Dangerous Love Part 4: Shocking Discovery

Kitsune Gin: Ok, I can't take it anymore. The twist to this plot is causing a repeated pun that I don't get to share with anyone so that all I get to do is giggle to myself. I know, it is a small, almost insignificant thing, but it drives me up the wall a little bit. I also came up with a whole other way to work something very satisfying (well to me anyway) into the plot. So, now everyone gets to find out why specifically our two lovebirds are acting strange…

Disclaimer: Don't own any of them, unfortunately. If I did, does anyone honestly think, judging by some previous chapters, that I would allow certain characters to so stubbornly not be together?

Warning: This chapter contains large amounts of lemon content. If you don't wish to read this, skip down to the next sorry division.


Kagome heaved a heavy sigh. She hated not being able to do anything for her friends. It was all too much for her to think on by herself. She'd found Shippo shortly after leaving Sango in the arms of Miroku. Despite her motherly nature, she couldn't take care of the little fox like she normally would.

"Shippo," she'd said, "could you maybe go stay with Kaede for a while. I don't think Sango would mind if you took Kirara. We probably won't be leaving the village anytime soon."

Shippo had left somewhat halfheartedly. He'd thoroughly missed Kagome when she had been gone, as he always did.

Kagome had felt terrible, but she needed comfort of her own. It hurt her to see Sango like she was, and her mood had dropped significantly more as the sun descended in the sky bellow the horizon. As such, she needed the one who could be a comfort to her.

When she found Inuyasha near the stream a good distance from the village, Kagome took a short intake of breath. He'd removed his robe of the fire rat, and the shirt under it so that all he was wearing was his pants. Her whole body heated instantly as she blushed. Damn it. She thought. He looks so appealing right now...

"Kagome," said Inuyasha with his back still facing her. He'd heard and smelled her coming a few minutes ago "What are you doing out here?"

"I-I," she stuttered momentarily, "I needed you."

Inuyasha stiffened in shock. He felt Kagome's arm wrap around his midsection from behind in an inviting hug. He found himself liking the feeling, as his own body temperature rose to match that of Kagome's heated skin, but that wasn't his only reaction…

"Kagome," he said huskily, trying to mentally control his newly erected member before she realized, "w-what's wrong?"

"It hurts," said Kagome, "to think about them. I feel so horrible thinking about what they must be going through."

Inuyasha didn't need to ask. He knew what she meant.

"Why were you out here?" she asked.

"I," coughed Inuyasha still trying to control himself, "I wanted to get Sango's new scent off my clothes. It's pretty overpowering."

"Oh," whispered Kagome lightly in a way she had no idea seemed very sensuous to Inuyasha. Then she tightened her grip around him.

Despite his best attempts at control, a deep throated whine escaped Inuyasha's lips.

"What is…?" Kagome began as she worked her way around him to see his face and then became very aware of what had been wrong, or, in her opinion, not so wrong.

"Inuyasha," she said, shocked, as she watched him redden significantly, "I don't, I mean…"

"I know," he said, squirming a bit in her grasp in an attempt to break free, "I'm disgusting Kagome. I'm really sorry…"

Before he could continue his words, not to mention his oxygen supply, had been cut off. Kagome had kissed him, against all of her former better judgment.

"Inuyasha," she said when she'd backed off ever so slightly, barely able to believe herself, "I love you."

"Kagome," he nearly gasped, "I-I love you too."

He kissed her pulled her into him again. This time all of her, as their bodied melded together. Feeling the pressure of his hardened member against her core, Kagome gasped, and Inuyasha took full advantage of this to slip his tongue into her mouth.

Kagome quickly caught on, letting out a hungry murmur. She began to slide her own tongue in and out of his mouth. In and out, in and out…

Inuyasha's entire body quaked as he moaned with pleasure, nearly falling to the ground.

Kagome smiled against Inuyasha's mouth, and withdrew her tongue to the entrance of his cavern, flicking it teasingly along his teeth.

"Don't stop!" he begged into her mouth, barely audible.

"But you know," she said, parting her own mouth from his ever so slightly, noticing her now sweat soaked clothes, "this is really unfair. I'm far too clothed for your taste, I'm sure."

As she said this, she began to run her fingers all over the hardened muscles of his upper body, taking special care to enjoy his rock hard abs and pecs as he breathed more and more heavily, then lingering on his biceps and bringing her hands down his arms to his hands, entwining their fingers and lifting his hands to her chest.

"Go on," she whispered both teasingly and sensuously, "have your way with me."

Kagome then winked, and of all things, this brought Inuyasha far enough out of his state of shock to take control of his facilities. He brought both of their hands down to her waist, and pulled her up, wrapping both her legs around his own waist.

