Lilly finally pulled away from Jackson, after about 25 minutes of kissing him. She was breathless. Neither of them had said a word for the longest time. For a few moments, Lilly sat there, her shoulders heaving up and down, her breath hot.

"What was that for?"

"Don't ask me!" Jackson threw his hands up in the air.

"Well, I am asking you!"


"Because you started it!"

"Started what?"

"You know..." Lilly stopped arguing, not really sure what she was arguing about. It had felt awesome, kissing him...Though she didn't want to admit it...and she wondered why Miley and Oliver were taking so long to brush their teeth...And then a thought came to her. She lowered her voice so low she could barely hear herself.

"Why are you such a good kisser?"

"Well, you know, I've done it--"

"Oh, come on, Jackson, tell the truth!" A smile errupted on Lilly's lips. She gave Jackson a gentle shove and he said,

"To tell the truth, I really don't know. But I could be asking you the same question!" Jackson crossed his arms and looked expectantly at Lilly.

"Well, you know, I've...well...I--Luke, before I knew he was cheating on me, well, we...we...and Matt, remember him? Yeah, him too..."

"Lilly, you don't have to lie," Jackson said, quietly.

"She's telling the truth," Miley stood at the top of the staircase. Oliver was right beside her, smiling like a lunatic. Miley had a strange grin on her face, too, and they both looked sort of dizzy.

Something's up, thought Lilly.

"She kissed 'im. Both of 'em." Miley stumbled down the stairs, Oliver right behind her. Lilly was starting to wonder about her. The soda should have worn off, by this time. And what about Oliver? He'd never acted this way.

"No I didn't," Lilly admitted. "I guess I just have natural talent," she smiled, but Miley seemed oblivious to her comment.

"And by the way," continued Miley, sitting down on the couch next to Lilly. Oliver sat next to Jackson. "What took you so long?" the two new-comers said in unision. Their smiles were more mischievious, now. Lilly dreaded, Miley went into deep detail about the kiss Lilly had shared with Jackson.

"What's with you two?" she asked, her smile still stuck in place.

"Yeah," Oliver said, his smile matching Miley's. "That was pretty intense for a first kiss."

"Yeah, I mean with the french kissing," Miley was talking fast. She knew if she spoke slowly, someone would interrupt Oliver and herself. And of course, she didn't want that to happen. She wanted to go all out to embarress her brother and best friend.

"I mean, come on, you guys," Oliver spoke at the same speed as Miley. He opened his mouth to say something embarressing about the kiss (Miley's face was encouraging him), but then he stopped, frowned, and said,

"Are those donuts? Can I have one?"

The other three groaned, and then they all started laughing.

"No, seriously," said Oliver.

"Help yourself. You're one of them," Miley stated.

After a while of nothing-talk, a thought, again reached Lilly's mind. As she spoke, she grinned mischieviously, anxiously awaiting the reaction of her two best friends to the question she was about to ask.

"What took you guys so long to brush your teeth?"

Miley and Oliver froze, mid-sentence. Their faces were in complete shock. Every part of their face was frozen like ice, except their eyes, darting all around the room, looking for something to use as an excuse.

"We, uh,"

"Had to, uh,"

"Well, first we were watching you, and then, when it got gross, we, uh,"

"Went to brush our teeth, and uh,"

"Oh come on!" Lilly interrupted, throwing her arms up in the air in frustration. "What happened in there that's so secret? Miley, I'm your best friend! YOU CAN TELL ME!"

There was a moment of silence, and then, Miley said, so softly, with just a hint of mystery in her voice...

Looking at Oliver, but addressing the comment to Lilly,

"Why tell when we can show?"

And then they were kissing. Wonderfully kissing...for eternities, they kissed...their lips colided with each other's and it was like they stepped into another world, where only the two of them existed...and they had to keep their lips together or the wonderful colors that surrounded them would die. Miley had her hands somewhere in Oliver's hair, and she felt his warm hands on her cheeks. This kiss was more dramatic then the last one, as Miley felt the need to "devour" Oliver's mouth. He wasn't doing much, just doing what she wanted him to do. A faint voice in the background...

"Hello-o! Yoo-hoo!" Lilly waved a hand. When the couple didn't react, she pulled their heads apart. The wonderful colors evaporated, and Miley and Oliver felt...shocked.

"Hey, don't interupt us!" Oliver said, frowning.

"Yeah!" Miley agreed. "If you're so bored, just do it yourself!" and her lips crashed down on Oliver's once again.

Lilly shrugged and copyed Miley, except to Jackson. For a while, the two pairs of couples kissed, oblivious to anything else around them.

A/N: Okay, that's all I'm doing. I just wanted one chapter for Lackson, one chapter for Moliver, and one chapter that brought them together. I hope you liked it!!!!

