CHAPTER 1- The Asylum
Ok feel free to flame me if you want, I haven't really written that many things, my other stories are on Deviant Art which are only one or two, im not the best story writer I know that my spelling might be a little crap as well i have a tendency to not be too literate with some words, Oh yeah im also an aussie so I spell some things different, I will honestly say that I did take peices from the game Vampire the Masquerade but not the clans even though some of the characters do have a little similarity to them (some have more then one) which I will point out, I dont know all their names but if anyone can think of anyone else please tell me and I can add them.
Brujah-Naruto, Zabuza
Gangrel-Kiba, Shino, Gaara, Naruto, Kisami, Orochimaru
Malkavian-Ino, Gaara, Sakura, Orochimaru
Nosferatu-Kisami (what?... dont look at me like that!), Orochimaru
Toreador-Ino, Sakura, Deidera, Sasori, Neji, Hinata
Ventrue-Sasuke, Itachi, Neji
SHK: yeah, yeah I'm sure that some of them wont be happy with what clans they have similarities to but hey it's not my fault, I mean it's cause of what they can do and what they look like -feels killing intent and shivers slightly- is it me or are there a few people that don't seem to be happy with it. -turns around slowly-
Kisami, Orochimaru: -glares and emits killing intent-
SHK: DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! its not my fault you look like a shark Kisame... and well you Orochimaru... your just nasty -screws nose up-
Everyone (besides Orochimaru & Kisami): -snickers-
Kisami: -pouts and mummbles incoherent things-
Ino: Why the hell am I under Malkavian... a Toreador I can understand but why a Malkavian... THEIR INSANE! -mutters- Like Gaara.
Gaara:-glares at Ino- ...
Ino: -hides behind Naruto-
SHK: Cause you can get into peoples head, Gaara-kun isnt insane he can hear Shukaku and well Sakura cause well she has an inner personality that stopped you in the Chunnin exams...Orochimaru cause he loves to experiment with people (clearly insane), it doesnt mean your insane besides if i fell under one of the clans it would be Malkavian seen as though i get it whenever I do the questionare on the game, just cause they talk in riddles they have great insight. It has a good and bad point depending on how you look at it, besides there is someone else that comes close to being listed as one.
Everyone: -brightenes up-
SHK: -snickes- though they dont appear it, they wont be very happy about it.
Naruto: Really who?... not me is it?, I cant hear Kyuubi talking to me unless I go to him.
SHK: -looks at Itachi and smirks- Well Naru-kun its Itachi-kun cause he likes getting into peoples heads and torturing them, I'm sure that there are some people that will back me up... that is if they are not to scared to admit it. -giggles-
-those near SHK back away-
Itachi: -sharingan spins wildly as he glares at SHK- Hn...
SHK: -chibi SHK pouts- Awww... Don't try to be so mean Ita-kun, ne think of it as a good thing... I do, Malkavians are fun with their riddles and twisted minds -pulls Ita-kuns cloak and looks at him with puppy dog eyes-
Itachi: -walks into his room quickly not wanting to fall for the look- (he only gives in if its his Naru-chan lol)
SHK: -giggles- Anyway lets continue this later and get on with the story ne... Deidra-kun could you finish this up and check on Ita-kun... find something/someone to chear him up -whispers- you know who he likes ne -looks over at Naruto and Sasuke arguing and giggles-
Deidera: Un... SpunkyHellKitty doesn't own Naruto only two people do and thats Itachi and Sasuke and anyone else that thinks Naru-chan is the cutest uke... Un... Naru-chan can I talk to you for a second?... -kidnaps Naru-chan from Sasuke and locks him in Itachi's bedroom-
Naruto: Hai Deidra wha... -mummbles incoherent things before banging on Itachi's bedroom door cursing Deidra-
thoughts' - humans
'thoughts' - vampires
The streets were dark just like they were every other night, they have always been that way ever since his first encounter with the vampires when he was only a child brought up by vampire hunters that have been killing the more obvious vampires that would loose themself's within the bloodlust and bein a frenzy. He has encountered this once before, the sight of the beast that is normally under control, seen through the eyes of a one year old child, watching as it slaughtered his family in their own home, though before it could kill him as well it was killed by an old vampire hunter who then in turn raised him. Now at the age of 20 he is a highly skilled hunter having slayed more vampires then most hunters his age though unlike some of the huntershe never bothered to have a competition as to who slayed the most vampires. His friend Kiba would always try and make a competition with him about it only to be the one who had slayed less then the other, other hunters would do the same even if the ones they did it with didn't think of it as a competition like Gai would with Kakashi.
The flicker of a street lamp ahead as it blinked on and off continiously caused him to stir from his thoughts, the loud thumping of music could be herd emitting from one of the few nightclubs in Konoha, most of them were known to be owned by vampires, creating them into Elysium's for their fellow kindred making them a safe place to feed freely without the wory of being killed by a vampire hunter if they got caught, though there are the more younger vampires that would get careless and get caught while the much older of vampires would be much harder to catch. The night club that he was not far from just happened to be one of the clubs owned by a vampire, this particular club, The Asylum, from what he had read reports about happened to be owned by two vampires, the reports had also shown pictures of them along with their names which were Sakura and Ino. These two just happened to be appart of the list of vampire elders who can easily trace their family to when Konoha first became a village then a prosperious city full of life, these elders are alot harder to track down and kill because they would always clean up their own tracks and keeps control of themselfs.
