A/N: Okay, first off, I'd like to dedicate this story to everyone out there that has been affected by the 'events' of this story. (I don't want to give it away, but you'll understand what I mean if you read it.) Particularly my Godfather/Uncle Jeff, Grandma Jane, and Aunt Becky, may they be in peace. To all of the survivors out there who made it through and to all of the families and friends of those who were not as fortunate.

Second, I'm sorry for what I did to Sara in this, but the story was in my head and needed to be written.

Third, all mistakes are mine and that of Microsoft Word which has been known to suck royally. If there's anything really troublesome that I missed please let me know. Also, all of my information might not be completely accurate, so just work with me on that one and be imaginative.

And finally, please read and review. I put a lot of thought into this story, so please let me know what you think of it. I always love your comments, good or bad. Be honest.

Disclaimer: Still just a single mother of two, writing fan fiction. But soon, I promise, I'll own CSI and GSR will be consummated with a live action kiss (at the very least they owe us that!)

That's it. My rant is done. Enjoy the story!


Chapter Sixteen: The Big Day

Two weeks later a party was in the making for which Sara conveniently suggested with Catherine, but Grissom didn't seem to notice. So on a bright Saturday in Vegas in Grissom and Sara's backyard, Catherine, Warrick, Nick, Greg and Brass set up elegantly decorated tables and chairs, laid out food tables, set up a small stage for a hired DJ and a make-shift dance floor. Catherine and Lindsey went nuts with decorations. Streamers and balloons covered the yard, from the trees to the fences. The tables seemed to have formed an isle in between them that led to a white archway covered in flowers.

Sara had pleaded with Grissom to take her out, that she wanted to buy a new outfit for the party. Claiming that with a fresh start she wanted a fresh look. He couldn't refuse her; he was enjoying her old vigor and playfulness, so he readily agreed. She ended up picking out a beautiful white sundress that accented her new curves perfectly. Grissom fell in love with it and with her all over again when she walked out of the dressing room. She told the clerk that she wanted to just wear it out, so they paid for it and left, hopefully having allowed the team back home enough time to get ready for them.

Once they got home, Grissom was in a state of awe. He had been expecting a small gathering of friends, but what he saw far exceeded that. Just about everyone from the lab was there, from all the shifts, including Ecklie. The mayor and sheriff were there, along with a vast majority of the LVPD police force. Looking around he quickly set his eyes on ones that were mirror images of his own. His mother.

Banner's were hung on the fences saying 'Congratulations Sara & Grissom' and 'Our Very Own Survivor, Sara Sidle. Congratulations. We Love You.' Only Catherine and Jane Grissom knew the truth of the day, although some people were curious, they didn't say anything. Everyone had been requested to arrive at 11:00 that morning and it was now about 12:30. After Grissom's initial shock to the large crowd, he mingled with everyone, talking with his mother in ASL and thanking everyone for coming. Right at 12:30 however, the front door bell rung and everyone looked around curiously. Everyone that was anyone was already there and no one could think of who it could be, least of all Grissom. Trying to control her smile, Sara simply shrugged innocently and kissed his cheek before heading into the house to greet their 'guest.'

Catherine and Jane exchanged knowing glances and smiles, something Grissom did pick up on, but before he could question them, Sara returned to the back yard. Stepping out of the large French doors and onto the patio, everyone watched her expectantly, unsure of what was happening. With a wide, bright smile as everyone looked on, Sara stepped to the side to reveal their guest. An older man, in his sixties, dressed in black with a white collar and holding a bible. Most people were confused whereas Grissom was in shock. He turned to his mother and Catherine who tried to act innocent before returning his attention back to Sara. That's when he saw it. He hadn't paid much attention to the yard, but it caught his eyes. A large, four tier cake with white frosting and edible pink flowers scattered all over. Focus his gaze back to Sara as she walked towards him, he watched her dumbfounded. With a loving smile, she shrugged and said,

"I'm a survivor, so as promised I brought the priest."

-The End-