Ok, you all are going to have to forgive me for letting you down. I tried for a whole month to write the damned lemon and it didn't work. So I'm not going to post what I'm not proud of...so all you wonderful readers are going to have to use your imagination. If by some miracle my silly muse comes back to me, I'll fill in the missing chapter. In the meantime, I can't stand seeing an unfinished story. So here is the last chapter...if you don't remember what happened, skim through the story, I promise it will be funnier that way.
Kathryn Janeway stepped onto the Bridge with a very large smile on her face. She walked past Tuvok and towards her sanctuary with a, "I'll be in my Ready Room, Commander, you may keep the Bridge."
"Aye, Captain." He called after her.
Kathryn sat down with her big smile and a large cup of black coffee.
The all too familiar flash of blue light switched her mood like warp speed. Q was sitting with his legs crossed on her couch, with a cup of tea in his hand. The Captain sighed in exasperation, "What did I do to deserve this?" She said tiredly.
"Relax, Kathy. I just wanted to know how last night was." Q delivered the statement with his familiar twitch.
"None of your business, Q, that's how it went."
Q stood and smashed the cup on the floor, "I'm insulted! I would just like to see the fruits of my labor."
"What the hell are you talking about, Q? All you did was make trouble."
"Who do you think pushed you onto that Borg's lips in the mess hall?"
Kathryn looked at him, stunned. He continued, "And who do you think gave blondie the text that explained to her that she was hopelessly in love with you?
Kathryn took a slow breath, not wanted to believe a word.
Q cut through her defenses, "Don't deny it, Kathy. You and your high and mighty Starfleet ideals would have let her slip away." He flittered his fingers for effect.
"You're lying, Q" She did not like the idea that she wasn't in control of her own actions.
"Ah, but I am not! Though I confess, it was not my idea! It was your First Officer, Chuckles."
Kathryn regarded him skeptically, "Now I now you are lying, Q."
Q folded his arms, "I'm insulted. After all I've done for you and you still don't trust me. Find out for yourself then." He blinked out of existence.
Kathryn narrowed her eyes. "Janeway to Chakotay, please report to my ready room."
As the dark haired First Officer walked in, Janeway glared at him, "Did you have anything to do with this whole fiasco?"
Chakotay blushed.
"Chakotay! What the hell were you thinking! Fraternizing with Q! Plotting against the Captain! I could have you court marshaled!"
Chakotay grinned from ear to ear. "But it was worth it, right?"
Kathryn's voice caught in her throat as she had a flashback to the night before. She conceded quietly, "Yeah, it was worth it. But if Q asks, I'll deny everything." She paused and then asked, "How? How did you do it, Chakotay?"
Chakotay stood and smiled broadly, "I just wanted to see you happy. Also, the crew was convinced that we would end up together. I decided I needed to quell that rumor." He turned to walk out.
"But why Q? How did he end up in this?"
Chakotay glanced back and smiled, "Captain, I'm not as straight as Q would have you to believe…but then again, neither is Q."
Oh! Now that's a pairing! Forget QP, QC is the new thing!
What? Oh yeah, this was a K7 fic. .grins.
Now review, or I'll have Q set you up on a date with Neelix.