Disclaimer: "I do not own dragon ball GT or any of its characters."
Authors note: I may make some changes to certain personalities. But please bear
With me. I beat you can't guess who the first villain is from the first chapter alone.
Darkness. Deep black darkness. It was impossible to tell what way was up or down. A flash of light illuminated the blackness for a second. But then it died. This process was repeated several times more before a portal flared into being! It was pure white in the centre yet its edges danced and writhed between light and dark as if it fought a battle to survive. Out of the portal stepped a man. He was tall with white hair that fell down to his feet. And a short grey beard. His eyes were pale green and his muscled body looked like it had taken a few beatings too far. The skin was shining with sweat and it looked taut. He was very pale standing out of the background of nothingness. He descended slowly. Until he reached a level that seemed to satisfy him though it was nothing more than a new height. Almost instantly a new portal appeared in front of him with the same appearance of the first. What stepped through was hard to describe. It has humanoid but six arms four of which could rival the mans for strength while the other two were thin and stick like. The creature had no legs but a snake like tail covered in red scales. Two great bats like wings hung from its back. They were two big to be real. Indeed the whole creature was impossible but that didn't stop it. Its head was strangest of all. Like a man's with close set eyes. That were fully white and fangs that stuck out from its mouth and dripped a dark green substance. Its hair was a sickly shade of gold and it fell around the creature's neck. It opened its mouth and hissed "do we have a deal?" If the man was surprised by the creature's appearance he didn't show it. "Let's run over this one more time shall we? In exchange for bringing me back to life and granting enough power to kill anyone you get… What do you get?" The creature replied "You're soul and the souls of anyone you kill." The man grinned and said "Well what are you waiting for? Staying here drains my power as you know so let's do this!" " Not so fassst." Hissed the thing. "Do you agree here, were you ca not lie that you're soul belongs to me as well as the souls of the people that you kill? Can you fulfil this vow?" " I can. And yes I do agree." " Then I now empower you." From out of thin air a sword materialised. It was a work of art. With a silver blade that caught what little light there was in disturbing ways. Its hilt was gold with a blood red ruby set just under the curved blade. The figure held it as if not used to swords and said "What's the point of this? I can snap swords between my fingers." " Not this sword." Said the Demon. (For that is what it was." " This sword is powerful beyond you're wildest dreams. It is unbreakable. It can slice through anything and it holds an unlimited amount of Ki. Also it can kill any creature flesh or spirit." Next the Demon created a suit of armour. It looked like old style Saiyen armour yet it was black as the night. The man had trouble seeing it. There was a rune carved in the centre. "This." Said the creature. "Will protect you from all harm. Any attack that hits it will fail and this." A third item appeared. It was an amulet. A Rune set in silver hung on a chain of the same. "Is the power rune. Keep it with you at all times for without this you're gifts are useless. Do not seek to copy it for this requires a special skill. And now you are ready to leave."
The man had put on the Demons gifts and said "I feel different... More powerful unstoppable even… So when do I return?" The creature waved its hand and a third portal appeared. It looked like its brothers. The man walked through the portal He said nothing as it swallowed him. From fierce head to white furred tail.
The Demon waited a while longer. It was old. Very old. A Grin formed on its evil face as it thought of the powers that it would soon have.
Meanwhile else were. There was nothing but a crumbling ruin left! He couldn't believe it! After all that work and hope! Even the others were no match. Trunks looked around at the desolate ruins of what had once been the most powerful city on the planet! Tears came to his eyes as he remembered the fight just a few hours ago, when he had lost everything. There were still bodies lying on the ground. Some wore normal cloths but a few others wore the blue Gi that adorned Trunks himself. He had changed much in recent years. He wore his hair short and his eyes. They had changed. Now they were deep and dark and at the moment hopeless. But that monster wouldn't get away with it. Trunks would make sure of that. Clutching at the sword that had been a present from his friend, Silva, Trunks got to his feet. He leap into the air and flew as fast as he could towards Capsule Corp. The wind tugged at his torn cloths as he sped towards his goal. More broken cities flashed beneath him as Trunks went faster. There were only a few cities left now. He knew but it was hard not to think that he was the sole survivor on the planet. But that monster would pay. He would!