Gabriella woke up feeling awful. Her nose was stuffed up and her head was pounding. She HAD to go to school though.
She drug herself out of bed and got dressed then went downstairs to get some breakfast hoping that would make her feel better. When she got downstairs her mom was up. "Gabi, honey, you look awful, go bad to bed sweetheart, you can miss one day of school"
"mommmm" she whined "no, I cant miss school… Troy will worry about me all day, Taylor will forget to write down my homework because shes making goo-goo eyes at Chad, and I just cant!"
" Gabi, bed, now… wouldnet you rather miss a day now then a week when this gets worse"
Gabriella sighed, he mother was right. "fine" she walked back upstairs and crawled into her bed. She reached over and grabbed her cell phone and texted her amazing boyfriend of a year 'Troy, im sick, mom wont let me go to skool… sorry, can you get my homework? Love Gabi'
Troy had just gotten out of the shower and put his clothes on when his Cell phone alerted him of a new text. He walked over and read the text Gabriella had sent him and instantly got worried. For her to stay home it had to be bad so he texted her back with 'no worries babe, your only HW is to get better soon, you can catch up on Monday hun, love you troy' he finished getting ready for school and checked his phone again before walking out to his car. He had one new message from Gabi. ' baby! Please get my hw… I don't want to be behind on Monday! Love you Gabs' he sighed and sent her a reply 'fine gabs I'll get it and bring it by sometime this weekend… I love you, feel better fast! troy' He got in his car and drove to school.
Gabi got his message and was kind of disappointed with the 'sometime this weekend'. She was hoping he would come by today after school, but she understood why he couldn't. He had a game then the after-parties. He was the captain; he couldn't miss the after-parties…
She sighed and snuggled into the bed and fell asleep.
A/N: hey guys,
I have the next chapter in my head; just want to see how you like this
So leave reviews, and If you like it I'll post another one soon