
Heiderich had said he could borrow some clothes.

Al went through the drawers looking for something that would passably fit.

He found something odd. Al pulled out suspenders. He wondered why people here wore them, he had never done so, so he had no idea what purpose they served.

To his delight he found they were stretchy.

Heiderich watched in the doorway suppressing a laugh. Al could be so childish at times.

It was cute.

"So you find anything you like?"

Al hid them behind his back. "Uhhm! What about the gray shirt?"

"Sure. What's behind your back?" He already knew but it was fun to watch Al squirm.


"Really? Because I just saw you playing with my suspenders."

Al looked like a child caught doing something they shouldn't. He held them out.

"Do you want to wear them?"

"OK. What are they for?" Heiderich explained. Priding himself on keeping a straight face.

So Al wore suspenders for the first time, and looked perfectly naturel in them. Whenever Heiderich stopped him from playing with them.

A/N: You thought Suspended was going to be dirty didn't you?

See, everything always turns out in the end, unless it doesn't and you can pretend you're waiting for more chapters.