Warning: Dark Chapter

Miley felt terrible, she hadn't eaten in days. She hadn't bothered much with Hannah Montana

anymore, and figured that she might as well quit. Because now, Oliver wasn't going to be there anymore. And that, she figured out, would be too hard. It would be too hard to go to school. Too hard to perform as Hannah. To hard to go on with her pathetic life. Suicide, the only answer.

Oliver tried to stay in heaven, with the other angels, but couldn't stay away from Miley.

Miley didn't really want to commit suicide, but it seemed like the only answer, she thought. But she wanted to stay strong for Olly. She knew he wanted her too. And she wouldn't. She wouldn't just let go. Not like he had did...just to save her life. To protect her...from what he had to face because of that. She felt so guilty for putting him through this. Miley kept thinking everything would be alright. Everything would turn out good. He would be okay...but she was wrong.

She felt a presence soon, a strong one, one of an angel. And turned around and felt two arms hug her. She couldn't see him very well. But good enough, and she placed her lips on his, and they kissed. They kissed. And as they kissed, Miley felt as if she was about to cry from happiness, tears flowed down her cheeks, spilling on the angel. Who she knew was, Oliver. She whispered in his ear, and he touched her hair, and ran his fingers through it, as she did the same. She looked deeply into his chestnut eyes and touched his cheek, and a warm feeling flooded her veins. He looked deeply into her sky blue eyes, and brush his lips on hers. Sensation filled his bones. And he gently pulled away as Miley hugged him tightly. She was speechless. Lost for words.

"I can't go back..." he whispered softly, words flowing from his mouth. Like the roaring rapids of a river. Soft and sweet, but gruff at the same time.

"But, why?" questioned Miley.

"Because...it was forbidden. I can't return. I have to stay on earth forever now. I will never be in true rest. But it's ok. Because now I'm with you."

Miley stared in wonder "Another sacrifice. For me?"

"Of course..." His voiced trailed off. And a glimmer of tear was in his eye.


"You're special. I can't be without you, Miley Stewart."

Miley's eyes watered again. Oliver was too sweet.

"I'm sorry, Miley I didn't want to make you cry..."

Miley just stared. He was crying. Tears were streaked down his cheeks.

Miley couldn't take it. She walked away.

Oliver looked to see if she was coming back, but she didn't. He had abandoned his power to be in heaven. To see Miley. And she walked away. Like that, after all he went through for her. He sat down. And let his shaggy brown hair hang in his face. Tears trickling as he stood up and walked out of the room.

Miley felt horrible...just horrible.

"I love you Miley. Goodbye" A voiced called, before it disappeared.

"I love you too, Olly." Another voice cried out, and as the two voices mixed, they created a tune. A beat. The music of love. The beat of two lovers. The beat was rough and jagged. Bumps filled the music. And it stopped. Another tune started. A scream. Another scream. And the sound of gunshot. The sound of blood pouring unto the floor. The sound of heartbeats. The sound of beeping. And the sound of crying. The sounds created the past, the past just a couple days ago, where a lover died. And the other lover left them in denial. Where everything went wrong.

Pounding down on the window sills, rain mixed with the beat. Miley listened. So did Oliver. They both listened. To the lullaby of eternal darkness. The beat slowed again. And stopped altogether. And as the final rain drop sounded, the sky turned a dark red. Lightning flashed as Miley ran around searching frantically for Oliver. Until she found him on the floor, dead, well he was already dead, but not even his ghost was there.

"No!" she called. Shaking him. "No!

"I'm afraid so Miley." called his voice. But he was no where to be seen. "I'm staying on earth forever, but you cannot see me. We cannot communicate. I'm sorry, Miley." his voice faded.

A loud crack of thunder erupted from the sky. A flash lit up the room. Miley was alone. Her family were gone out for dinner. She was too sad to come. A loud bang made her jump, outside she heard gasps andsaw her father and Jackson on the ground covered in blood. They were alive. But not too good, the ambulence sounded outside the window, and carried them away.

Miley screamed as the sky turned dark purple. The rain pounded again, harder and harder. The world was going wrong. The whole thing went wrong.

"Oliver!" Miley called

And a terrified scream was heard.

Oh my goodness. Kill me now! Lol! Sorry for the long update and sorry for the bad chap. Lol. Please if you need to critcise, don't come out and say, you suck!! If you really do want to, don't review. But I except criticism. It will turn out for the best. Please don't stop reading. And don't worry, Jackson and Robby Ray will live. Thats all for now (: