Prank Number 181 Records on Fire

Disclaimer: Do not own Snape, Granger, or Ginny Weasley.

A/N: This chapter was written by Stress overload. I just betaed it.

Idea: Have Snape throw Hermione's records in a fire, while Hermione watches all her hard years of work go up in flames!

Not knowing what to do next, Professor Snape, knowing that he soon would have to give up pranking the students, just left the great hall and headed to his room, rightfully giving up for the moment, on playing pranks on the students.

Days went by, and soon everyone including Hermione started to wonder, was Snape finally giving up. Was he losing his touch, but everyone really didn't know that Snape would soon come up with a plan and a great plan at that.

Walking down the hall one fine morning, Hermione headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast, but as she entered the hall, owls shortly soared in through the windows, to deliver the daily mail to the students, and teachers.

Not really expecting a letter, Hermione started to walk towards the Gryffindor table, but as she started to place food on her plate. Hermione noticed that she did receive a letter, but not just any letter the letter that she has been waiting for. For she had sent a letter of recommend to Oxford collage for these coming fall classes.

Too nervous to open the letter, she watched as Ginny Weasley slowly opened the letter up to read what the letter contained and to find out if what was inside was good or bad.

Dear Miss Granger,

We would like to inform you that out of the many who had tried very hard to get into the Oxford university. You are one of the final 10 and because you are one of the finalist, you should meet with us this 6th of May to discuss with you the possibilities of making the final three. The meeting will be held in London, England at the Guildhall Library.

Please let us know if you can make the meeting or not. Remember being at this meeting or not being at this meeting could make or break the next part of your life.

Hope to hear from you soon and take care.

Your Sincerely,

Sir Patrick Jr Smith

Knowing that May six was only 11 days, Hermione got straight up and left, but this act was not any different with anyone, for Hermione always left in a hurry to get ready for school and this was no different, right. Wrong, and soon everyone will find that out.

The bell rang shortly after Hermione had left and students and teachers slowly exit the hall for class, but one. Professor Snape had watched the whole thing of Hermione and the letter and just had to know what had made her leave so soon, not that he cared or anything.

Bending down to pick up the dropped letter, Snape began to read, but soon figuring out what to do with Hermione and her good for nothing pranks. He soon left with the biggest smile of a mad scientist.

Days went by, and nothing had changed, but that was what Snape wanted you to think, for he had turned into none other than Percy Weasley the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Snape used Polyjuice to turn into Percy Weasley. So what happened to Snape, that is for you to ask Professor McGonagall, and she isn't going to say a word, for she is all tied up at the moment.

Entering the Great Hall, on the morning of the 6th of May. Percy Weasley walked to the teacher's table and sat down like nothing was wrong. Things soon would change for the worst, for this was the day the plan was going to go into effect.

"So we are all here to get better to know each of you, but I have noticed that one of the students, asked here today, decide to not show up," stated Sir Tomas Garby of London, England leader of London schools.

Looking around all the other students were soon smiling for this would mean that one less person to worry about, meant that one more of the 9 finalist would make the cut. The meeting had gone on for another hour and the heads told the 9 finalist that they will make their final decision and call everyone on the 10th of May, for ether a yes or no if you didn't make the cut.

Leaving the Library, the students headed back to their schools, but one. The one who wasn't even at the meeting that day. That student's name was Hermione Jane Granger of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and she at the moment was terrified, for she just saw her hard years of work just go down the drain or should I say go up in flames.

"Hermione Granger how nice to see you again and you haven't changed one bit." Stated Percy Weasley in a normal tone voice. Professor Weasley had asked Hermione to stay after class for a talk. Hermione at the time didn't see anything wrong with that, but soon she would see the difference.

"Yes it been years since we have seen one another, but let us change the subject to more important things, like school", asked Hermione in a worry tone, soon noticing that she could keep her eyes off her teacher/formal friend, Hermione turned to the fireplace and how warm the heat was, even when outside the weather was warm itself.

Noticing where her eyes were, Percy asked in a caring tone of voice, "Is it too hot for you or would you like me to turn up the heat for you?"

Not knowing what was just asked of her, Hermione at first said nothing, but soon found her voice and stated that she felt that they were just friends. Sadden with the response, Percy, grabbed one paper from the head desk, and got up to walk to the fireplace, but stop just before he had felt the fire's heat reach his body.

"Are you sure of that? Are you sure that you want to say no when in fact right now you are to head the heads of the schools of London your school record for the past school years. It is your decision, me or you can say goodbye to your future."

Holding by just one hand, Percy had the record of grades just over the fire's flames and Hermione just sat and watched, hoping that this was just a dream.

"Hello, what is your decision here or do you want me to make it for you?" Percy had asked well just standing there in the same standing point.

Breaking out from deep thought, Hermione shouted the word, 'NO', before she got up and ran up to Percy in an attempt to get her hands on her grades, but as she got closer, Percy loosened the grip of his hand with the paper.

"Come any closer, and the paper is history", said Percy in a happy toned voice.

Not knowing what to do or say next Hermione stood still. Grades to her are as important as girl's and makeup, but if the only way was to make the conference was to go out with Percy. Even with her heart still set with Ron Weasley, his younger brother, she had to make the decision and make it fast or else the future of Hermione Granger was done and done for good.

Knowing that she had to make a fast decision, also knowing that Ron wasn't going to ask her for her hand in marriage anytime soon, and any Weasley not including the twins, was better than Ron. Hermione continued to walk up to Percy for she had decided to kiss him for expression of love.

Since he was as worried as she was about this, she walked faster up to him and when closing in on him, Hermione moved in for the kiss. When the two had finally had enough, they broke from the kiss and just looked in shocked in each other's eyes.

Not before long, Percy started to feel all weird inside, for the first time ever he has fallen in love and the potion that had kept Snape like this for a long time, was finally wearing off. Not able to stop himself from changing, for the bonds of love were stronger than any prank. Percy was soon Professor Snape in Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher clothing and Hermione was at this point in shock and confused.

"I love you," Said Snape in a worried sort of voice.

Hermione didn't take those kind words to heart, for she would never marry or even be seen with a Snape.

"Get away from me, you jerk," shouted Hermione as she ran out the door, but Snape just couldn't let her go and run off like that.

Both of them ran down hallways, in through, and out through the classrooms-

Both of them ran down hallways, in through, and out through the classrooms until just a wall blocked Hermione from Snape. Terrified on what would happen next, Hermione begins to go through her schoolbooks, to find an outlet of some kind.

"Do you ever not read?", asked Snape in an o my goodness sort of voice.

Hermione looked up for she didn't expect this response at a time like this.

"Did you not hear what I said, Do you ever not read or is school your life?" Asked Snape.

Knowing that he knew what her answer to the question was,

Hermione replied, "You know the answer."

Not believing what she had just said, Snape walked slowly towards her and sat down. "Yes I do."

Confused, but seeing no danger in sight, Hermione sat down next to her teacher. For a moment there was silence. The only thing you could see was two people thinking.

"So what do you want? How come you aren't going mad? Why are you so nice, when you are in fact mean?" Wanting to ask more questions to Snape, but couldn't come up with any more questions, Hermione sat in silences.

Laughing, what Snape said next was shocking to Hermione. "You don't know what it is like to be me. Yes I may be mean and born mean is easier than acting nice, but when you had parents like I had and parents like Draco has now, that stays with you for long time. You see that I was the black sheep of the family. The only who was a loner. The one that no one cared for, but that he continues the family life of darkness. Now my sister, Minerva McGonagall, is my older sister, had her life on the right path. The path where you can go far. The life of happiness and love. That is why she is kind. Now you as well as my sister, as well as Percy Weasley, cared or care for school and never understand that there is a world behind your life. Life is to be enjoyed, but also to be taken seriously. I myself has been following my parent's footsteps into darkness, but yet I know there is other life to have. You guys don't and that is what you need."

Snape wasn't able to finish for Hermione was mad at Snape saying that she is clueless as well as Percy.

"What in the world? I don't believe this. You're just trying to freak me out. Why would you want to help me? There has to be a catch. Something or someone you want."

Getting up Hermione started to walk away, but even before she got a foot away,

Snape again said, "I love you, will you marry me."

Shocked on what was just asked of her, Hermione turned around, and stared straight back at Snape with the eyes of fire.

"What did you just ask me?" Hermione inquired.

