HELLO!!! Hiokami back again this time with Naruto! Okay, it's mainly a Hinata/Kiba but if you get squeamish at the slightest mention of yaoi or the smallest yaoi scene don't even start this fic because the only reason I could do a Hinata/Kiba is if Hinata doesn't end up with Naruto. So I have to have it Naruto/Sasuke. I've never done Yaoi and probably never will do it full out so don't expect a Yaoi lemon. This is mainly focused on Hinata and Kiba. That's the only reason It's called what it's called. It's actually a tad bit angsty and the title sounds too sweet...but I couldn't think of anything else!!!sobs Anyways, if you have another idea for a title, message me or just review. Thank you.

Summery: Watching behind a tree, Hinata spies something she would never expect. What are the consequences when she asks Kiba to make her forget what she saw? Hinata/Kiba, Naruto/Sasuke, Neji/Ten-ten. Warnings: Light Yaoi action and Lemons!(non-yaoi)

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, obviously. Otherwise it would be drawn horribly. I'm a writer, not an artist!!!...no matter how much I want to be both tears…


Ch 1: Forget it…it's not gonna happen.

Looking left and right, Hinata Hyuga could see the rare eye glance towards her. She didn't even warrant importance anymore. Or at least she thought. Even the glances towards her weren't directed at her, but through her. What could be worse then being invisible? How about being invisible to the one person she cared for? Loved? Wanted? Needed? Nothing, she thought to herself. Even hiding behind the tree, any of the shinobi could see her, acknowledge her, care that she existed. Why didn't he notice?

He passed her and once again she feels invisible. He doesn't see me, she thought. He just sees an average kunnoichi, someone unimportant. My weaknesses even over power my Byakugan. He couldn't see me as more then a friend. How could he love me when he has the attention of Sasuke? Even in her mind, the name held a bitter note. Sasuke could have any girl he wanted in the village. Why does he want Naruto? Or maybe that's just my imagination getting away from me. Sakura had said that it was nothing. But every once in a while… Those looks he gives Naruto…

"Are you brooding again?" Kiba asked as he comes up behind her. He finds himself stunned at the sight of your tears. "Hinata-chan? What's wrong?"

"Why do I have to be invisible, Kiba-kun?" she asked quietly.

"You're not," he responded, confused. "I see you just fine."

"But to him…"

Kiba glared over at the blond shinobi and smiled at you. "It'll be alright."

"No it's not…" she whispered. "Kiba-kun, why can't he see me like I see him?"

Gently, he brushed a bang behind her ear, sending slight chills along her cheek, and let his hand linger. "Why don't you let him see you? You're always hiding from him. If you keep doing that, he'll never see you like you see him."

"Why do you care so much?" she muttered, looking away from her teammate and friend.

He shrugged and dropped his hand. "Just do whatever makes you happy, Hinata-chan, and I'll be happy."

With those words, he disappears in a swirl of leaves. She sighed and leaned against the tree. Maybe Kiba's right…

She stood behind a tree as Sasuke and Naruto sparred. The clouds are beginning to gather over head and she noticed that Naruto and Sasuke weren't going to notice. The physical and emotional tension was tangible even as Naruto and Sasuke exchanged blows, ninjutsu, taijustsu, genjutsu, and insults. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but their verbal battle was most likely just as heated as their actual battle. Perhaps even more as they were both running low on chakra and energy in general. And then it happened. She watched as Sasuke finally managed to gain an advantage by pinning Naruto, their faces coming too close to each other. None of them could stop what happened next. As she watched Sasuke's lips fall on Naruto's, salty tears fell from her eyes and rain from the sky.

"Hinata-chan! Hey I was looking for you," He said before he spotted Naruto and Sasuke. "Oh no…Hinata, I'm so sorry."

She laughed gently. "I feel sorry for Naruto. Sasuke's fan girls are going to attack him."

"You're gonna catch a cold standing out her in the rain."

She shook her head, sparkling water around. "I'm fine, Kiba-kun."

"Hinata-chan," he sighs. "Please. You're getting soaked." She ignored him, in some kind of daze. "I'll buy you some hot chocolate," he offered, knowing she'd need something warm.

She nodded. "Hot chocolate sounds good," she sighed.

He nodded and smiled. "Come on then. You need to get out of this rain."

