Hello there this is lildictator talking, well typing, whatever. So anyways I've notices that alot of peolpe like 'Hunt' and since I don't have alot of time to do a long demon/mugen fic. I've decided to add on to this little fic, instead. Or at least until I can get that long demon fic up. Hey I'm still open up for topics for MUGENXFUU one-shots, just tell me what you want and I'll try my best. Well on with the show!!!!



"Mugen this is where you live?" the young demon looking girl said as she looked upon a palace that looked the size of a mountain. She didn't notice as, the tall dark tall male demon, with wild wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. She gasped once she felt him nuzzle her neck, causing her to shudder.

"No, mate this is we live", he growled as he kissed his her smooth skin, nipping at it with his well defined canines. After claiming his mate, and continuously consummating showing his affection to his young mate. He had brought her back to his homelands, the islands of Ryukyu, to his home to live and rule the lands with him.

After gathering her most prized possessions: the kimono her mother gave her, the sunflower jeweled comb given to her by her gather, and a picture of her family. It showed her as a little girl, her older brother standing with a calm military demeanor next to his father. And her mother holding her on her lap, showing such love in her eyes. She had also left a note for her brother, telling him that she no longer-lived there. Her figurer Jin might not have handled the idea of a demon taking his baby sister as his mate. He would most likely 'try' to kill Mugen. Try being the main reason in that sentence.

The sun was about two hours away from setting, when they had arrived to their destination.

Slightly bending down to pick up his, lovely mate he entered through the front back doors. "Mugen stop! I am perfectly capable of walking on my own!"

Not wanting to run into alot of servants, he made his way to his chambers; he had other plans that evolved a futon, his mate and no interruptions. But it seemed as though fate wanted to mess with him again.

"Mugen-sama! Mugen-sama!" someone yelled as they ran towards them." You have returned-" his words were cut off as he noticed his master was holding something. "Well it would seem that you've found what you looking for, on that quest of yours" the young demon grinned at his old friend.

"Damn it Toki, do ya gotta yell!" rather pissed that he was being delayed from his chambers. He placed Fuu down; she then hid behind his back, peeking at other demon before them. "Well what the hell did ya want anyways!"

"Now is that any way to introduce your best friend, to such a lovely specimen?" he said as he peered at Fuu and gave her a charming smile. She immediately blushed and hid her face in Mugen's back.

Mugen notice his friend's flirting, and gave him a deathly glare, sayin 'if you touch her, then say goobye to having any pups'. Instantly Toki straightened up, fearing for his life, and that of his unborn pups. "Anyways, so who is she?"

"Her name is Fuu, and yes she is my mate. So that means no flirting!" he said tensely, his jealousy turning his eyes into a dark bloody red. He didn't even notice as Fuu had slipped away from them, and wandered down a hall.

"Okay I go it, I got It." he grinned at Mugen "Just hope you can keep track of her" he pointed to the hall that she had gone down. Mugen turned around, his mouth gaped open widely.

"THAT SNEAKY LITTLE CONIVING BITCH!!!" he screamed as his ran after her. He could hear his friend laughing in the background.

In The West Wing

As Fuu walked around the huge hallways, admiring the paintings and other works of art. Fuu being her clumsy self wasn't looking where she was going, and that's when she bumped into someone. And that someone ended up being a female demon, her black hair was in a ponytail she wore an indigo kimono, with violets decorating it, and she wore a violet shaped comb in her hair.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be so clumsy." they both said at the same time. They laughed as they were both rather embarrassed.

"Hi I'm Fuu" she said politely

"And I'm Miyuki, I'm Toki's mate. It's nice to meet you"

"Oh so you know Mugen as well?" Fuu asked trying to connect the dots.

"Of course, I work for him and so does my mate. But how do you know him?"

"Well...um...you see I'm Mugen's mate." she whispered as she leaned into the other young demon's hearing range.

"You're Mugen's mate! Well it's about time!" she pulled Fuu into a tight hug. "Oh I'm sorry it's just that Mugen has been gone on his quest to find a mate fore so long. We thought it take forever for him to find someone that could deal with his attitude." they both giggled.

"Well I sure am happy that, there's another female to talk to" she said as the took a seat in a room nearby, as they drank tea. "I don't think I could take it talking to all these male demons. All they can think about is fighting, or mating."

"But aren't there any other females around?" Fuu asked as she took a sip of her tea.

