Disclaimer: I own noting but the OC I am placing in here.

It was the Sunday night before school started and Richard Grayson was new to Jump City having just left Gotham and his mentor behind. Even though he'd only been in the place five minutes everyone seemed to know him and he'd already made two friends in the form of tech-mad Victor Stone and vegetarian Garfield Logan. "So Rich where we going tonight?" Said vegetarian asked bouncing with excitement. He rarely got invited anywhere let alone by someone as cool as Richard Grayson. "Calm down Gar, its just some club."
"Which one?" The muscle bound Victor asked.

"Pandemonium." The other boy announced quietly as they reached the door. They looked an unlikely trio; the physically fit Richard in his red tee, black combats and boots, the large, strong Victor in black muscle shirt, black jeans, and boots and the small, blonde Garfield in his dark green shirt, dark jeans and trainers. The boys got in without much trouble, being the ward of a multi-millionaire gets you anywhere Richard had muttered as they got past the guard.

Before long they were sat at a small table with their drinks watching the many girls who were wandering around. The club was dark, a fact that Richard was glad about; if he was recognised all the girls in the club would be at their table. Garfield couldn't understand why he'd hide; if it had been him he would have been shouting it from the rooftops. A small group of girls had caught the rich boy's attention. Four girls sat in the corner; three were deep in conversation whilst one was huddled in the corner watching the world go by. Nearest to them was a petite blonde wearing a grey shirt and a jean skirt with grey trainers she was talking animatedly with a red-head who wore a purple cropped-top and miniskirt with knee-high boots and a bored looking midnight blue haired girl who wore navy tee, grey jeans and black boots. The fourth girl interested Richard with her short black hair and completely deep purple attire. "Whoa dude that's Raven. If you'd like to stay alive I'd back off." Gar had seen his interest. Rich ignored him savouring the name in his head. Raven.

"Yeah man Gar asked her out last month and ended up making friends with a window." Richard raised an eyebrow; surely that quiet girl couldn't cause that much damage. He decided to walk over. Instantly four sets of eyes locked on him. They were making him nervous, him Richard Grayson. "Richard Right?" It was the blonde. He nodded. "Terra, Kori, Helcyr and Raven." The girls nodded in turn as their names were spoken.
"Helcyr?" He asked as his eyebrows rose. Terra and Kori winced as hardened until they resembled steel. Helcyr and Raven stood slowly grinning evilly. Raven spoke. "Leave my sisters name out of this." Her eyes shone with something Richard didn't like. Helcyrs smile grew wider as her sister sat back down.

"It's nothing personal." She smiled as he sighed in relief. "But…" she added winking at the other three girls. "It's Richard Grayson!" Four voices echoed around the club as the boy in question cursed and made for his table. But the damage was done and a large crowd of screaming girls followed him. "See you at school." The sisters called over winking at the three boys before going back to their conversation.

So review.