I looked down Naruto laying legs spread in front of me a pink tinted blush ran over his cheeks. He stayed still slightly curled into a ball with his legs out.

The sweaty display of his naked body in front of me was enough to make you want to rape him, rough and without restraint.

But I would use restraint; I refused to be like my brother and take without permission, to take what wasn't mine and wasn't wanted.

I shuttered at the thought.

"Sasuke," I looked down and Naruto was staring at me I had been more lost in my thoughts than I realized. "If you don't want to do this I understand and …" Naruto was sitting up now a look or concern crossed his face.

I gave a smirked smile pulling him close. He stopped talking and just hugged me back.

" I won't do this if your not ready, just last week you wouldn't have even so much as considered me a match for you, how can I expect you to do this with me."

Naruto bit his lip staring at the floor.

"Naruto, I love you." Now was my turn to stare at the floor. "I want to be with you not just for tonight – more like for a long time, a really long time, maybe forever even- I can wait for you, and if you're not ready I will wait for you."

"Sasuke" He snuggled his face into my collar bone.

"I love you too, but I'm just not ready for this yet."

Inwardly I sighed loudly at the words but outwardly I hugged him back.

We finished the night with a shared shower and cuddling while watching a pay-per-view movieHow to lose a Guy in Ten Days.

He fell asleep watching the movie.


When i woke up i could hear the shower running just past the slightly open doorway, i knew who was behind it though, Sasuke.

I closed my eyes, sasuke, he was sweet to me now, but his rough nature in the bathroom just a week ago, i just don't know what to think anymore ...

the water turned off, i could hear the shower curtain being moved away he was probably naked, i blushed at the thought, i mean why wouldn't he be if he was going to shower. i sighed what was i even thinking? Sakura liked him, my friend, hell everyone liked him, he was such a jerk sometimes about everything, but for some reason that's one of the things i'm beginning to find the hottest.

he came out shirtless towel drying his hair. "Atleast your awake now."

I looked away, Why did he have to be so dripping wet and shirtless right now? all i need is a hard-on before i go to school, fucking teme probably planned it this way just to tortue me all day.

" Naruto wake-up" he groaned " im not making up excuses for you to be late today im not your mom."

" I can be late if i want too." i pouted.

"If you get up I'll give you something ..."

I grinned refusing to turn over, till he told me more. "What is it?"

"Something good"

"How good?" i giggled to myself.

I could feel his warm breath on my ear, " Really good," he licked my lobe " And a promise it will taste amazing." i knew he was smirking now from the tone in his voice, had i already gotten to know him so well so soon?

"sit-up and open your mouth but keep your eyes closed and you'll get your suprise."

I did as i was told i felt his tounge make a trail over my mouth before probing it's way in for only a second suddenly it wasn't his tongue it was hot and ... I opened my eyes.

"bastard" i mummbled through the bagel.

"Eat its good for you, you haven't eaten enough lately anyway" he paused " don't think i wasn't watching you." he got up and head back to the bathroom to get ready, "now hurry up, i don't want to be late though its easier explaining walking to school together if no one else is there." he smiled " you have ten minutes."


I glanced up at him. Had he always been this cute?

He looked back at me. I blushed and looked away.

"Sasuke-kun, Naruto!" I turned around to see Sakura and Sphere.

"Morning ladies." Sasuke nodded.

"Hi Sakura-chan, Sphere chan."

Sphere only smiled. Now that i think about it i hadn't seen Sphere seince the day she told me she knew about sasuke and I. (flash)

" its not that its sasuke i mean i ... i don't know ..."

" ok a... how long has this been going on ?"

" a week or two maybe ... " he stared blankly at and object on the wall.

" so i guess thats also and I don't know." she tapped her fingers nervously. " do you love him?"

" no ... i mean ... i don't know yet ... i ... "

"naruto do you know anything about this, do you even know anything about him, do you know what you are getting yourself into?"

" i don't know and i don't care ... i like him and thats all that matters ... "

" do you know if he feels the same?"

" he says he likes me too." naruto shrugged.

" then why are you two so secretive about everything, are you ashamed of him?"

" no, he normally mets me like that and -"

" then he's ashamed of you."

" i didn't say that !"

" thats why i did."

(end flash)

She seemed so not herself that day. I tried to shake the thought away.

School started same as always I was half alseep listening to Kakashi-sensei talk about the start of kohona. The sleepier i got the more i closed my eyes and the more i closed my eyes the stronger i could smell sasuke on my clothes.

He smelled so good i wanted to spend forever in his scent to drink this in.

I felt an elbow in my back. "Naruto..." kiba whispered between clinched teeth.

Quickly opening my eyes i realized Kakashi was staring at me. "It hurts yoru grades the more you sleep in my class, you know that don't you?"

I nodded.

" Lucky for you the office wants to see you, you are excused."


When i reached the office Itachi was standing outside the door.

"Morning Naruto, your looking ... well." he smiled just like sasuke. i felt my heart jump. " I already signed you out let's go. He turned and started walking away what was i spossed to do go with him? he was a rapist after all i should just stay here.

Dispite arguing with myself i found my feet running to catch up with him, what the hell was i thinking?

sorry its been so long seince i posted ive been crazy busy ... with all my graduating crud ... anyways ill post the next chapter when i get the chance. thanks for your support and numerous reviews, i wirte for you guys so don't forget to tell me what you think.