Ok, this is the sequel to Time Plot. You have to read that first so it would make sense. If you ask me what's going on, I'm just gonna say to read Time Plot. It'll make sense if you read that first. This is the Terminator 2 and Danny Phantom crossover. This is gonna be good I promise you. Review please!!

You see Amity Park. There's a war going on with robots and who knows what. You see a girl in a jet sled and a red robotic jumpsuit with her ecto gun. Riding behind her is a teenage boy with a weird orange jumpsuit with geeky glasses, green eyes, and black hair with an ecto gun..

"I still can't believe Danny has to go back in time," said Valerie.

"Indeed, but I updated one of the Terminators that Technous made," told Tucker as both landed inside Fenton Works, "Sam, how is it comin?"

"Good, I'm gonna have to go with Danny this time, that Terminator is more high tech then the previous one. At least I made a few ajustments," said Sam.

"Ok, let me contact him and Jazz," nodded Tucker as he got the Fenton Phones, "Danny, dude, are you there?"

"I'm here, from what I remember ten, I believe this one's gonna be really bad, I need Sam here," told Danny.

"I'm comin and with our new little friend Terminator 9.9," smiled Sam.

"Excellent, he's gonna need some clothes when he gets here you know," told Jazz.

"We know," annoyed Tucker and Sam.

"Good luck Sam," smiled Tucker as the two friends gave each other a hug and then Sam and the Terminator went back in time.

"Oh yeah, let's go back in time to when Danny was ten," said Valerie sarcastically.

You then hear Danny's voice, only at the age of ten.

"The Terminators are coming," whispered young Danny.