Here's the next chapter, sorry it took so long but the lack of reviews for my last chapter had me a little down, once I got one I was happy, but please I'm greedy and want more...

Syn and Reid had managed to make their way under some of the firs in front of the fire, and they lay slightly apart from one another after finally catching their breath, "I can't believe we just did that," she muttered causing Reid to turn and look at her.

"You regret it?" that was the last thing he wanted for her, he cared about her and if she regretted what they'd just done then it would screw everything up for them.

"Of course not!" she answered quickly, "I mean that was-"

"Amazing, mind-blowing, earth-shattering...any of those good for you?"

She smiled a little, "I think that just about sums it up, but you know my dad's a Cupid right?" when he nodded she continued, "Well then I'm fairly certain he will know about what we just did and I kinda promised him I wasn't ready for that yet. I mean when I said it I wasn't, but oh Daddy's going to be furious...he might even kill you."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah, um maybe we should get dressed before he decides to just pop in..."

"Too late," a voice called from down the hall.

"Daddy!" Syn shot up, making sure to cover herself with the firs.

"Mr Halliwell!" Reid sputtered

"Get up and get dressed now!" a female voice spoke.

"Mum!" Syn gasped sliding her skirt over her hips and pulling on her shirt roughly. Once she was dressed Phoebe grabbed her daughter and dragged her out of the room.

"Mum look I can explain-"

"Explain what exactly, explain how you lied to your father? Explain how you have yet to make a single responsible decision since you came to Ipswich? Explain how you were having sex with a boy in a remote part of the planet? But I suppose you weren't having sex were you, you two just really hot and needed to take your clothes off and then got cold so huddled together while naked!" Phoebe was furious at her daughter and at herself for letting this happen.

"Haven't made a responsible decision? I have spent the past two weeks being tormented by a demon that seems to want nothing more than to have me for himself, and his friends seem to want the same of my sisters. But do tell me, what exactly were you like in highschool? I mean really what is it that people called you huh? Freebe was it? At least Reid's my boyfriend and you know what whether you like it or not, you did not raise me, you weren't there and I have been taught to be responsible. I've been taught to be safe and I care about Reid and I won't deal with this and I'm not going to let Reid deal with this either." Syn spun on her heel and headed back the way she came.

"Syn!" Phoebe yelled but it was too late, she had grabbed Reid's arm and the two had disappeared from sight. Phoebe joined Coup in the library and let her head fall into his hands, "Maybe we could have handled that better..."

Syn and Reid appeared in her room and quickly she placed crystals down so her parents couldn't get in along with any demons that wanted to attack them, "Reid I'm so sorry, whatever my Dad said-"

"Syn it's ok, if I caught my daughter having sex with her boyfriend then I'd be pretty pissed too," he stroked her hair. He tilted her chin upwards and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, "I guess we're staying in here for a while huh? Not that I'm complaining or anything I mean I'm sure I can think of something to occupy our time..." his arms snaked around her waist and he pulled her body flush against his.

"Really?" she smiled up at him and let her hands slide into his hair, "I did so enjoy it the first time round."

"Oh I could tell, with the way you were moaning my name and sinking those nails into my think I can get you to moan like that again? Or maybe this time I can get you to scream..."

"Would you like to find out?" Reid pushed her back onto the bed and she used her telekinesis to take off his shirt.

"Oh yeah, I'm one lucky guy," he grinned at her before covering her body with his own.

Ann giggled as Tyler wrapped his arms around her waist, she had only been with him for a short while but she was quickly beginning to love him, "Ok, so now that you've finished your work can we please go out? Pleeeease?" he looked up at her with puppy dog eyes and she fought the urge to laugh again.

"I don't know, I mean I'm pretty tired after all that work..." Ann replied, stifling a giggle with her hand when she saw Tyler pout.

"Awe Tye don't look at me like that, you know I can't say no to that look."

He perked up and grinned, "So does this mean we're going out?"

Rolling her eyes Ann nodded, "I suppose."

"Ok go get ready, hurry up I want out of this place!"

"Remind me to never let you have chocolate again," Tyler was practically humming with energy as he fought the urge to bounce up and down on the bed. This afternoon Ann had introduced him to Cadburys Chocolate, the best of British chocolate and something that he had quickly become addicted to. Currently he was on a sugar high, "You know eventually you're going to crash and you're not going to like it." Ann spoke from her closet.

"Doesn't matter, hurry up, I want to gooooo!"

Ann took her clothes to the bathroom and changed before coming back and shooting Tyler a exasperated look, "I'm never letting you have sugar again."

The couple had made it to the parking lot before they ran into Pogue and Gia by his bike holding hands,
"Well, well Gia, what is this?" Ann grinned at her older by like two seconds sister.

"Absolutely nothing," Gia scowled, "and we were just leaving weren't we Pogue?"

"Yeah actually we were," he chuckled, "later Ann, Baby Boy...Baby Boy? Tye, Tyler," he looked up at Ann, "Tell me you didn't let him in the sugar."

"I didn't know that would happen!"

"Right, well I'd love to stay and help but as Gia said we're on our way ou-"

He was cut off by Gia's phone ringing and watched her answer. "Hello?"

"Gia?""Oh hey Mom, what's up?"

"Oh darling your father and I kind of did something stupid..."

"What's wrong..." Gia pursed her lips and listened while Ann looked at her questioningly. The baby sister was about to ask what was going on but was cut off by Gia gasping in surprise at the phone, "She didn't! You didn't! Oh Mom why would you do that?! Reid's her first boyfriend and she likes him what did you expect?" she paused for a few moments listening to the reply, "Well it wasn't particularly smart bringing that up given your past, and really she's the only one out of all of us who is being responsible, she was working I was reading and Ann was with her boyfriend. Seriously I can't believe you said that!"

