Wow, it's been awhile. I'm three years older from when I started this story, and I'm a much better writer now. I'm looking back at this story and saw there were sooo many grammar errors and it's bugging the heck out of me. Anyway, contrary to popular belief, no I am not dead. Haha, When I took a break on this story, it was because yet again, my computer got wiped out. I lost all my files from the chapters I wrote for this story, again. I was so frustrated, I took a break for awhile. Beginning of this year, I wanted to start writing again. However, I got a new email between that time, and I forgotten the password to my old email and to this account. So, I started a new account. The pen name for that account is Katalini, and it will be the account I will continue this story on. This will be the last chapter posted from THIS ACCOUNT. The other day, my friend called and said she found this paper with our fanfiction accounts with all our information. I remember when we first created our accounts, we each kept a paper with each other's information, just in case we forgot our passwords. I lost mine, she had hers. The first thing I told her was to get on my account and change my pen name, yet again lol.

Anyway, I will not quit on the story, and I will finish it! I don't know how long that will take, but we'll see. Since I've somewhat lost track from where I was having this story heading to, it might be awhile until I start making frequent updates. First I will rewrite the chapters, (No major plot changes) Just so I can fix errors and make it seem a bit better within the first two chapters, and make them a bit easier to read. This chapter, however, is just going to be a flashback of how Chris got to meet with Riza. After I have all the chapters rewritten and everything caught up, then I will start continuing the story where I left off on it.

I'm so sorry for the wait, and I really regret quitting writing for awhile. Anyway, take a visit on my new account, Katalini, I've already started a story on there, and is why I've decided to move this to that account.

I was originally just going to make this an author's note to let everyone know about all of this, but I learned that they made a rule against that haha. So, finally in two years, I have a new chapter. (For some reason I suspect most of my readers have forgotten this story)

Chapter 6. Reflections

My name is Chris. Chris Hale.

I'm just your average, nine year-old boy. I have parents, and a roof over my head. I lived an average life, just as any other boy or girl my age. My daily life was routine in every perfect way. Every morning before I left for school, Mom made sure I had food in my stomach. We had food by the plenty, and she made the best pancakes on earth. As I would leave to walk to school, my parents both gave me their "I love you" and "Have a Nice Day" farewell. In school, I got along with all the kids in my class. My teachers adored me, and I had perfect grades. I participated in every sport and school activity. I appeared to be the perfect student. I'd come home everyday to be greeted happily and lovingly by Mom and Dad. We would eat dinner together, then we would relax in the family room. Occasionally, they would even gladly help with my school work. When it came time, they tucked me into bed and wished me "Sweet Dreams." I'd sleep, wake up, and repeat.

And the thing is, I'd only wish this was all true.

It was the life I'd always dreamed of, but it was out of my reach.

This was my real life:

My name is Chris Hale.

I'm not your average, nine year-old boy. I had parents, but hardly anything to call a roof over my head. My mom passed anyway when I was little, and since then, my house has turned to shambles. I lived a terrible life, unlike other boys and girls my age. My daily life was routine, but no one would wish this life to be theirs. Every morning when leaving for school, I usually left with empty stomach. My dad and I scraped by with food. My mom did make the best pancakes, but it's been too long since I had a bite out of one. As I would leave my house, I could hear my father in my his drunken stupor. In school, I only got along with a few kids. Most of the others shunned me. Most of my teachers didn't really care for me, and my grades weren't the best. I hardly ever participated in anything. I appeared to be an invisible student to most of the school.

Relunctantly, I'd come home everyday. If I was lucky, I'd be able to sneak past my dad and hide in my room until the next day. Some days, however, I wasn't lucky.

I was abused and beaten.

My dad was a drunk. He had gotten out of control since my mom passed away.

I thought I'd be stuck like this forever. I thought... There was no escape.

Until the day I met Riza Hawkeye.

The only thing on my mind that day was to get out of my house. When I tried leaving for school, my father had a knife. He was drunk again. I made a run for the door, but not without my dad trying to stop me. Miraculously, I managed to escape. However, I escaped with a deep wound in my shoulder. When I took my first step outside the house, I just kept running as far as I could, hoping it would get me away. I never thought it would get me to someone like Riza.

Now, I have hope. She was kind enough to take me under her wing, to help we when I needed it. For that, I was grateful.

More grateful then I ever have been...

"Chris? Hello? Are you zoning out? Hello?"

I quickly shook my head, leaving my thoughts behind me. We were still in Blue Moon, and we were still planning OGRAW. The group was chatting amongst themselves. Riza just left, about to ask Roy whatever she was going to ask. Breda and Fallman were making various bets. Ed was having a fit about his height, I can only guess someone made another comment about it. Al was trying to calm Ed down. Kain was poking the back of Jean's drunken head, making sure he was alive. All looked well and perfectly normal.

I looked over to the right, finding the source of the questions, only to see Maes Hughes. "You were zoning out for awhile, you okay?" He asked.

I smiled sheepishly and shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah, I'm fine! Just thinking about stuff is all."

Maes smiled and ruffled my hair. I still hate it when people do that. "Well, you're going to have a lot to be thinking about soon!" He said cheerfully, "You know what I'm talking about, right?"

"Umm.." I thought to myself, tracing through my head to find the answer. I quickly remembered what it was, how could I forget?

My face lit up with excitement as I spoke, "You mean getting Roy and Riza together, right? So I can have a real family again?" This is what I wanted so desperately.

Maes blinked a couple times. Everything was silent for a few seconds. Did I say the wrong thing? That was the answer he was looking for, right?

Suddenly, Maes had a huge grin from ear to ear.

Oh dear, I think I opened a Pandora's box.

"Noooo," he said, shaking his head. Out of nowhere, images of Elysia flashed in front of my face. I was ambushed by photographs! "IT'S ELYSIA'S BIRTHDAY SOON!" Maes yelled throughout the bar. This attracted weird looks from surrounding customers.

He continued waving Elysia's pictures in the air, "My little girl! It's her birthday soon!" He quickly stopped and had a serious look on his face, he pointed right at me saying, "You better be thinking of what you're getting her!" He spun around and faced the table, everyone stopped what they were doing and raised a brow at Maes. Except for Jean, of course, he was still out cold.

"That goes for all of you!" He said, flailing his finger toward the group.

I sighed to myself. If only I had met this group sooner.

Sooo I know that this chapter wasn't much, and it only explains Chris' background. However, when I get to the next chapter, everything will be back on track! First, please visit my new fanfiction account, Katalini. .net/u/2219226/Katalini

I'm going to have the full explanation on my Author Info, so future readers who stumble upon this story from this account will know it's been moved due to complicated, confusing, and odd reasons. I apologize for any inconvience! I'm sorry you guys :O Hopefully when I rewrite everything all will be well once again!