She followed him without a word as he led her through Konoha. The rain was beginning to fall in sheets, but Hinata didn't really notice. Neither did she notice the people of Konoha, or anything else for that matter. The only thing she could see, engraved in her mind, was Naruto and Sasuke's kiss. The only reason she didn't run into anything was Kiba, who was leading her by the hand. They walked into the café where Kiba was assaulted by the smell of coffee. Hinata smiled as the scent engulfed her. She knew it hurt Kiba's nose and she was often worried when he would take her to this café that it would be too much. He had never complained. He wouldn't because the smell relaxed her, even though she wouldn't drink it herself. He ordered a cappuccino for himself and hot chocolate for her. Their drinks are made fairly quickly, but before they could sit down, Naruto and Sasuke walked in, dripping wet.

"Naruto-kun…" she whispered, turning beat red. Then she noticed Sasuke and a tear fell down her cheek.

"Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked, noticing. "What's wrong?"

"It's none of your concern," Kiba said, stepping in front of her. "Just leave her alone."

Sasuke just nodded. "Come on, Dobe. Don't bother her."

Naruto nodded, still concerned, and followed Sasuke to the counter, never taking his eyes off Hinata. She followed Kiba to the two person booth in the back corner and sat down.

"You okay Hinata-chan?" he asked her.

"I'll be fine," she whispered. Suddenly, her eyes tear up in anger. "Why? Why didn't I tell him sooner?" she asked angrily.

"You shouldn't have had to tell him," Kiba sighed. "I mean it's obvious you like him."

Hinata blushed and looked down. "It's not that obvious…"

"Only Naruto's too dense to notice," Kiba comments, warranting a kick under the table. "Oww… What was that for?"

"Just stop, Kiba," she sighed, looking over at Naruto and Sasuke, who looked like normal. Naruto's bickering and Sasuke's making calm, indifferent comments that just piss him off. Nothing looked different then before, but everything is different now. I don't stand a chance now, Hinata thinks, a single tear falling from her cheek.

"Naruto's upset because he doesn't understand what's wrong," Kiba informed her, following her eyes. "Sasuke thinks he should leave you be."

"Dog ears are useful," she repeated for the hundredth time since they were twelve.

Kiba just smirked and sipped his cappuccino. Hinata averted her eyes with a blush as Naruto's eye's met hers. She drunk some of her hot Chocolate and Kiba attempted to get her to talk. It wasn't long before he sighed and stopped trying.

"I'm sorry," she whispered after a moment of silence.

He smiled softly. "Doesn't matter. It'll pass. And then you'll be our normal, shy, determined, Hinata-chan."

She smiled. "Thanks, Kiba-kun, but since when have I ever been determined?"

"How long have you been watching…" His head turned sharply to where Naruto was. Or wasn't. With a determined look, Naruto was moving towards them. Kiba glared at the blonde shinobi. "What the hell do you want?"

"Come on, Kiba-kun," he said. "Let's talk."

Kiba looked at Hinata who merely shrugged. He shook his head. "I'm not leaving her alone," he said.

Hinata smiled shyly. Someone cares… she thought as Naruto called Sasuke over. She tensed as the two boys stood next to each other. How could they be any more different? Naruto was loud, obnoxious, determined, always considered the worse, always the one to come out on top. Sasuke was quiet, arrogant, and a genius. Even their appearances were opposite. Their hair was contrasting and their eyes the same way. Even their skin seemed to be opposite. Like the sun and the moon, they were the perfect pair. Even Hinata couldn't deny that. The thought nearly brought tears to her eyes.

"Sasuke can stay with Hinata," Naruto said. "You can come with me."

Kiba sighed, knowing the stubborn blonde wouldn't give up. "Fine." They walked to the other side of the café to talk as Sasuke sat down. And he was wearing that Uchiha smirk, the trademark smirk that meant he knew exactly what was going on. Hinata had to try hard not to glare at the Raven haired shinobi.

"You saw us at the training grounds," he said with so much confidence it couldn't be a question. Hinata merely blushed and nodded.

"Why him?" she blurted out quickly, blushing deep red at her own question.

Sasuke's cheeks turned a very light pink. It was barely noticeable to the casual observer, but to Hinata, it was clearly visible.

