
This story is in the process of being rewritten on another account!

This story is being moved to a different account and is being continued on there! Please Look at my Author Info and it will give a full explanation on there.

Thank you!

A/N: Hiya! this is my first fanfic by the way(so don't expect it to be absolutely amazing). And just to let you know this takes place after the series(but i'm not gonna put anything from the movie)..and uhmm…Maes is here! and Roy doesn't have an eyepatch! Hehe…hmm forgive me i'm weird ... & I know I don't have accurate ages, but that's just the way it is. Anyways on with the fanfic!

Disclaimer: The day I own FMA is the day Ed becomes taller than Roy(and even if that happens i still do not own FMA)

Chapter one: The Unexpected

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye's House

"Ugh.." First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye sighed as she slowly got out of bed. It was 5:30 AM and it was time to get ready for another day of work...She yawned the went through her daily, morning routine: She took a shower, got dressed, ate a quick breakfast, and fed Black Hayate. Everything would've went well except the hot water ran out, her uniform still needed to be put in the dryer, she burned her hand while cooking on the stove, and accidentally spilt Hayate's food all over the floor. So the answer is yes, there was alot of swearing that morning and she's having a bad day.

But in spite of all that, she eventually got ready for work(even though she'll probably run late). Before she walked out her door Hayate trotted up to her with the leash dangling from his mouth.

"Hmm..Alright Hayate, I'll bring you along today. Just don't cause any trouble" Riza said referring the the warehouse 13 quickly bent down and attached Hayate's leash to his collar.

"Some day this might turn out to be." She thought to herself as she continued pacing down the sidewalk towards Central HQ.
As she continued down the street with Hayate... A young boy, probably no older than 9, ran around the corner of the sidewalk and bumped right into Riza, knocking himself toward the ground. This startled Riza for a moment, not even noticing him at first. She examined boy, who had shaggy dark brown hair, auburn eyes, and was wearing a slightly ripped dark red shirt and khaki shorts going down to his knees. She watched him as he got himself off the ground,had his hand gripping his shoulder, and then looked up at her. He had a frightened look on his face, "P-please help me.." the boy stuttered as he took away his hand from his left shoulder, and pulled up his sleeve to reveal a deep cut in his left shoulder.

Riza's eyes became wide and took the boy's hand "Come with me" Riza quickly said as she, the boy, and Hayate ran towards Central. "I'll get some doctors at HQ to look at this boy" she thought as she glanced down at the boy and her soft side kicked in, "I'm Riza, what's your name?" Riza asked the boy, smiling somewhat

The boy sniffled, "My name's Chris...Chris Hale" he responded quietly but loud enough for Riza to hear. But before Riza could respond he continued,

"I'm 8 years old. My mother died when I was only 4 ..S-so my father had to care for me, but w-whenever he comes home now it's always late at night, he's drunk, and he always smells like beer. I never liked father, he would always treat me badly" Chris paused for a few seconds, "And when he came home this morning he was drunk and mad...He had a knife and well...That's how I got that cut." he said.

Riza of course was angry at his father for doing such a horrible thing and tried to comfort Chris, "It's okay..You're safe now." Riza, Chris, and Hayate continued walking.

Meanwhile...A few blocks down from where Riza was...

"DAMN IT MAES WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Roy yelled as his best friend drove him and Roy to work.

"Sorry Roy, if I knew I'd leave late for work this morning I wouldn't have offered to pick you up" Maes replied but then flashed a big grin. "But on the bright side I got these new pictures of Elysia! Isn't she the most adorable thing you've ever seen Roy? She's turning 7 this weekend!" And he flashed out a picture of Elysia watering flowers in their front yard with a little pink watering can. But still keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him

"Yes I know Maes.." Roy sighed at his family-obsessed friend. "You mentioned that 49 times in the past two days" Roy grumbled

"Really? You actually counted how many times?" Maes thought out loud. "But still! What are you planning to buy for her birthday? Maybe a dollhouse, a pretty dress, a teddy-" Maes continued on and on while Roy had learned to tune out the rest.

Roy looked blankly out the window as he saw two figures in the distance. He thought they looked familiar as they drove closer. Then he realized who the woman was. "Maes! Pull over it's Hawkeye!" Roy pointed out on the sidewalk. Maes quickly came back to reality, nodded and pulled over.

Riza noticed the car that pulled over beside her. She quickly noticed the two men in the front.

"Sir? What are you doing here?" she asked while Chris just stared up at the two.

"Just get in the car we're on our way to HQ" Roy said as Riza opened up the back and she, Chris, and Hayate all got in. Then Maes continued driving when that all-too-familiar grin of his appeared on his face.

"Hey Riza! That's one handsome boy you got there!..How can you keep him in the dark from us!..." Maes babbled on, "So tell me Riza, who's the father?" Maes asked cheerfully.

Riza sighed, "Hughes, he's not my child." she simply put. "Let me explain..." Then Riza explained about Chris, how he got his cut, ect. During all this, Chris was petting Black Hayate. "So there" Riza concluded. By the time she was done explaining they already arrived at HQ and were walking through the front doors. Roy and Maes were in front of the group. Chris was nervous about his new surroundings so he gripped onto Riza's hand. Riza of course didn't mind. Black Hayate was obidiently following behind his master.

They were on their way to Roy's office when Roy asked "So what now Riza?"

"Sir, I'm planning on having the doctors here look at his wound. But after that I don't know..." Riza sighed and looked down at Chris 'I wish I could adopt him or something..But there's alot of reasons I can't...' she thought as she, Roy, Chris, Maes, and Hayate entered Roy's office.

"Morning General" his subordinates Falman and Fuery said in unison.

"Hey Chief" Havoc said as he lighted his cigarette. Havoc looked up to notice a kid was them "So..Who's the kid...Hawkeye...Is there something you didn't mention to us?" Havoc joked as a grin appeared on his face, but was waiting for safety on Riza's gun to click off.

But instead, Riza just sighed and said "No Havoc..He's not my kid" Then Riza quickly summerized the story to make things go along quicker.

"Ahh...I see" Fuery, Havoc, and Falman said. While all Breda could say was "H-hawkeye? Why'd you bring your mutt?" he stuttered while pointing at Hayate.

Riza ignored Breda's question while Roy went over to the phone and dialed the infirmary.

"This is General Roy Mustang...Well we've got a kid here and-...Could you take a look?...Alright" and Roy hung up the phone.
"They said they'll take a look and try to help as much as they can, Maes can you take Chris down there?" Roy asked

"Sure! I'd be glad too! C'mon Chris, it'll be alright...You can see Riza later" Maes said trying to be as nice to the kid as possible

"Okay!" Chris said as he smiled, which was like the first time he smiled so far. "Bye Ms. Riza!" Chris called out as he and Maes exited the room.

Riza smiled at his comment, you couldn't exactly tell she was smiling. But it was there.

A/N: Wow... Well hmmm...The second chapter's gonna be alot better(which will be up like really really really soon because the only reason I didn't continue this chapter was because I didn't want the first chapter to be long) ... haha and thanks Jack for kinda sorta helping me!(even though you dont have a fanfic account on here..which you should) Jack never stops to amaze me! Mwuahahaha!...I need to work on my evil laugh...

Anywho...Reviews are very much appreciated! If you review I shall give you all cookies! hehe