Disclaimer: I don't own The Outsiders or any of the songs.

Johnny had yet another bad day. He was sporting a black eye and a bruised lip. He was resting up at the Curtis house. Sodapop walked into the house, just getting off from work. He had a sad look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Johnny asked.

"It's just

I am sixteen going on seventeen
I know that I'm naive
Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
And willingly I believe

I am sixteen going on seventeen
Innocent as a rose
Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies
What do I know of those."

"Sorry I asked," Johnny whispered quietly. He got up quietly and walked into Pony's room. Pony was on the bed reading a book.

"Oh, isn't this amazing?
It's my fav'rite part because you'll see
Here's where she meets Prince Charming
But she won't discover that it's him 'til chapter three."

"Um, Pony?"

"Uh…when did you come in here?"

"Never." Johnny answered closing the door. As he did so, Darry walked into his house from work. He was, once again tired.

"Hey Dr, how was your day?" Soda asked.

"Oh the usual. But,

This year is gonna be incredible
This year is gonna be the one
All the planets are lining up for me
This year I'm gonna have fun
This year I'll paint my masterpiece
This year I'll be recognized
I can feel
I'll fall in love for real
This year, this year."

This was getting too weird for Johnny. He decided to go out to the porch. Two-bit was walking to the porch. There was a depressed look on Two-bit's face.

Johnny was debating if he should ask him what was wrong. He sighed. "What's wrong Two-bit?"

"I just can't believe
It was all a lie
No man in the moon
Just a big light in the sky
I hear Disneyland
Might lose Mickey Mouse
In some giant hostile corporate shake-up
Tell me it's a nightmare
Please wake me up."

Two-bit walked into the house and Steve walked out of the house. When was he in there?

"Did you hear about Soda?" Steve asked as Sandy walked onto the porch.

"What about him?"

"Dear Elle, He's a lucky guy.
I'm like gonna cry, I got tears comin out of my nose!
MAD PROPS! He's the campus catch,
You're a perfct match,
Cause you both got such great taste in clothes,
Of course he will propose!"

"My name's Sandy…" Sandy said with a confused look on her face.

"Whatever." Steve shrugged and walked back into the house. Sandy followed. Johnny didn't want to hear anymore singing.

As he was walking, he saw Dally.

"Hey Dal!"

"Now I know it's hard to be something that you don't think you are
but it's hard for me to even try to understand why you are beating your own heart
cause you gotta try, just try to be honest
and I will be honest all these things that I say
and I'll listen clear, whether brave or you're modest, I'm here
don't hold back, don't hesitate, don't disappear

And show me everything you've got
I know you're scared
But let your walls just drop
You gotta take that step, and your heart, just let it pour out."

"Dally what are you talking about?" Dally didn't answer he just kept walking the opposite way Johnny was. Was Johnny the only sane one in the world?

"Fight 'til the end
Cause your life will depend
On the strength that you have inside you

Ah you gotta be proud
starin' out in the cloud
When the odds in the game defy you

Try your best to win them all
and one day time will tell
when you're the one that's standing there
you'll reach the final bell!"

Apparently not.