"Well, umm….I guess I don't really know," he confessed. "I just know that whenever we're in a tough situation I have this unreasonable urge to protect him. Even when I know I should focus on the mission, if he's in danger, I act without thinking. He's the same way more often then not. It's not that I have to protect him. But I want to be able to protect him. Confusing?"

"Actually, it makes perfect sense. You know he can take care of himself, but you still worry. I understand." She sighed. "But I'd never be strong enough to protect him. Even with Byakugan, I'm not strong enough."

"From what I've heard of your battle with Neji, you're not weak."

"That was six years ago, and I lost. I nearly died."

"But everyone else wanted you to forfeit. Well everyone except Dobe… But you didn't give up. Even when you nearly…But even Naruto had difficulty dealing with Neji. For you to have held out so long against him showed strength and determination. I have a feeling if you had told him how you felt sooner, you'd have him."

"I couldn't," she explained quietly. "I'm just too shy."

"Everyone gets shy when they want to confess their feelings," he sighed.

"Not Sakura," she complained grumpily. "Or Ino, or Ten-ten. I can't talk to Naruto without blushing deep-red."

"Well I can tell you, you're not the only one hiding something." She raised an eyebrow and he shook his head. "No. I won't be the one to tell you. I'm not helping him."

She smiled. "You know. I think this is the first time you talked to me."

"You were always hiding," he explained. "Not to mention I had no reason to."

She laughed lightly. There's our arrogant Sasuke, she thought giggling. He scowled at her making her giggle harder.

" I'm sorry, Sasuke-kun," she laughed.

He drank some of his coffee, sighing. "You're forgiven."

She smiled and sipped her hot chocolate. I forgive you too, Sasuke-kun.

"I'm not telling you," Kiba said before Naruto could say anything.

Naruto glared. "How do you know what I'm gonna ask?"

"Then you aren't going to ask what's up with Hinata?"

Kiba smirked smugly as Naruto blushed. "Well?" he asked. "Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's too obvious. You can figure it out on your own."

Kiba turned to return to Hinata but Naruto grabbed his arm.

"Kiba, she's like a sister to me. Was she on the training grounds today?" Kiba averted his eyes nervously giving Naruto the answer. "Shit," he cursed. "She wasn't supposed to be there. Why didn't I notice her chakra signature? Damn."

"So you do know how she feels about you?" Kiba asked, surprised.

"I might act like an idiot most of the time, but I did notice. But I can't feel that way about her. She's too much like a sister to me. But I did care, that's why I hid my feelings from Sasuke for so long." He sighed. "Today was completely spontaneous on my part, and I doubt Sasuke planned it either, but I happened. I can't help that Hinata was watching. I don't like hurting her, but Kiba, I can't help her now. Only you can."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what it's like to love someone but know that they want someone else. It's hard, but you can help her through it. You're her best friend and you love her. You're the best person for the job."

Kiba blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Naruto smirked. "Of course you don't. Let's head back."

Kiba nodded and followed him back to Hinata and Sasuke. Naruto grinned sheepishly once they reached the table.

"I'm sorry you had to see. I just don't think of you that way, Hinata-chan."

Hinata merely nodded. Kiba was surprised how well she was taking this all. "I understand. But watch out for Sakura and Ino. They're going to murder you."

She smiled as the blood drained from his face. Sasuke smirked and rubbed Naruto's hand. "No worries, Dobe. I'll protect you."

"Like I need protection, Bastard!" Naruto yelled, yanking his hand away from Sasuke's. "I'll do fine on my own."

As the two began bickering, or rather, at least in Sasuke's case, flirting, Hinata motioned to Kiba that they should go. The rain had stopped so Kiba nodded and the two left without a word. As they turned the corner, Hinata stopped, holding Kiba's sleeve, and laid her forehead on his back. Through his shirt, he could feel Hinata's tears.

"I'm sorry, Hinata-chan," he whispered, holding her hand.

She shook her head. "Why?!" she sobbed. "Why can't he love me?! Why?!"

"Because that's just how things are," he whispered. "You can't change how others feel no matter how hard you try. It's the one thing you can't accomplish through ninjutsu or genjutsu."

She cried for a while and clung to Kiba as the tears soaked his back. As the tears slowed, she muttered something incoherently to Kiba. He turned and looked at her.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Please, make me forget," she pleaded gently. "Make me forget. Kiss me and make me forget."

­­Did you like it?!? Please review and tell me!!!

Next chapter should be out soon.