He was now standing under the flickering street lamp, his unruly blonde hair that was always sticking up almost glowing with each flicker, the black eyeliner making his slanted azure eyes stand out more, always giving away his emotions whenever he was never wearing his ANBU mask. Taking a step forward the chains around the legs of his black leather pants clinked as the silver metal links hit one another, his crimson muscle shirt showing his firm abs and movement of his muscles, he could now see the people standing outside the club more clearly though none of them looked familiar he could easily tell who was human and who was vampire through their body language, which gave them away most of the time. Just like the other hunters, they were trained in the old ways of the ninja that once made up the village of Konoha that had once made it a hidden village full of shinobi and civilians before vampires had begun to take over centuries ago during the Feudal era. Sighing softly he looks at his watch to see what time it was, it would only be a few minutes until Shikamaru would show up, the mission they recieved from the Saidame was to check out the nightclubs so that they knew who amongst the vampires goes there, which meant that they had to look more like a civilian then a vampire hunter, though all the hunters wore ANBU masks to hide what they really look like so they in turn don't get spotted by the vampires or their ghouls. Normally they wouldn't go inside the nightclubs because they were easier feeding grounds for the vampires but they had to find out which ones were owned by vampires or not.
By now Naruto was standing outside of the club leaning against the wall, watching as people enter and exit the club, his fingers twitching every now and then as he notices those who are vampires, the black nailpollish shining slightly from the light. After a few hours a person walks towards him though it really wasn't who he was expecting "What happened to Shika? I thought he was meant to be comming" Kiba looks over at Naruto and looks him over, it came as no surprise to him that Naruto could get away with wearing anything and always seem to fit into anything which some people had trouble doing like himself. "Shika has to stay late seems as though there was some paperwork he was to lazy to do so I came instead, I needed to get out of there anyway to get my sister off my back" he answers him as he steps into the light infront of Naruto, the red triangles on his cheeks could now be seen clearly and Naruto could see that he was wearing a spiked coller, black steel capped combat boots, black cargo pants with two chains hanging from two of his pockets as well as a red hoodie with a picture of a cerberus on it. "Well lets go get a drink then... your shout dog breath" with that said Naruto enters the club, seeing a live band playing, though it seemed to be an unknown band that could only get minor gigs. Kiba looks at the spot where Naruto stood, stunned that he would want to drink while they were in the middle of a mission since he never liked to drink before, he then growls slightly after realising that he was just insulted "Bastered!" he yelled upon entering and heading over to the bar, ordering two beers before walking over to a booth that wasnt to far from the entrance an a lift that obviously went up to the owners office/bedroom, he could see that Naruto was sitting there looking around watching everyone, handing him his drink Kiba sits down opposite to Naruto and looks at him "Whats with you all of a sudden, I thought that you didn't like to drink?" Naruto turns his attention towards Kiba while taking a sip of his beer, placing the bottle on the table he shrugs "Thought I should since I get a feeling something big might happen tonight" he replies, unknown to both they had no idea how right Naruto was.
SHK: Well how was that for a first go at a fan fic -looks around- heh is Naru-chan still locked up with Ita-kun?
Itachi: -walks out of his room with his shirt inside out and his hair out, a slight smile on his face-
SHK: Ne, ne looks like someone had fun -giggles-
Sasuke: -glares at Itachi-
Naruto: -walks out of the room with a slight limp- As fun as sex is, if someone locks me up with another of my fan boys I'll let Kyuubi take over so that their the uke instead.
Naruto Fan Boy's: -pale at the threat-
SHK: -rolls around laughing- But Kyu is sweet, besides I'm sure that there are some of your fan boys that would like that... Like Itachi -snickers- I'm sure they have been at it before.
Sasuke: -takes Naruto into his room away from everyone-
SHK: Sasuke seems to be a little protective at the moment.
Itachi: How long until I come into the story? I want to see my sexy Naru-chan
SHK: You will soon, a few others will be there as well, like Deidra-kun who will be one of your servents, even Kisami who is another servent of yours, Ino and Sakura maybe even a few others.
Itachi: -looks over at Naruto and smirks- hn...
SHK: I wont give anything away though, there will be things that you will have to find out.
Deidera: I better find something to wear then un... -runs into his room and goes through his closet, tossing clothes about-
Kisami: Why do I have to be Itachi's slave? I want my own club
SHK: To bad your not getting one you have to suffer with what role in the story that you have to play... If you dont then I will hide Shimada from you and you wont be able to find it.
Kisami: You wouldn't!?
SHK: Just try me, you know that if you don't do things my way then I force you to... just ask Kakashi -giggles-
Kakashi: -clings to Icha Icha Paradise and strokes it- This is the only one I have left... your not getting it from me! -runs and hides-
Kisami: But...But...
SHK: Na uh no buts you do it or else -watches Kakashi- hmm... maybe I took his punishment to far... -shakes my head-
Kisami: -lowers his head and sulks- Hai Hai Kitty-chan
SHK: -smiles- Now how hard was that ne... -pats Kisami on the back- anyway I think I should let Kakashi finish up.
Kakashi: -reads Icha Icha Paradise- Yo! please review but dont tell her to hurry up and post a new chapter cause she does have a life you know... not to menchen she is a big meanie... she burnt all my books cause I was ignoring her...
SHK: -gives off killing intent- Stop bitching bout me its your fault -looks at everyone and smiles sweetly- Ja ne
Kakashi: -pales slightly then sweat drops- Ja ne
P.S. If there are any spelling mistakes then I'm sorry cause well I was doing this without anything to check my spelling and I can't be bothered to finish it... -sweat drop- ehhe.