AN: angst and ZaDr.


kiss or kill?

Decisions, decisions...

Why are you so broken? I have tried so hard to fix you but you push me away. Every time you are broken I must fix you but you always run off before I can. I don't mean to hurt you, I don't mean to be so rough but if I do not hurt you I fear what I will do instead. So many things run through my mind when I am close to you. Most of them are bestial and animalistic in more ways than wanting to rend you with my claws.

Everything goes hazy with you so close to me with our hands gripping each other's trying to throw the other off balance and dominate the other. Our power struggles send my mind reeling with the things that could happen if I were to pin you. What would I do? Kiss or kill?

I could never decide either way so I let my passion out another way. By breaking your bones. By tearing your flesh. I can only do physical harm because you do not feel affection for me. But I don't know for sure if I'd even want you to feel affection for me. What purpose would it serve? For us irkens happiness only comes from being recognized.

I suppose your affection would be a form of recognition but would is be enough? You are fragile, frail, breakable. Like a little china tea set. All I have to do is drop you from the right height and you shatter. Yet no matter how many times I drop you you always manage to glue yourself back together. How do you do it though? Never has any human been so fragile and still so death resistant.

How could I ever want this to change? When did our rivalry become something more intense to me? Do you feel the same way? Would you accept me if I decided to follow my passions? There are too many questions I can't answer that you can. Only you can. It rips my squeedily-spooch to see you this way. They tell me you are in a coma and cannot leave the hospital until you either wake up or die. That is unacceptable. I always wanted to fix you before and now I have my chance. I will take you back to my lab now.

"Dib?" No response. Did I not try hard enough? "Dib can you hear me? Please wake up.." Movement, I think I'm getting through. "Dib come on, you're tougher than that. Wake up!" I watch eyelids flutter and a weak voice rough and scratchy from disuse. "Zim?" I can't possibly tell him how my spooch soars now that he is awake. So I don't. His eyes are wide open now that my lips are upon his. I've made my decision.

No more breaking my beautiful china doll. "I'm sorry for everything and I don't expect you to forgive me.." I'm turning to leave but there is suddenly a hand on my shoulder and he spins me back around to face him. Where does he find so much strength after a month of being broken? A familiar sensation of lips against mine and I melt as he wraps his arms around my neck. I'm so confused and elated.

I've got to get him back to the hospital and act as though nothing happened. Any other way could give me away and I don't want to hurt him anymore. "Let's get you back to the hospital and tell the doctors about your amazing recovery.." he nods his assent and I walk into the night with him in my arms. Maybe we'll keep up the image of fighting in skool but we'll only be pretend enemies.