"Well I wasn't thinking about that at the time! I was more focused on the fact that my baby girl was having sex with an eighteen year old boy!"

"She's not your baby girl Mom and you know that, what did Dad say...please tell me he was rational...Mom! How could you let him say those things to him? Look I've got to go and check on Syn, I seriously doubt she's going to be home for Christmas break though...Yeah well maybe if you hadn't have just rushed into the situation...No look I have to go now and see if I can calm her down otherwise I'm not coming home for break either." With that she snapped her phone shut and sighed, looking around she saw she had three pairs of eyes trained on her.

"G what was that about?" Ann asked slowly.

"Huh yeah we're both going to have to cut this short and find Syn..."


Gia looked up at the boys and sighed, "It's kind of personal, we should go," and turning to Pogue she gave him a small smile, "Sorry Pogue I have to go."

"It's ok, go be with your sister." He replied looking only slightly worried, if it were something really bad then Gia would tell him.

"Right Pogue," Ann said, "Clearly I've got to go too, so Tyler for me ok!" she grabbed her sister's arm before he could say anything and dashed away.


Ann looked at Gia, and Gia looked at Ann, and they both looked at each other with intensity before bursting out laughing, "Ok enough it's time to put on our serious faces and fight out what exactly Reid Garwin is doing to our big know what I don't want to know," Gia muttered the last part. She had explained everything to Ann and after the initial shock of finding out what their mother said to their sister they couldn't stop laughing at the fact that their parents had walked in on Syn and Reid just after they had slept together, honestly it was perfect for blackmail uses. Calming herself Ann knocked on the door to Syn's room.

There was a muffled groan and Syn called out, "Who is it?"

"Your sisters!" Ann sing songed back with a grin.

There was another groan, "Just a minute."

Reid held his girlfriend in his arms quietly, his guess was that what had happened at the SPIDR headquarters had finally sunk in, Syn had asked what it was her father had said to him and he told her that it didn't matter. But of course, she had to get it out of him and when he told her she went all quiet. She was upset, that much was clear, Reid didn't think that the fact that her father had called him a dirty rotten bastard wasn't what upset her. His idea was it was more the fact that her father had accused Reid of taking advantage of her, of using her, like he had so many girls. Reid stroked her hair as she traced patterns on his stomach, "Baby," he muttered, "don't take what he said to heart, I didn't and you shouldn't. I care about you a lot and you know I'd never use you like that-"

"It's not that Reid," she pushed herself up and looked him in the eye, "It's the fact that he knows that's not what you're doing and yet he doesn't trust you, and he sure as shit doesn't trust me with you. Reid I spent my whole life without them, I know it wasn't their fault but they can't tell me what to do anymore. I'm legal and I've never listened to a guardian before. Dad knows me and he knows that I would never lie to him like Mom accused me of but he doesn't believe me. For once in my life he doesn't believe what I said to him. I looked him in the eye and told him the truth and he knows that but he doesn't believe me. And it hurts."

"I know baby, he's your father, he's not thinking rationally right now just give him some time. He'll come around eventually." He cupped her cheek and kissed her softly causing her to moan.

"Reid you can't possibly want more!" she smiled.

"Nah, I'm shattered I don't think that I could go another round without some sleep, but your lips are just so inviting..."

A short while later they had both fallen asleep, apparently Reid did have an off button, his arm had been thrown around her waist and his head was buried under the covers. Syn stirred when she heard someone knock on her door and called out hoarsely "Who is it?"

The reply was a far too happy "Your sisters." She groaned again in response and rolled out of bed.

"Just a minute!" sighing, she bent over and deftly picked up Reid's shirt, sliding it on she stood and moved over to the door glancing back at the bed she found Reid still sound asleep under the covers, he couldn't be seen. When she opened the door the first thing she saw were her sisters cheeky grins. "Can I help you?"

"Well, G just got off the phone with Mom, she sounded really upset Syn..." Ann said.

"I don't care how she sounded, I'm not in the mood to deal with her right now," she scowled, "and you're ruining my good mood."

"Can we come in, we have to talk about this," Gia said.

Sighing again she nodded, "Fine," the girls made their way into the room and sat at her desk while Syn crawled back under the covers.

"You know you can't be mad at Mom and Dad forever right?" Gia asked.

"Yeah, but I can be mad for a little while, actually for a long while, did she tell you what she said, what Dad said?"

"We know, and we know you're not going to want to go home over Christmas, we can't really talk you out of what you going to do but please just keep in mind that this is kinda your fault as well." Ann finished for her sister.

"I know Ann, but for now I'm going to stick with being mad."

"Ok we'll tell Mom that you're cooling off and it's better if you make the first move." Ann said before grinning and sharing a look with Gia. "So how was Reid?" both girls had wicked looks on their faces.

Syn gave them a knowing look, "Bootylicious! He does this thing with his-"

"Bootylicious in the room," Reid grumbled revealing a head of blonde hair from under the comforter.

"Oh," Ann and Gia had the sense to look a little embarrassed, "We'll see you later Syn."

"Later G, Ann," she smirked as they left and gave Reid a playful look.

Well there was the latest chapter, I know nothing much happened in here but i needed the rift between Syn and her parents for the next part. And i'll give anyone a cybercookie if they can tell me where the 'Bootylicious' bit came from.