I don't own naruto...
Chapter 1 A lovely fate.
Tenten was sitting in her kitchen. The paper infront of her was her worst enemy. The pregnancy test she took said positive. She was pregnant with Neji's child. She couldn't just kill it. That was wrong. So she did what she had to do, run. She will run away far away she'll find her family and keep her child. Tenten started to pack all the things she needed. Clothing money and other things. And she when to the Hokages office. She told the hokage to pull out her familys history. The Hokage did Tenten scaned the folder, only to find out that she was a princess, the princess of the land of enernal snow. She was shoked She told the hokage that she will leave to go to her family. The Hokage granted her permision to. Tenten told her to tell everyone that she when on an AAA-ranked mission and that she died and to hold a funeral. She promised to vist when ever she could she promaied to come. She Left the village at the dead of night as she jumped the gate she wispered a good bye and left to her family to become, Princess Tenten...princess of the Land of Eternal Snow.
There, Review tell me what you think...