"Oh yes, there are others, but not as many as there is male. Ever since the invasion there have been more males than females. When the invasion happened, many of the females were captured, some of them were killed immediately, or raped then killed." her eyes burned with the memories of her dead family. " Those bastards attacked not even giving us a warning, they attacked, during mating season in the middle of the night it left us all vulnerable. But then Mugen put a stop to that, he sent all of those humans screaming, and he wasn't even 10 yet ,since then we've had the treaty to protect our lands."

"Wow, so what is it you do here?" Fuu asked curiously

"Well nothing in particular,Toki is Mugen's first in command, and me well I serve you and help around when you need me."

"Well, I don't think I'll need much help alot except for getting around this place." Fuu told her, " But I do think I'd like a friend here." she gave the girl a wide grin.

"Well I'll be glad to be your friend." she returned the smile" So Fuu tells me about yourself"

"Well there really isn't much to say. My father was a famous samurai, but he died a few years back. And my mother I think she died of a broken heart. And well my older brother well he comes to visit me when he isn't busy. I been on my own for quite some time now, well that is until Mugen came." she slightly blushed "He would always watch over me, he probably thought that I didn't notice but I did. "

"Wow, that sounds so romantic" Miyuki said dreamily.

"Yeah it kinda is, there was this one time that when these guys from the village were messing with me, they would follow me home, and touch me. Well Mugen found out and let's just say it got ugly.


"Hey baby why don't you come with me I can show ya real good time." the young man said as he pulled on Fuu's arm, causing her to scream in pain, from the force he had used. "Where do ya think your going" he had now slipped his hand under her skirt. His friends cheered in the background, making perverted remarks.

"MUGEN!!!!", she screamed loud enough for the entire village to hear, but she was stopped shortly, with a hard slap to the face.

"Shut up you bitch, now you're gonna be a good little girl, and play with all of us."

She was thrown to the ground, tears began to well in her eyes, running down her face. She looked up into the night sky, to whisper, what she thought to be her last words. 'I'm sorry Mugen, I only wanted to be with you''.

Then suddenly a leader of the group, stood over Fuu, and was sliced in half. The figure that had done the deed was nowhere to be seen. Until other screams of pain and torture were heard, along with the deafening roar of a demon.


When Fuu had awoken she found herself in her own futon, in a clean kimono, but it felt different, it felt new? It was, the kimono was made of pure silk, but who could've given it to her? Or better yet, who had changed her. Then it hit her, it had been Mugen. As she looked around the room for any traces of him, she then noticed a dark figure sitting in the corner, it was Mugen, and she could clearly see his red eyes, and messy hair in the dark.

For some unknown reason to either of them, Mugen crawled over to her bed, and laid next to her. He curled his arm protectively around her waist , pulling her into a tight embrace. He nuzzled the back of her neck, whispering into her ear: "I'll protect you, Fuu"

End Flashback

"Wow that was so heroic!" Miyuki sighed dreamily

"Yeah it was" Fuu agreed "So te-" the next words were cut from her mouth, as she heard Mugen yelling for her. "FUU!!! Damnit were is that bitch!!" he stopped as he popped his head into the door, noticing Fuu sitting comfortably and eating. "There you are!" He bellowed

"Mugen why are you yelling?" she yelled back

After taking a calming breath, he then talked tensely to her, "I've been lookin all over the place for ya. Excuse me for being a little worried of my mate!!!" He then walked over to her, and hauled her over his shoulder, then waved Muyuki good-bye.


"Have fun Fuu" she waved good-bye to her new friend. She suddenly felt a hand run up her thigh "Toki"she gasped.

"Let's have some fun" he growled into her ear.

In the West Wing: Mugen's bed Chambers

"Mugen put me down, this instant!" she had screamed all the way to the room. After entering the room he finally agreed to her commands and placed her on the enormous futon. She was surprised by these actions, he had said nothing to her the entire time, during their journey to his chambers.

It wasn't like she had done something wrong, was it? Well he did say he was worried about her and, that he was looking for her. And she did kinda did sneak away from him, so she can't totally be mad at him. She was to blame as well.

Mugen glared at her, as she looked up at him, slightly fidgeting and blushing, looking as if she was an innocent. Damn it I am supposed to be pissed with her!!!...Damn she looks sexy when she blushes...No stay focused!! Mugen argued with himself. He then calmed himself, after taking a deep breath.