Kagome gasped as her heated core brushed up against his member that had still been pressed against her. Tilting her head back, she began to quite literally pant.

Invigorated by the heavenly sounds coming from her, Inuyasha caressed her newly exposed neck with kisses, occasionally licking and nipping at the skin. One of his hands glided up between her shoulder blades and the other came to rest under her rear.

Kagome bucked her entire body into him at the contact, riding her hips up his torso and burying his face in the valley between her breasts.

Inuyasha nearly fell over in ecstasy a second time. Letting out a horse grunt, he again began to caress the skin in front of him with kisses, still licking and nipping sporadically. He then rode his hands up her legs, starting at her knees and working his way up her thighs until they met between her crotch and he felt her soaked panties. She was so wet. He nearly released his seed right then and there just thinking about it, but that was for later, and he restrained himself.

Kagome moaned when she felt the light contact of Inuyasha's hands at her core. Wanting more, she began to slowly glide up and down against his torso, clenching and unclenching her thighs around his hands pushing them slightly in and out of her through her panties with each moment of applied and released pressure. They both began to pant loudly.

Inuyasha relished the movement of her breasts against his face for a few more moments before pulling her back down to his level.

"We need to move." he said huskily.

Kagome pouted. She wanted nothing more than to continue with their current occupation, and she let the set of her eyes convey that desire.

Inuyasha chuckled, "I'll to my best to keep you entertained for the time being."

As Inuyasha began to run even further away from the village, he supported her with one hand between her shoulder blades and worked the other underneath her panties and pushed one finger into her core. Kagome bucked against him again, but he held her in place, pushing and pulling his finger in and out of her folds and tapping her clit rhythmically with his claw. She was so tight. The thought of himself in her later that night nearly drove him over edge again. Kagome's breaths became more ragged, uneven, and gasping and she occasionally let out little whimpers of pleasure. Inuyasha worked a second finger into her folds, and then paused.

"Inu-Inuyasha," Kagome said with gasping labored breaths, "don't stop. Please, don't st-st-stop."

Inuyasha had arrived at their destination, but he wasn't finished with Kagome, and she was in no state to even realize they had stopped.

"Tell me what you want," he cooed into her ear teasingly. He wanted to hear it and he wouldn't continue until he did.

"Kee-keep pushing in… and out of me," she said through labored breaths, "and t-tap my cli-it until I cum."

"What?" he asked huskily, teasingly wiggling both fingers slightly, not knowing how long he would be able to deny her more.

"Make me cum!" she nearly screamed desperately.

Inuyasha stuck both fingers in deeper than he had before. Seconds later, he added a third.

Kagome really screamed, "Fuh-fuh- faster! Harder!"

Inuyasha began to pump in and out of her for all it was worth. He added a fourth finger and began to squeeze her clit between two of them upon each push into her folds. The first time, she gasped, the second, she took a sharp intake of breath, and the third, she screamed as she cum into his hand.

Inuyasha withdrew his hand and began to lick his fingers clean. Upon seeing this, Kagome began to heat again, and became more aware of what was around her quickly before she was overtaken with her drive again.

A quick glace around told her they were in a cave, and in the corner she saw a mound of fur covered bear rugs.

"W-where are we?" she asked breathlessly.

"A cave further away from the village," he provided, "I used to come here at night when you were in heat. The smell was intoxicating."

"Oh," she said in awe.

Inuyasha began to loosen the clamp her legs had formed around his waist. With only a little pressure, the grip was broken. However, when he placed her gently onto the ground he had to catch her again almost instantly. Her entire body was still quaking with ghostly tremors of her previous pleasure.

"I guess I'll have to take care of you now, won't I?" Inuyasha whispered with a suggestive air.

Kagome only had time to gulp and nod before Inuyasha picked her up, carried her bridal style to the rugs, and laid her down softly in the center.

"Kagome," he said, gliding his hands over the fabric soaked with sweat covering her breasts as he remembered her earlier suggestion, "I'm ready to rectify that clothes problem."

Heat rose throughout her entire body again, as did Inuyasha's when he felt the heat emanating from her.

Inuyasha drew himself halfway on top of her before saying, "Kagome, you are not to move. This is for you, understand?"

"Yes," she replied weakly.

With that he climbed fully on top of her and Kagome gasped, feeling his fully erect member again.

"Inuyasha," she said wide eyed, "you're still…?"

"Keh," he said, not without a gleam of pride, "Of course. How could I not be with the noises you were making?"

Kagome blushed crimson.

"Don't worry, you were amazing, and I haven't even had you yet." He said adoringly, "Now, about this shirt, I'm thinking it is a rather ridiculous and unnecessary garment. Wouldn't you say?"

