Tales from Roanapur
Welcome to Roanapur! Hope you survive!
"Welcome to Roanapur!" the attractive Indian woman beamed.
Roanapur is a coastal town in Thailand, and a hub of local commerce. Sadly most of that commerce is illegal, including drug running, smuggling, weapons and so on. In general if you want it, the town can get it for you.
Roanapur is controlled by several criminal organizations. While it officially has a mayor, police chief, etc etc if one of the criminal leaders asked 'Jump' they would go 'How high?'
There are a lot of factions fighting over control of the city, so I'll just cover the big ones:
Hotel Moscow: the local branch of the Russian Mob. Lead by Balalaika, a skilled former military leader. Tall, blonde, gorgeous even with her scars, and probably the most dangerous woman in the city. She brought her former unit with her, and it's commonly thought they could fight World War Three themselves.
The Triads: Often allied with Hotel Moscow, the Triads are also probably the second most powerful faction. Their leader is Mr Chang, who looks JUST like the star of a John Woo movie. And like such a character, he's an incredible shot with pistols in both hands.
The Ripoff Church: While not a 'faction' exactly, they're a major player. Lead by Sister Yolanda, a old coot that can fire a Desert Eagle pistol one handed, they are the biggest gun runners in town. If you need a weapon, they can get it. Sister Eda is the one you'll see in town most, a gorgeous blonde who hides dangerous secrets and, like Yolanda, can kill very easily.
Other factions: Bellow them is a constant swirling mess of gangs, some of whom become players, some of whom just fade away or die. The Columbian Cartel was largely destroyed by killer maids.
Not kidding. Killer maids.
The Italian guys.. oh wait, they like being called the Sicilian Mafia. Anyway, they were dumb enough to hire the Vampire Twin assassins, who proceeded to go out of control, killed random victims then turned on them too. It got hugely messy.
Anyway... that's the group you might run into. People? You want that too? A briefing on them is an extra ten bucks.
The folks you'll want to remember most are The Lagoon Company. They're pirates, basically, but they also serve as extraction specialists. If things go to hell for you in town, they can hopefully get you out alive.
Dutch: The leader of the group, and somewhat badass. Captain of a former patrol boat, he takes on the jobs, negotiates with clients and generally handles stuff.
Revy: Also known as 'Two Hands' she's the team's gunslinger. She fights with a gun in each hand and is probably the best in town, other than Mr Chang.
Benny: The computer and radar expert for the Lagoon Company. And can I say he's just the CUTEST!
Yes, I know him, Why?
Rock: Rockuro, actually, a really buttoned up former Japanese businessman. He was ordered to courier something for his bosses that ended up being illegal. He was kidnapped by the Lagoon Company, so his bosses decided to cut their losses and hire mercenaries to kill him. Dutch and Co saved his life, Rock figured out how to take out a attack helicopter with a patrol boat, and in the end Dutch hired him.
Ok, moving on...
The Yellow Flag is THE bar to hit in Roanapur. Well, if you're criminal scum, a merc or just really want a drink. Ran by Bao, it's theoretically neutral ground for the various factions. He'll also tell you the latest mews, if kind of sullenly.
You won't deal with mercenaries much, but there is the 'Idiot Trio.' That's what their called by most people anyway...
Lotten the Wizard: YES, he actually calls himself that. He's a fairly average gunfighter, but he has more common sense than most. He wears a bulletproof vest, unlike some.
Shen hua: She's a asian knife fighter, and is frighteningly deadly at closer range. She's not hugely good at English, but don't underestimate her intelligence.
Sawyer the Cleaner: A professional cleaner of crime scenes and human remains. She will also dispose of bodies... sometimes even living ones. She is a mute who speaks via a artificial voice box. She also is fond of Gothic Lolita clothing, and wears it on her off hours. As a mercenary, her primary weapon is a huge chainsaw.
Not kidding.
"ARGH! Enough!" the weirdly named guest yelped. Bleeding Blade looked frustrated.
"What?" her guide asked.
"I'm just here looking for Tanya and Visha!" she complained, then rushed off down the street.
"Good luck!" Janet 'Greenback Jane' Bhai waved. Jane frowned thoughtfully as she wondered, "Was she even armed?"
"Not my problem! I gotta go find Benny, let loverboy know I'm back in town," Jane decided cheerfully, heading off.
To be continued...
Notes: a short out of continuity thing, to hopefully say 'who's who and what's that' for anyone who wandered in here from the Tanya the Evil fandom.
I THINK there's enough info in chapter 3 to cover the Master of Martial Hearts crossover.