((A/N: Yep, fun and gore. X3 lol, hope you guys like it.
-SHAMELESS ADVERTISING- Read my other story 'Untold'! Come on! Do it!))
Unfortunate Death
Dead. It was the best word to describe the corpse, sure mutilated or deformed would work as well, but didn't quite catch the essence of Shinigami's already have taken away the persons soul, leaving it an empty shell of what it was and might have been.
The short figure standing above it observed their fingers briefly, blood caked to the fingernails. It was enough to make someone sick, what with the stench of blood everywhere, the vital organs lying randomly across the empty room.
Hinata didn't believe in Shinigami's.
With how easily someone died, how could she? She'd scene so much death yet every single time she never once saw a cloaked figure take a soul to the other world, never once did it seem as if the soul left someone…
…they just die.
Simple as that, they die and it's over. She didn't believe in ghosts. After death was nothing, an endless abyss that used to terrify the young girl, the idea of nothingness had struck her long before murder and she knew there was no god.
She refused to believe in a Kami-sama, because if there was one it had to have been created at some point and someone higher up must have created the one that created Kami-sama and so on and so forth.
She didn't believe murder was wrong either, how could she? She was only five years of age and all she had been taught was murder.
'Assassin' was what the agency called her but she didn't know precisely what that meant. All she knew was to kill those she was told to.
It was simple, humans are easily killed, so easily killed that she had to wonder why everyone seemed so shocked and horrified whenever she finished an assignment. She'd used to think it would be hard, to get a knife past flesh…
…it was disturbingly easy. The knife would slide in like it belonged there.
She would have to leave soon, the bad men would come soon… last time the bad men came they thought she was a 'traumatized witness'… whatever that was… and she was forced to kill them all because they had seen the corpse before she left.
That was what she was told to do if anyone saw a corpse before she left, kill them brutally.
She found that the bad men always seemed to come shortly after a murder, always. It made her wonder who the bad men were and why they all wore the same clothes…
She had no finger prints, that was what the agency said but they never explained what it meant, they just told her it had something to do with the day they burned her fingers…
A small sigh escaped the little girl, and she looked around the room she was in. Today's 'victim' as taken in the safety of his bedroom. She had knocked on his door politely after hearing odd sounds inside, a few minutes later he came out and asked who she was, she replied with the answer she always gave them.
A soft, shy smile.
And then she stabbed him, he toppled to the ground in surprise and screamed in pain but she merely climbed on top of him and twisted the knife so there was a hole… she then proceeded to stick her hand into his stomach and rip out his innards, his screaming and pleas for help echoing across the room as the girl continued. He had tried to fight back, but when one of his arms came violently close to her she stabbed it a few times, she did it to the other arm and the legs for good measure. After that was finished she completed her organ involved task by ripping out his heart.
Her smile never left her face.
When she left the room she heard a creaking sound, blinking in confusion she turned to the sound.
A petrified boy stood in the hallway, his eyes were wide and a little blood was splattered on his face.
It was obvious he had seen the entire thing.
Simple, she thought, kill him as well and be done with it.
He wasn't much older than her so it should be easier than usual, she found that the younger they were, the easier the knife slid into their flesh.
She found that her knife wasn't in her hands though, a quick once over proved that the boy had retrieved it from the crime scene, clutched in his hand was the bloodied knife. Tears were threatening to spill but he was attempting to glare defiantly at her.
"W-why?!" his voice cracked and he looked about to sob.
Her thought pattern, which had mostly revolved around whether she should break his neck, or steal her knife back, broke and she pondered briefly why he looked so mortified. She just killed someone, nothing big, it happens all the time.
"Tell me why you killed Aniki!"
Should she answer? She'd never spoken to one of her kills, she hardly spoke to the people at the agency… in all truth no one really spent the time to teach her to speak, she only repeated what she was told and assumed meanings.
"I-I…" she cleared her throat; she was so unused to speaking… "…was t-told to."
The boy seemed momentarily startled and she rushed to him and grabbed the knife before pinning him to the floor.
Dark, shining eyes looked back at her, "Are you going to kill me too?"
She nodded and was about to bring her knife down to his throat to end his life quickly before she paused and contemplated doing the same murder as she had done on his 'aniki'.
"If you're going to kill me… tell me who you are."
Tears were spilling down the boys face, his voice was shaking but he was dead serious. He wanted to know who she was.
Who was she?
"You're… you're 'Spider', aren't you?"
She blinked, who was 'Spider'?
"Answer me damnit! You owe me that much!"
Owe him? How did she owe him anything?
"…what d-does 'damnit' m-mean?"
Completely unrelated, but she didn't know that. She was just curious; she'd heard the word a few times but never really asked about.
It was his turn to be confused, "You don't know?"
She shook her head and bit her lip; she was having trouble deciding… "How wo-would you like to d-die?"
Never in her life had she spoken so much in only a few minutes.
"Does it matter?" he sounded bitter, resentment was oozing off of him.
True… it didn't… why was she being so indecisive?
"Why are you upset?" her voice was innocent, honestly curious.
Once again he seemed flabbergasted, unable to comprehend her odd thought patterns.
The bad men's sirens rang in her ear and she knew she should finish it quickly, ignoring the questions she asked she raised the knife again. Unfortunately he pushed her away roughly; she slammed against a wall and heard the bad men knocking violently on the front door…
Something was wrong with her. She hadn't murdered the boy. Why? He should be dead by now.
"The cops are coming! You won't escape!"
'Cops'? That was what the bad men were called?
She shrugged and searched for where the knife had landed. It was a few feet away, the boy dived for it and held it threateningly at her, "You'll pay for murdering Aniki…"
Why was he treating murder like it was a bad thing?
A hand gripped her shoulder and she looked up, a shadowed figure stood above her…
The knocking on the door persisted and you could tell they were trying to knock it down… but why was the door still firm?
She looked back to the boy before her and found him shaking, a terrified look on his face, "A-Aniki…?"
She looked back to the tall figure that had his hand resting on her shoulder, indeed his appearance was similar to the man she murdered but it was different… it suddenly occurred to her that she couldn't really feel his hand… it was like a cold wind was touching her shoulder in the shape of a hand…
…odd… when someone dies… they die… this guy wasn't even bleeding…
A whisper the filled the room entirely spoke…
"Do you believe in haunted houses…?"
Outside, the cops continued to try to get into the house, not even the windows would budge when shot at. The place was impossible to get in.
Only minutes after they arrived though, screams echoed from the building…
…the screams didn't cease for hours, horrific and drained they could still hear the pain of what sounded like young voices.
((Ending Notes: Ack... the story is running away! The original plot fleeing for an author that pays better! Nooooo! X3 lol, oh well... I'm hoping to update soon, 'cause I wanna write the next chappy... and stuff... BUT!
Hardly anyones been telling me which fics they want me to update next! I have so many stories posted I don't know which ones to update! Come one guys! Have mercy and give me a clue, a sign, anything!
-Muse-chan existing and writing...))