As usual in NCIS headquarters, Tony was doing his best to wind Kate up and make McGee's life unbearable, as a probie's life should be. Thing's were pretty quiet in work today, so much so that Gibbs had even gone out to lunch. He hardly ever went out for lunch. When he arrived back, Tony was leaning over Kate's desk, trying desperately to read what she was texting. She had her back to him and was unaware of his snooping. That was, of course, until Tony receives a slap on the back of the head from Gibbs, who happened to pass by at the time.

"Sorry, Boss" he says, jumping up from Kate's desk and returning briskly to his own. As Tony is rubbing his head, Kate swings around on her chair and lets a shout at Tony.

"What are you doing? Is a little privacy too much to ask?" she glares at him.

Tony just flashes his biggest, toothiest smile. McGee sits back in his chair and smirks at the theatrics but says nothing.

"What are you smiling at, Probie?" Tony fires at him.

"Nothing," McGee answers and puts his eyes back to his keyboard.

Gibbs just rolls his eyes to heaven and takes a large swig from his coffee.

"You finished that report yet, DiNozzo?" he barks.

"Yes, Boss. Well, almost, Boss," he stammers.

Just then Gibbs phone rings. He answers it immediately and listens intently then puts the phone down.

"Listen up," Gibbs shouts. "We've got a murdered sailor."

"I'll grab the gear, Boss," Tony announces, standing up from his desk.

"DiNozzo, sit back down. You and McGee are on background and last known movements of Petty Officer Nina Oliviera. Kate, grab your gear, you're with me. We're going sailing," he announces as he strides past her desk.

She scrambles to grab her badge and gun from her desk drawer and trots after Gibbs. She still manages a sly little smile, just to irk Tony.

"Ha, hah," Tony laughs. "Hope she knows what Gibbs idea of sailing is," he says to McGee.

"I'm just glad it's not me," McGee admits. It was no secret that his sea-legs weren't up to scratch. Tony smiled remembering his first experience on a ship in Norfolk. Poor Probie was green in the face, and the ship in question was docked.

Kate and Gibbs grab the sedan and make their way to the airport, for the short hop flight to Norfolk Naval Base. There they have arranged to meet a SH-2 Seasprite helicopter to take them to the murder scene.

"I take it we're not exactly sailing then," Kate says to Gibbs.

"Well, you won't be seeing any sails but you'll be on a hell of a ship, navy frigate to be exact. The U.S.S. Simpson," Gibbs informs her.

"Great. Need I ask where the Simpson is right now?"

" About 300 miles that direction. She left yesterday on her way to the Mediterranean," Gibbs tells her, pointing east. Kate faked a smile. She wasn't a huge fan of large ships. She had a tendency to get lost on them. Well, she thought, at least it wasn't a carrier.

As they arrive at the waiting helicopter, they are approached by the pilot.

"Special Agent Gibbs?" he enquires.

"That's right, Lieutenant. And this is Special Agent Todd," he says in introduction.

"Mam. Sir, we should be ready for take off in less than 10 minutes. We just have to finish our checks and then you can climb aboard," the pilot explains.

After a few minutes, the two agents climb onto the Seasprite helicopter. The co-pilot hands them each a headset for communication. Kate and Gibbs are not the only one's hitching a ride with the Seasprite. There are another 6 naval servicemen seated in the rear. As KAte and Gibbs are adjusting to their surroundings, the noise builds around them as the rotors increase speed and prepare for take off.

The noise is tremendous as they take off. Kate sits back into her seat and holds on nervously. This wasn't exactly Airforce One. Gibbs didn't flinch at the noise or the bumpy ride. They were told that the flight would take about one hour and 15 minutes. On hearing this, Gibbs decides to get some shuteye. He folds his arms and leans to the side. Kate wonders how he can rest with the clatter and noise. She just looks out the window at the ocean glistening below them.

About 45 minutes into the flight, there's a flash in the cockpit and the entire lighting goes out in the helicopter. Kate elbows Gibbs who wakes with a start. Gibbs realises that there is no electrics and their headsets are not functioning. He leans forward and taps the pilot on the shoulder.

"What happened?" he shouts, in order to be heard above the noise.

"Not sure, Sir. We've lost electrics and communications," he tells him.

"Is that bad?" Gibbs asks, already knowing the answer.

"Well it's not good, Sir. We've lost navigation. Our radio's dead. Tell everyone to put on lifejackets," he tells him.

"Are we going down?" Gibbs asks.

"I hope not. But I'm fighting the controls already," he explains.

Gibbs turns around and shouts to the other passengers to put on the life vests. As he's doing this, there's a change in noise from above them. A grating sound comes from the rear of the helicopter and suddenly it starts to spin. The pilots struggle to maintain control.

"Prepare to jump," the pilot shouts to the passengers.

Gibbs stands up and directs the occupants of the first row to the now open side door. As they get closer to the door he orders them to jump.

"Arms across your chest and tuck in your chin. Feet together. Go!" he shouts as he pushes four young men, one after the other, out the door.

"Your next, Kate," he shouts. Kate looks down and hesitates but Gibbs shoves her in the back and she jumps screaming into the water. Gibbs sees a life raft stowed close to the door. He grabs it and throws it out. He's calling for the remaining two passengers to come forward when the helicopter banks sharply to one side. The sudden movement throws Gibbs off balance and he falls uncontrolably from the helicopter. He hits his head on the side of the door, before falling awkwardly into the sea below. Luckily, he was thrown clear of the helicopter, as he is the last person to get off the stricken vehicle before it crashes into the sea.

Kate is only regaining her breath in the freezing water, when she looks up and sees the helicopter bank to one side. She is horrified to see Gibbs fall from the sky like a rag doll. Her initial thought is could he survive a fall like that. Then the Seasprite hits the water and debris is scattered dangerously around them. She is luck not to be hit by broken rotor blades slicing through the water. She looks back to where Gibbs hit the water, but can't see him. She swims frantically in his direction, stopping only to call his name and have a look around. She sees one of the other survivors a hundred metres or so away from her. He's waving at her.

"Hey, over here," he shouts.

Kate swims for all she's worth. The sailor is holding on to the chin of an unconscious figure. As she gets closer, Kate realises its Gibbs. There's blood flowing from a wound on his temple.

"Is he alive?" Kate asks.

"He's still breathing," the sailor replies, pulling Gibbs closer and listening to his breathing again. As they tread water, they look around to see where the other survivors were. In the distance, they see one survivor, attempting to inflate the life raft. They both realise that the raft is their best chance of survival and agree that they must try and get to it.

They kick and swim for all they're worth. They swim for what seems like ages and seem to be getting nowhere. They are exhausted, but they cannot give up. They have to get onto the raft. Eventually they get close enough for the sailor on the raft to see them and he throws them a line. He pulls on the line as they swim and their journey get a little easier. Very soon they are at the side of the raft. With one sailor pulling and the other pushing, they manage to get Gibbs listless body on board. Then they help Kate climb in. She collapses into a heap with exhaustion.

"Thanks," she says breathlessly to the two sailors. "I'm Kate. This is Special Agent Jethro Gibbs," she introduces herself.

"I'm Aaron. This is Jim," the sailor replies. "Is he OK?"

"He's unconscious. I can't tell if he's badly injured," Kate admits. "Are there any more survivors?"

"I can see Alvarez swimming towards us. Wolowski is over there. I don't see anyone else," Aaron tells her.