Not sure that his plan was going to work anymore, he said, "I want your hand in marriage, if you don't mind."

"Hand in marriage, hand in marriage, what a stupid thing to ask! Hand in marriage. What are you smoking?" Replied Hermione.

Surprised on the response, Snape stated that "If you don't live for today, why not at least live for the moment and have your special day, right here right now and with that,"

Snape, with help with his wand, turned the hallway into place for a wedding ceremony. Hermione was now wearing a white dress and he a black suit.

Starting to laugh, Hermione ask, "Is this one of your pranks, because you really out done yourself!"

"No, this is for really. If school is that important to you, than why not marriage as well. Because at the rate you're going right now, you won't make it to your 30's, before you die and that is the truth."

"So what do you want out of this? There has to be something, other than teaching me a lesson," stated Hermione.

"All I want is for the world to see that everyone has their own path to lead and that I want my sister and you to enjoy life and not to end up like my dear dead parents."

Speechless on what to say next Hermione, Hermione was only able to say "I am so sorry."

Snape then said, "Thank you for those kind words and had told her that her parents died at a young age, but she didn't have to. There is so much more to live for than school and work and that whatever you want to do, don't wait until the last min, because in the end you will regret it."

Promising that she would do everything to stop McGonagall from her ways of life and help her enjoy life, Hermione started to walk, but before she could get another one foot away, Snape's hand had grabbed her and held her there. You need to not worry as well, Snape said while smiling. Hermione smiled back, and for a moment there was the feeling of love in the air, that ended with a wet kiss on the lips.

As the class of '1999 walked through the hallways, towards the great hall. They all started to hear the excitement of their parents. This day wasn't only a nervous day, but also was a happy day as well, for in just 8 minutes their day of graduation would begin.

Walking up to the platform, Professor McGonagall, proudly stood there, ready to start the ceremony.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I am glad to be here and announce the soon to be grads of '1999 Now since this is a big class. Over 100 students graduating today, we will try our very best to not take too much of the young adults time of the special day. It is with great pleasure to call on the valedictorian, to say a few words."

Clapping Professor McGonagall waited there with her hand at the ready, for non-other than Hermione Granger herself to come up on the platform and shake hands. But sad to say no-one, not even scared of his own shadow, Neville Longbottom, walked up towards her and with the worried look now showing though her smile, everyone began to whisper to each other.

Worried, Professor McGonagall didn't know what to do but to make a run for it and crawl in a corner to read or grade papers in the library, but as she placed her hand into her book bag, there was a sudden spark of pain, the pain sent from her brother Snape's wand.

"Not so fast Minerva, or should I say, nice try sis," but before he could continue speaking, Questions were shouted out.

"Sis! Professor McGonagall and Snape are siblings," or the comment of "Weird," or even the question of "You guys are related, How?" But knowing that this was to happen, both Snape and Hermione (Standing next to his side) stayed very calm.

"First off, yes we are siblings, second off, we are blood related, from the same parents. Also she was born first when my parents were young. I was born late in their life. Third off, the reason we are so different is, because of how different we were treated when growing up. You see, McGonagall was the golden child and treated with love, while I on the other hand was the black sheep of the family and treated like an outcast." With silence,

Snape continued what need to be said. "Sis, for so long, you have worried so much about the little things in life, but what you need is too live a little. That is why with great pleasure, I give you "Found Love," by Miss Granger and myself.

With that, Snape walked over to the main doors and turned off the lights and then turned on the projector. It contained none other than pictures that Colin took that night when he had witnessed Snape and Hermione kissing and hugging each other.

Laughter started to fill the air and as much as Snape and Hermione learned that the past couple of nights. Is that if you can't enjoy life and accept the day as it comes, why bother living at all.

Shortly after the laughter had died down, Hermione and her now graduated class, were headed home with now new futures of understanding and excepting, but there was still one part of the story we haven't finished with that was "What ever happened with the two siblings?"

Well, as it turns out, after some help from her brother, McGonagall was now five days, stress free and doing fine. Snape was now seeing a whole different light to life. The light of love. Love for his family. The love of his sister and the love of Hermione Granger, his soon to be a married wife.

The end!

A/N: This is the end of

Ways to annoy, harass, confuse, or scare Snape.