in agreeing with his own clever idea of heading for land

"It's a lot of open water" Pintel stated and the Ragetti repeated.

"We'll have to try it. We can get away as it takes down the Pearl" Will said, eyeing up all the crew, finally laying his eyes upon Elizabeth who was fixated on Jack.

"Abandon ship. Abandon ship or abandon hope" Gibbs said with a lack of pride in his voice, and with that the crew started to gather some things and start to get into the longboat. Jack began to caress the mast of The Pearl, saying his last goodbye to his true love of his life.

"thank you Jack" Her soft voice startled Jack as he thought everyone had got into the long boat. He turned around and looked Elizabeth up and down, and the looked back at The Pearl whilst saying "Were not free yet love"

"You came back" she said, which made Jack look up at her and look into his eyes "I always knew you were a good man" he remember when she had told him he was a good man earlier in the week. His thoughts were stopped by soft yet forceful lips on his. Elizabeth was kissing him, he didn't know why, but he was enjoying it, until he heard the sound of metal clicking.

"It's after you, not the ship. It's not us. It's the only way, don't you see" she leaned in closer going to kiss him again, but stopped herself "I'm not sorry" she whispered as she locked eyes with Jack. They stood there just looking into each others eyes for a while until Jack said one word

"Pirate" this didn't hurt Elizabeth, she knew she was a pirate, but at that point she knew what she had done was wrong and couldn't face it, she couldn't even look in his eyes any more, and with that she ran off The Pearl, and into the long boat leaving Jack shackled to the mast, waiting for his death to come.

Jack was now alone on The Pearl trying to get out of the shackles.

"Bugger, bugger, bugger" he said as he tried to pull his hand out. He pulled his sword out of his belt and got hold of a oil lamp, smashed it against the same mast he was chained to and poured the oil over his hand. He began to pull again "Come on" he murmured to himself "ah" he breathed out as he released his hand from shackles, but it was too late, the Kraken was behind him, and so Jack decided to go with dignity and ran into the mouth of the Kraken, with his sword held up high.

Jack moved slightly as though he was in a deep sleep, and he was...he had gone back a week. Jack pulled a face and sat up, in his bed.

"Well this is new"