Legend of the Demon Lord

By priestess chazee

Disclaimer:I am not the owner of Ghost at School, along with it the characters mentioned in this stories.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Striking terror is one thing that I hope I could give you as we venture together in the unknown world of ghosts, spirits, poltergeists and others. In this story we joined our friends namely Momoko, Hajime, Leo, Keichiro and Satsuki in their adventure in the unknown owns more. I hope I made a good job in this story, and hear a good reviews from you. Thanks. So here is a short preview of the story.

Just a preview

In the end of my mother's funeral service. Keichiro, dad and I headed home. Everything is peaceful now since the last battle in the old school. Mom's ghost diary is now blank. I guess there is nothing wrong now. Momoko is in junior high. Leo, Hajime and myself is in the seventh grade. Keichiro is starting third grade as well in school. We still all hang out together after school. It is morning and I'm ready to face my day. –Satsuki.

Starting of a new school year, hope I can invite more students into my club about the paranormals. Even things are peaceful now there are a lot of intriguing legends still needs to be researched in here. Anyway there is only Satsuki, Hajime, Momoko and myself. Wait should I include Keichiro? He is still a kid. Anyway good luck for this school year guys. –Leo

Hmmm… checking out a lot of site huh Leo? Well you do that there is nothing more for me to do in here anyway. Wonder where Satsuki is anyway? Is she alright? Hey don't get me wrong I don't have a crush on her. I prefer Momoko anytime than Satsuki. Let's go guys! –Hajime

A wonderful day to start with, the others are waiting for me I am sure of it. I must be running late. I woke up late this morning having a hard time sleeping lately. Strange dreams has been appearing in the night, and it keeps me awake. Those are only dreams and nothing more. Can't wait to see them again. –Momoko

I miss Amanajaku, sis. At least he kept his promise that we would pick daffodils together. Right, a new year and I am ready to start. Sis is everything going to be okey this year? I hope so monster scares me. –Keichiro

Peaceful isn't it for these children until a series of unfortunate events happened releasing each key that hides a horrendous past. No book guide from their late mother to guide them in the battle against the spirit. Amanajaku's spirit is resting well. They now only have the experiences they have from their previous encounters along with Amanajaku back then. Now, they are only five of them against the unknown spirits creeping from the old school building and other sites in the city. Turning Japan into a living hell for the living and a festive occasion for the dead. Terrorizing with blood and gore throughout the land. Finding the key and the epicenter of this source is the only way to stop this spirit.

Leo as their guide on the spirits using his knowledge and resources gather from different sources, the cards that Momoko received from a filled with dark magic along with her gift as a natural psychic, the bravery of Hajime with the blood of the warrior, and the blood that flows between Satsuki and Keichiro with the items left behind by their mother, and their bond of friendship is the only hope for Japan to survive this terror. A fight for the survival of the human race lies on the shoulder on the five children. With the support of some spirit to put the spirits back to rest and let peace once more reign. Sacrifices shall be made. Blood must scatter.

As the spirits they have fought against once more rises from their rest. Taking souls after souls with them offered to be made to the demon master itself "Oda" or the so-called Demon Lord. Making death appearing materialized before them. Losing the people around them. They must move fast to stop this chaos before this darkness spread throughout the nation and take over the world.

End note:Hope you are interested in this story. As series of undead arises before them, their journey starts here, vanquishing and putting evil back to rest. Death chasing them one by one, and series of unfortunate events. So here I end, and let me hear your reviews if you are interested to read this. So I can resume with this story.