"Y-yes," spluttered Kagome between constricted gulps of air.

With a quick smirk he brought his mouth to her color bone, kissing the skin above her first button on her blouse. He then raised his hands to unbutton the shirt one button at a time, pausing in between to adorn the newly exposed flesh with kisses until all the buttons were undone. He gently slipped both of her arms out, kissing them also, and then lifting her briefly to remove the sweat soaked shirt from her completely and then throw it away.

"Now," he said bemused and completely turned on at the same time, "this contraption keeping your breast bound… I'm being completely honest saying that it is completely ridiculous, and we don't much need it now, do we?"

"Not, not at all." She said with mounting anticipation.

Remembering that the odd garment had hooks in the back, he slid his hands under her from the side while kissing the top of her heaving breasts that were near busting out of their bindings to unhook the contraption, slide it off both her arms and throw it off to the side also.

"The skirt," she said anticipating his next area of concentration, "has a hook and zipper in the back."

He slid his hands under her waist and down to her backside, at which point she let out a light moan and gave a small buck of her hips which he quickly used his body weight to control and waited for her to calm again. When she had, he proceeded to find the hook and zipper, unfasten them, and slide the skirt down her legs using his teeth. Along the way, he hurriedly removed her shoes and shocks, giving each foot scattered kisses that made Kagome giggle.

Inuyasha raised himself to her level again. He kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth once again. This time however, he demanded dominance and began to alternate moving his tongue from side to side and in and out. Kagome moaned again, further stimulating the need in Inuyasha.

He trailed kisses down her jaw and neck until he reached the valley between her breasts. He then focused his attention on her right breast. While absentmindedly massaging the left in his hand, he circled kisses around her erect bud until he took it in his mouth, suckling and nipping at it. It became harder instantly. Kagome then gasped and bit her lip, moaning while she grasped the rug beneath her, her whole body quaking with aching pleasure.

"Inuyasha," she begged helplessly, "I need you in me now!"

He almost gave into her before he raised his head a fraction of an inch to tease, "Not quite…"

At this, he took her right breast in his hand and transferred his oral ministrations to her left.

Her insides screamed that she needed him inside her. Her whole body began to squirm in protest, bucking into him as best she could with the little room left to her while he remained on top. As he valiantly continued his former employment, he was aroused beyond reason by the repeated stroking of her knees against his member.

"Oh you'll pay for that," he groaned as he forcefully pulled down his pants, the only barrier between himself and his lover, leaving them tangled haphazardly around his ankles.

Kagome gaped at his bulging member, coming to the realization of how huge it was.

Her admiration was short-lived, as he quickly lowered himself to where she could no longer see, and placed his tip into the folds of her core, summoning his last threads of resistance to grunt huskily, "Baby, tell me what you want."

Kagome screamed in desperate need, "I need you inside me! Come into me fast and hard!"

A flicker of regret flashed across Inuyasha's face as he said to her, "I'm so sorry Kagome," he thrust into her, swallowing her scream with a forceful kiss and, as difficult as it was for him, remained still waiting for her permission to move again.

Kagome's eyes flew wide at the sense of pain that flew through her body and a single tear dropped down her cheek. As the pain began to ebb away, she arched her hips upward into him experimentally and tiny waves of pleasure teased her body. She nodded to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha pulled out, raising his mouth from hers, teased her entrance with his tip, and thrust back into her again and again.

"Harder!" Kagome yelled whimpering, "Faster! Inuyasha please!"

Inuyasha complied, pulling her legs up around his waist to allow himself deeper thrusts. He repeatedly hit the spot that sent her into tremors of pleasure and displayed fireworks behind her eyes.

"Inuyasha! I'm going to, oh! I'm going to cum!"

"So," he grunted, and then screamed, "am I!"

"Inu-Inu," she began and then screamed his name as she climaxed, "INUYASHA!"

"Ka-KAGOME!" yelled Inuyasha as he followed, releasing his seed, giving a last few thrusts to heighten her pleasure for a few more moments, and then go limp and rest, careful not to put to much of his own weight on her.

He the rolled over with her, still inside of her, so that she could rest on top. He liked it like this. He wanted to stay connected to her the entire night.

"Goodnight my love," he whispered into her hair as he grabbed a nearby bear rug and covered them both.

"Goodnight, I luvoo," she said, mumbling the last two words as they both drifted of to sleep, exhausted.


Kagome woke up first in the morning, quickly registering her position and then feeling a still throbbing ache between her legs. She nearly swooned at the thought of the last night. As her mind cleared, she registered her folds tightly clenching around an enormous mass. She smiled to herself as she remembered the position they'd fallen asleep in, guaranteeing a pleasurable start to the morning.

