Beautiful Scars

YAY!!! My first story! Hope everybody like it!...

Disclaimer: I don't own Sasuke or Naruto…but I want TO!!!

Chapter 1

"Uchiha Sasuke"

Orochimaro's snake eyes glinted in the lamp light, as the youngest Uchiha bowed before his sensei. They were in a small room where a table sat in the middle with two chairs, one at the head of the table, and one at the end of it.


The young man lifted his head and looked up, his eyes black as night.

"Sasuke, how did your last mission go? Well, I trust."

Sasuke shrugged.

"It was simple, that family wasn't a challenge."

As Orochimaro smirked, he sat down in the head chair at the table.

"I know you believe these missions are useless. So now, let me give you, let's say, a more 'challenging' mission."

Sasuke sat down in chair across from Orochimaro, narrowed his eyes, and smirked.


"I want you to assassinate the Specter Ninja. This particular ninja has been a nuisance ever since it killed my men and my favorite snake…"

Sasuke knew immediately that it was the death of the snake that really mad Orochimaro furious. Inwardly, Sasuke chuckled.

'Of course, since he is almost half snake…'

Orochimaro eyes flashed in the dim light, "Kill the Ninja in one week, or do not return to me."

Sasuke nodded, "Hai."

Sasuke was just about to leave when Orochimaro said, "Sasuke, there are a few things that you should know about the Specter Ninja. It has incredible strength, its basically superhuman, and also he is as fast as your brother (Sasuke narrowed his eyes, hate seeping into his heart and mind) and can use an abundant amount of Chakra. Don't underestimate this ninja."


"Good. Leave and get ready. You leave in the morning."

Sasuke bowed once more, stood up and moved out of the room quickly.

After Sasuke left, Orochimaro smiled to himself.

"Well, now I wonder how Sasuke will react when he finds that the Specter Ninja is a Woman…"

"OWWWWW!! Shit Sakura-chan! That hurt!"

Naruto Uzumaki held his head as a black bruise started to form his cheek.

"Naruto, you baka!"

Naruto had recently taken Sakura to the famous Ramen shop in Konoha, so Naruto could "fill" his appetite and also to talk to Sakura about her recent mission that had ended badly. About a week ago, Sakura went on a special mission, but when she came back to Konoha 3 days later, she had a distant look in her eyes. She locked herself up in her room at her apartment until Naruto forced her to leave her house to "help" him with Ramen shopping. Sai was walking by the Ramen store as Sakura and Naruto went out of the doors with packages of Ramen.

"Hello, Ugly. How was shopping with dickless?"

Sakura smirked as Naruto froze and walked…no…marched up to Sai.

"Sai, teme …my name is NARUTO! Not dickless!"

"Whatever." Sai shrugged uncaringly.

"Sai, watch it or I'll make sure that you will NEVER have children…"

Sai raised an eyebrow.

Sakura shook her head, "Naruto, please don't fight with Sai."

"B-but Sakura, he just insulted you and me! He shouldn't get away with that!"

"Just leave him alone, Naruto."

Naruto sighed. "You lucky that Sakura is in depression, because if you did that a week ago, she would have helped me kick your ass!"

Sai looked at Naruto and then looked behind Naruto, where Sakura was turning red with anger.

Naruto turned to see Sakura turn red and raise a fist.

"W-wait s-sakura-chan! Don't!"

Before he could beg her to not hit him, he went flying down the street, packages flying in the air like missiles. He was just lucky that she didn't use chakra in her punch.

Sakura walked past Naruto, but as she past him, she dropped the packages ontop of his head.

"Chikusho, what did I say!?!" Naruto asked as he held his aching head.

Sai watched as Sakura walked away.

"Dickless…wasn't ugly 'attached' to that family…the ones that were assassinated…"

"Oh shit…Sakura-chan, wait!!"

But Sakura was already gone by the time that Naruto started to run for her.

At the stream…:

Sakura sat at the river bed, tears running down her face.



The sun was starting to set by the time that Sakura jumped down from the trees.

"…Huff…Huff…What…am I…too late…?"

The clearing in the Forest held the Mioke family home, black smoke traving up from the chimney made the house look like it was as peaceful as it normally did when Sakura came for a visit, but now…it was quite. There was no noise at all from birds or most importantly, from the children.

Sakura pulled out a kunai from her pouch and twirled it with her middle finger before grabbing it into a ready position incase of sudden attack or for defense. Sakura walked up to the door casually, not sensing any chakra around the home. Sakura came up to the door and put her ear next to it.


BANG!! The front door fell open as Sakura kicked it down. Inside the house, the furniture was scattered all around, the whole house was dark except for the moonlight that shined through the windows.

"Nemiko?" "Mrs. Mioke?"

Sakura tensed as she walked into the sitting room, but stopped as she came upon the sight of the family.


Blood was all over the walls, while the bodies were scattered around the room. The bodies were headless. Sakura looked for Nemiko's body. When she found it, her eyes were clouded with tears. Nemiko was laid in a corner, her head still on her body, but her eyes were open wide with terror, and was clutching the teddy bear that Sakura had given her for her 6th birthday. Tears fell steadily from Sakura's face as she inspected the hole in Nemiko's chest.

"A Katana…"

Sakura fell to the floor as she gathered the child's body to her.


Tear drops fell on the lifeless Nemiko.


…………………………………End Flashback……………………………………………

Me: Stupid Naruto…!! What the hell is WRONG WITH YOU!!...ahem…

Anyways…R and R Plez! Japanese Translations: Chikusho Damn it

Baka: Idiot

Teme : basterd…( I think…:D) no actually…it is…just messin with ya..hehe!