A/N: Yes, it is short. But I wanted to get the first half of the chapter out earlier and the second half wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be. But here you are. I present, Chapter Six (Part II) of Lilies & Baby's Breath. And I, of course, still do not own Harry Potter or the canon world.





Chapter 6 (Part II)

"I… I'm…" Hermione took a deep breath. Bracing herself for the worst, she decided to just bite the bullet. "I screwed up, and I know it. So does Harry. Ron, I'm pregnant."

The silence that followed was terrifying. Nobody dared move, Hermione hardly dared to breathe. The only sounds were heavy breathing and the patter of Kreacher's feet as he moved about the kitchen. Hermione had locked gazes with Ron, trying to silently tell him how sorry she was, trying to let him know how much she regretted this mistake. She didn't move when his eyes drifted towards Harry, instead she watched him stare at his best friend. After a couple of moments, realization appeared to have hit him. His jaw opened and closed several times, before he finally managed to splutter out, "You?"

Hermione watched Harry sit, unnaturally still, before an apologetic look crossed his handsome features and he nodded twice.

That was when the shit really hit the fan. Ron jumped out of his chair, looking thoroughly disgusted with his two friends. "WHAT!?" he cried, his face turning a colour similar to that of his hair. "How the HELL could you two, my best friends," the sarcasm was practically dripping off those two words, "do this to me. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

All of the Gryffindor courage that she had failed Hermione. "I don't know," she said, the tears beginning to fall again. "It was stupid, and I know it. He knows it. It was a mistake but we have to live with it."

Ron made a noise that sounded rather like a snort. "Clearly," he said dryly. "Sleeping with the first guy who tried to get in your knickers. Real classy Hermione." The words stung, but she knew they were true. That was, perhaps, what made them hurt even more. Looking satisfied that he had caused her enough pain for the moment, Ron rounded on Harry. "So you lose my sister a month ago, the girl you say that you loved and who we all assumed that you were going to marry, and then you go and decide that you might as well fuck my girlfriend?" Turning back to Hermione, he added a vicious, "And you let him?"

Hermione's shoulders shook as the tears cascaded down her face. She willed herself not to cry, not to let herself be affected by Ron's taunts. While the feelings of guilt flooded her, she noticed that Harry was not showing any outward signs of rage or frustration. It seemed that, for once, Harry was going to be the calm force in the trio. "Ron," he began, his voice showing an unreasonable lack of emotion. "I know you don't like to hear this, but it probably wouldn't have worked between Ginny and me."

Ron looked furious. "What?" he asked, his voice cold and flat. "It wouldn't have worked between you?"

Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Ron, she liked the excitement of new guys. I was still one of those new guys when we broke up, but my appeal had lasted longer. I was the guy she'd had to chase for years. I started liking her because of jealousy, who knows what would have happened. Sure, we might've lasted and gotten married. But I don't know."

"So you were using my sister?" Ron exploded again.

"I never said that," Harry snapped. "I don't know what would have happened and neither do you."

Ron grumbled angrily under his breath, with a few curse words meeting Hermione's ears. "Please don't tell anybody Ron," Hermione said meekly. She had finally gotten up the nerve to talk, something she had not been able to do since her announcement. "Please Ron, I don't want everybody to know. Not yet."

"Harry is the only one you were going to tell?"

She shook her head, pieces of hair falling across her face. "I told Luna yesterday," she said softly.

"And you weren't planning on telling me?"

The accusatory tone hurt, but she knew she deserved it. "Not yet."

Fury crossed Ron's face again. "Not yet. Not yet? Why the hell not? I'm your best friend Hermione, we're dating for Merlin's sake. Well, we were," he said snidely. "You aren't the people that I thought you were. The friends that I had wouldn't do this to me. They actually cared."

"Ron," Hermione whimpered, taking a step forward with her hand held out. "We do care."

"If you cared," he began, deadly calm. "You would have had sex with me, not him. If you cared, you wouldn't be pregnant right now. If you cared, you would have a boyfriend." With that, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room without looking back.

Hermione took the extra few steps it took to reach the chair Ron had been sitting in, then collapsed. The guilt that she felt was unbearable. She had always been well aware that she had betrayed Ron in a way that neither of them would have thought possible if she hadn't done it. But Ginny… she had died waiting for Harry with hopes that they could get back together. She had been expecting it. And Ginny was only hours away from those hopes when she was killed. But then Harry had talked with her, snogged with her, made love to her. And they had betrayed the Weasleys, who were like their magical family, when they had already been destroyed. Broken.

She felt a hand on her head, as Harry pushed the strands of hair that she was soaking with her tears behind her head. He didn't say anything, as he seemed to know that talking was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. Or, perhaps, he was as deeply in thought as she was.

With a feeling of dread, she began to feel a sensation that she despised more than almost anything else in her upper abdomen and throat. Pushing Harry out of the way, she ran towards the bathroom. As she crouched in front of the toilet, she was not sure if her nausea was brought on by crying so hard, her pregnancy, guilt, or a mix of them. She felt so horrible, she didn't care if anybody saw her the way she was. In a strange way, it was comforting to have Harry come in with a glass of water as she was leaning over the porcelain. While he was rubbing her back, he said in a reassuring voice, "It's going to be okay." She just wished that she could believe him.