She smiled, then purposefully moaned into his ear as she raise her hips off of him slightly, pulling him out of her and stimulating his member to full attention once again, sending tremors of pleasure down her own aching spine.

Inuyasha's eyes snapped open, taking in the sensation and smiling as he saw Kagome smiling seductively over him. He gave her a crooked smile and thrust his own hips up at her playfully, signaling for her to continue.

She began to move up and down slowly as she woke both of them fully to their senses. Then, she moved slightly faster as her needs increased.

Inuyasha gave a moan and whispered huskily as his needs became more urgent also, "Oh gods, Kagome, you're so tight. Push me into you harder, and faster!"

"What?" she said teasingly, imitating him from last night.

He smirked and yelled as best he could, "Come harder and faster Kagome! I need you to come down on me hard!"

"If you say so," she replied, not having the willpower at this hour to deny him as she quickened her pace and adjusted the rhythm to bring him into her more roughly.

"Inuyasha, I have to cum!" she groaned, "I can't hold this time."

"It's ok," he managed to choke out, "I can't hold out either."

"Oh, OOOH!" Kagome moaned and Inuyasha emptied his seed into her once again, growling in pleasure as they climaxed together.

Kagome sapped her last reserves of energy to pull herself off of Inuyasha, sliding him out of her, mush to his displeasure. He knew as well as she did though, that if she tightened around him again, they would be stuck there for a while. Both were exhausted beyond any former memory. Kagome just managed to curl up into him, her back grazing his abdominal muscles and pecs, and pull his arm around her waist as he playfully nipped her ear and then nuzzled into her neck in utter exhaustion, both still covered by the bear rug that had never been removed from over them.

Kagome's thoughts began to wander as she began to drift again, but a sudden thought gave her a bolt of energy which caused her to sit up throwing the rug to the side and wincing momentarily as she was still quite sore.

"We have to go!" she half yelled.

"What?" asked Inuyasha confused as he raised himself onto his elbow, "Why?"

"Inuyasha, they'll come looking for us!" she screamed, searching frantically for her clothes, and then saying more softly, "and Sango and Miroku can't find us like this. It would be too cruel."

Inuyasha cursed inwardly. Kagome had a point. "Here," he said, throwing her the last missing garment and hurriedly dressing himself, cursing himself as he remembered that he had left both of his shirts at the stream, "we need to pass the stream on our way back, but we should be able to manage it before anyone gets to suspicious."


Okay. Thought Kagome. We got back alright. I don't think anybody noticed. Now, I just need to read… She reached blindly in her bag for the first book that she managed to get a hold of. It was her lit book. Ok, this will work, now, I can read the first legend, "The Beginning of Man" and I can not think about Inuyasha, or last night, or how sore I really am…

She began to read:

In the beginning, there was Buda, and through great kindness, he created earth and the first man and woman, Garu and Shikata, who were lovers. However, by a horrible twist of fate, the woman, Shikata, died before their love could be consummated. The ever kind and merciful Buda looked down on them with pity and raised Shikata, making both of the first humans lesser gods to himself. Following the first consummation of their love, Shikata gave birth to the human race. Her first birthing was so massive that Buda realized just one more would over populate the earth he had worked so hard to create. So, he created a cycle with the mating of Garu and Shikata that upon further consummation of their love their former birthing would all die, to make room for the next. Their many children discovered this and used the spiritual powers passed down to them from their parents to expel them from their bodies in the form of two masses of golden light they could keep and worship in a shrine they created to honor them. However, after many scares in which Garu and Shikata possessed those of less than godly spiritual power, the monks who claimed responsibility over the shrine became aware that they were no longer able to dispel the spirits from their host bodies upon another possession and decided it best to abandon the shrine and erase it from the memory of the populace.

Whoa. Kagome thought.

Those possessed by the spirits were those who were passionately in love. When possessed, they developed an unnaturally intense hunger for each other and a desire to satisfy the other as well. If the hosts would not satisfy the hunger, the spirits of Garu and Shikata were said to reach out to the nearest couple in love and satisfy themselves through them.

In recent years, a shrine believed by many to be the shrine spoken of in legend has been discovered on the largest island of Japan. A picture of the ancient shrine can be seen below.

"Shit!" Kagome gasped.

Below the caption was a picture of the golden shrine they had visited to get the jewel shard from the snake demon.


Kitsune: Ok, so this was my first ever full on and completed lemon… heh, I might have gotten a little carried away. Anyways, the secret is out, and I'm so happy that it is. If you go check out the other chapters again you can probably catch the pun I referred to at the beginning of this chapter. R & R please!