Summary: Basically, staplers can say a whole lot of things.
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans, but I DO own a stapler. And it's red. I also own An Optifix bottle.
"Robin, what is that contraption?" Starfire asked.
"Huh? Oh! That's a stapler, Star," he explained. They were the only ones at Titans Tower at the moment, and they were both bored out of their minds.
"Oh," she simply said, looking down at it.
"What's wrong, Star?" Robin asked, concerned by how quiet she was being.
"Will you tell me a story about staplers, Robin?" she asked hopefully.
"A story, about staplers,"
"Well, I, uh, I don't really know any stories about…..staplers," he said. She gave him the pleading look, the one that could get him to kill if she asked him to. He sighed, and then started to make stuff up.
"Well….let's see…there once was a stapler, named, uh….Pen. Yeah. Pen Stapler. Anyway, Pen Stapler had this pet wolf, um," he looked down at his desk, "Optifix. Yes, his pet wolf's name was…Optifix. Anyway, Pen Stapler was taking Optifix, or as everyone called him, Opps, to the store when he met the most beautiful girl he had ever seen-." Starfire cut him off.
"What did she look like?"
"Oh, well, she had red hair, and green eyes, and," he realized that he was describing Starfire, "And her skin was purple!" "Oh, yeah. Smooth. That really covered that one up." Robin thought to himself. "Anyway, he asked her what her name was, and she said Star-Copy Paper! Yes! Her name was Copy Paper!" "Nice going, Boy Blunder!"
"So, yeah. Pen asked Star-Copy Paper on a date, and she agreed. They went out to the greatest restaurant in town, and ordered hot dogs. Anyway, she put mustard, I mean ketchup! On her hot dog. Somebody named, um, Blue X came and started flirting with Copy Paper and Pen Stapler got mad. He punched Blue X, and sent him to jail. He met three other, er, people, named, um, standard, fax, and, um, orange. They formed a superhero team called The Teen Losers, and, they all lived happily ever after until…."
"Until what, Robin?"
"Until Pen Stapler found out he loved Copy Paper, and Copy Paper loved his dog-wolf-thing, and Pen was afraid she wouldn't love him back. So, he drove himself nearly insane searching for a villain named Edals, (A/N that's Slade backwards) and Copy Paper was very concerned. Unfortunately, Pen always lost his nerve when he was about to tell Copy Paper the truth. So he never told her. The End." Robin cursed himself silently for the stupidity of his story, while Starfire just looked confused.
"Well, I thank you for telling me this story," She stood up and was about to leave, but then looked back at him. "I am sure Copy Paper loves Pen Stapler back, and the only reason Pen Stapler loses his nerve is because he is afraid she does not love him. But do not worry, Robin, because as much as you doubt it, I do. And I will be waiting for the day when the story has a better ending."
With that, she walked back to her room, humming, leaving a very confused Robin sitting at his desk. "How did she know? And-wait! What did she just say?!"
Suddenly, Pen Stapler felt his nerves come back from where ever they had been hiding.
"Starfire! Wait!"
Well, I hope you all got your daily serving of pointless fluff. By the way, Optifix, or Opps, was supposed to be Silkie. And the Optifix on his desk is a CD cleaner.