Fuu, looked up to see that he wasn't, there anymore. Where could he have gone? She then felt two strong arms wrap around her, from behind. She calmed, as she soon found out that it was Mugen. As she inhaled, the air around them, she noticed there was something was different. Mugen's scent it smelled...different, more like a spicy smell.

When reality finally hit her, she realized it was his arousal. As he placed rough but still lovingly kisses on her shoulder. She took notice of the fact that he, no longer had his top on, but only his pants. She shuddered as he nipped at her delicate skin. His hands gripped her hips, he then lifted her and placed her in his lap, so that she was now facing him.

"Mugen...w-what are you doing?" she squirmed as he flung the sash and obi, from her body, causing alot of her skin to show. Fuu tried to cover herself but, as always Mugen had other plans. He pulled her closer to his, body, being sure to let her feel his arousal. And by the look on her face she felt it. He then whispered into her ear. "That was a very bad thing you did, Fuu. Getting away from me, making me worry like that", he growled noticing she was shivering at the tone of his husky voice. He then took hold of her lips, forcing his tongue, pass her lips to battle with hers. His hands, run up and down her body, as he laid her down onto the futon. His hand running up and down her thighs, gripping her tightly, her breathing was beyond labored.

"You taste so good" he groaned as he continued to kiss her with more force. " I want more." Fuu gasped, as he removed the rest of her clothes. She was, still trying her best to try and hide from his lustful gaze. Sure they had done this before, but she was still shy.

She was so trapped in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice that, he had taken one of her breast hostage. Her eyes closed as she moaned loudly, the feeling of his tongue against her skin was incredible. Mugen noticed his mate's reaction, and was enjoying every bit of it. But that wasn't enough for him, he wanted to see her eyes, to him they the most pure things in the world. He nipped harshly at the nipple causing her to scream, rather loudly.


He smirked with triumph, as she screamed his name. Good girl, he thought. He inhaled her scent, it was sweet, enticing, and in a way hot. It called to him, telling him to have more of his mate, and he couldn't resist. He moved downward towards her most private area, that was now his property. He glanced at Fuu, he could hear her breathing fast, he stared into her eyes and she stared back with a confused look in hers eyes.

"M-M-Mugen...what a-are you doing?" she asked in an innocent, and dazed tone. Without even answering her he, nuzzled the inside of her thighs. He then found the source of her arousal. He licked her repeatedly, causing Fuu to shudder every time.

"M-M-Mugen...d-don't...please...don't" She gasped as he licked her harder every time. The feelings she was, expierncing were different, and it scared her, but at the same time aroused her. She tugged at his hair, begging for him to stop, but he had tasted her now, and he had no plans of stopping. He could feel her, beginning to reach her first climax.

"MUGEN PLEASE STOP!!!" she screamed, if anyone was to pass by the door, even if they were brave enough to come near their leader's chambers. They would have thought, someone was being murdered. "MUGEN..I-I-I can't...take an--" she was soon cut off by her own scream, as she felt the climax explode within her body.

As she came back, she noticed that Mugen now hovered above her. He no longer wore

His bottoms, he pushed against her. His groans mixing with her whimpers and moans. She ran her hands up and down his body, not wanting to be stiff. He captured her lips, kissing her thorough and rough, her moans becoming extremely loud.

"MUGEN" she gasped for air as she, tore her mouth away from his. He continued to kiss, along her jaw bone, and neck. He stopped as he came to the junction of shoulder and neck.

Once again her scent was calling to him. But this time, it was different, it was the scent of her blood. Pushing into her, slowly not wanting to rush. He could hear her labored breathing, feeling her hands grip his shoulders tighter. As he nibbled at her neck. Harder, her moans grew louder. He then sunk his teeth into her neck, surprising her, causing her to scream.

"MUGEN!!!...W-what are you doing" she panted harder as he sucked harder. "No!..st-o-p... Mugen...that hurts!!! MUGEN...please stop" her screams, only arousing him more, he growled deeply as he pulled her closer. She began to calm down, after awhile he licked the mark, cleaning away all of the blood.

"Fuu" groaned as he could feel her, tightening around him. "my mate, only mine," he thrusted into her with triple the times of force and speed.

"M-Mugen..I-I LOVE YOU!" she screamed as the climax exploded within her. He soon joined her, howling his release. He collapsed beside her, no wanting to crush her. He covered them both up, and tucked Fuu, beneath his chin and wrapping his arms around her, protecting.

She soon fell into a deep sleep, he leaned over to her ear, and whispered, "I love you too, mate".