Summary: Valentine wears many masks, and he doesn't understand why.

"If I had mask, what would it look like?" she asked him curiously, looking away from the Mask Shop.

"Well…I would think it would cover your entire face…it would be for the best." He replied, ribbing her with an elbow. She just gave him this half smirk that told him he was funny…but in a 'yeah, ok' way. Valentine of course had no idea what way this was exactly, but he still understood the feeling it gave him.

Actually, it was probably the only feeling about her he understood. There were a lot of things he didn't understand, such as why every time her hair got in her face, he got a little annoyed at not being able to see it. This was a real problem, because she didn't have a proper mask, but a strange fleshy face; a fleshy face that he did not want covered by a wall of black hair.

"Oh look!" Helena exclaimed, grabbing his wrist and pointing him to the street to the left. "I wonder what that building is!" She let go of him and skipped a couple of steps ahead.

He didn't understand why his wrist suddenly felt so plain…so cold.

"Oh that's the card shop." Valentine said as he walked up to where she was peaking into the window.

"A card shop?" she asked. Looking up at him amused. He nodded and she smiled. "Then let's take a look shall we?"

He didn't understand why he was so uncomfortable, looking at her through the window.

"This card is blank." She held the white paper out to him so he could see. "Why?"

"Oh well, actually, this is a very special card. It says exactly what you want to say, but can't." Valentine replied, closing the card and handing it back to her.

"OK. Let's try it!" she closed her eyes and held the card out. "What do I want to say to Valentine?"

He didn't understand why he perked up, so hopeful, almost on the tip of his toes.

He also didn't understand when the inside said That he's a jerk.

"Ha ha," he said jokingly as he turned the card over to the back. "Now let's find out what I think about y—" . He paused as he glanced at the back.

This time he really didn't understand. There, printed on the back of the card, in the bottom right corner, in the tiniest print:

But I love him.

He stared at it. Half shock, half disbelief.

"What?" she asked as she wrenched it away from him, what could possibly be so—".

She had opened the card and her mouth dropped into a perfect little 'o'. He loves you too.

It was surreal. They both just looked at each other for a moment.

It was liked everything had finally come together. He finally understood. He loved her. That's it! Everything he had been feeling, every chill he got when her voice cut through the still air and brought the world back to life. It was love And she loved him back.

He wasn't sure how long they looked at each other, but suddenly there was barely any distance between them. He wasn't sure what to do…he had never looked at anyone the way he was looking at Helena right now. Suddenly, she pressed her lips against his, in the gentlest way, almost timid. She stepped back, looking up at him shyly.

It was like he had found what he wanted. He grabbed her by the small of her back to pull her towards him and enveloped her in the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck to which he deepened the kiss, lifting her off her feet. The way she took his mask in her hands…he felt invigorated, as he was sure no Valentine before him ever had.

She took his hand as they walked out, in search of more things to see. But for Valentine, no amount of odd creatures, or huge piles of gold, would put him in awe as much as she did.

Helena on the other hand, had always been warned about masked men. In this case, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Well I hope you enjoyed. I just thought of the title and decided to roll with it. R & R!