Hey. I'm so sorry for the wait. things just seemed to have gotten on top of me recently with uni starting back and job hunting. so here is chapter twelve.

This chapter is a lemony one, but i couldn't find the rating MA, only M, so instead of getting kicked off here, i though i would just a link to the more detailed version.

so here it is if you wish to read the dirty version: http://hp. click on the story, and skip to the chapter!

well i hope you enjoy!

Chapter 12

Katara woke the next day with a raging headache. Her face was all sticky from her tears, and some stray snot. She grimaced as she thought about how she must look. She opened her eyes to see she was lying in bed, cuddled into George. Memories of the previous night came flooding back, and she almost started crying again.

What's wrong with me?! This is crazy! Oh Merlin, I'm going to have to apologise to Fred.

She tried to quietly slip from George's arms, but failed.

"Hey… You okay?" Katara smiled broadly and laughed sheepishly.

"Yup! Yup!" she chirped, hoping he had suddenly come down with amnesia. Unfortunately, it was not so.

"Don't give me that." His eyebrow twitched as he scowled at Katara. "What in Merlin's name happened yesterday?" Katara laughed again as she tried to make her great escape, but failed as she felt Fred stop her from behind.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Aren't I allowed to have a wee cry now and then?" she shimmied her body down the bed, but George had his arms around her, effectively trapping her between the twins.

"Yes they are. But that was no wee cry, and you know it." Fred said as he got off the bed. "I'll go down and check if breakfast's ready." Leaving George time to talk with Katara.

"Well" George insisted.

"I… don't know. I just… Something sort of… and then… and whoa! And I was like… and… weeght! You know?" George looked down at Katara trying to hold in his laughter. She could be so cute sometimes.

"No I don't know. I think you lost me between the 'whoa' and 'weeght'." He joked, trying to make the atmosphere lighter. Katara laughed and cuddled back into George.

"Fred said something, and I think he was right, but I didn't want him to be. And I don't know what happened! I just… Kerpow! Out of nowhere! All this… stuff. Wham! And I was, crying. And… screaming. It hurt so much, I… and then that's where the 'whoa' came in. It just took over. I didn't mean to scare the two of you. I hope Fred's not blaming himself. It was entirely my fault. And then you brought me up here. That must have been the 'weeght'!" Katara smiled as she felt George sigh. His breath travelled down her face, and it made her shiver slightly.

"So, about your parents, cursed to death? You never told us that?" Katara tensed up, feeling fresh tears fill her eyes. "That came out colder than was meant." He added, feeling Katara stiffen.

"Voldemort." Just one word seemed to explain a lot. George sat up abruptly and looked down at Katara, not even lecturing her on the use of the dark wizard's name.

"What?! Why didn't you say? Jeez." George looked deeply into Katara's eyes, as if expecting everything to suddenly appear before him, that he would just know everything about Katara. No wonder she had been so upset, with He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named back. George had found a new level of dislike for the dark wizard, and wished he could just kick his ass. "Come here." He said as he came back from his thoughts, Katara flung her arms around him, holding on as if her life depended on it. George had a sudden notion to kiss her. That had been happening a lot recently, and he was really beginning to lose his self restraint. There was only so much closeness and touching the boy could take.

"Thanks." She muttered as she let her grip slacken, and looked up into George's eyes. That was it, the last straw. The way she looked at him, the way her eyes held so much pain and sadness, but still kept their spark, the way her hair was all messy, and sticking to the side of her face, the way her body was pressed so close to his, and how it seemed to fit so snugly. It was just too much. He bent his head lower, ever so slowly, and just as he was about to make his move, Fred came in announcing breakfast.

Katara let go and moved off of the bed, picking up new clothes and heading to the bathroom. George stayed where he was, and Fred realised what he had walked in on.

"Aw man… talk about bad timing huh?" he said timidly. "look, I… we need to talk." Fred stuttered out. George remained on the bed as he looked at his brother. "We were talking about you yesterday." George looked a bit taken a back.

"You didn't- " Fred put his hand up.

"No. It was about her… liking you." George's face lit up. "But she's scared to be with you. She thinks… that if you were to be with her like that, you would be in danger. I… said she was being selfish, and that's when she… well, you know." Fred looked a bit sheepish as his brother stood up.

"You called selfish because of that?!"

"I just wanted her to see that it wasn't up to her, that you had a choice!" Fred pleaded his case to deaf ears. "She doesn't see that we are already in danger, and- " He finished as Katara walked back into the room, stopping in her tracks as she heard the last line.

"In danger from what?" Katara asked looking rather worried that the twins were in danger.

"Katara! I… George has to talk to you." He said as he left the room in a hurry. Katara turned to George who looked horrified.

"Are you okay?" she walked over to him, and reached a hand out to his chin. "What are you in danger from?" George sat on the bed, and inwardly sighed at how naïve and innocently cute she could be sometimes, even though she was a genius.

"Katara I…" George seemed to be really flustered. He kept looking at the floor or the bed, anywhere but in Katara's direction. She sat down next to him and placed her hand on his thigh.

"You can tell me. Maybe I could help?" George's cheeks turned red and he ran his hand through his hair.

Just do it! Just tell her! He thought.

He turned to face Katara. She was so close he could feel her breath against his neck. It made him shiver, and goose bumps rippled through his skin. He desperately tried to think of the words, but he couldn't concentrate.

"Tell you later." With that said he got up off the bed and left the room, heading for breakfast.

"You did what?!" Fred half shouted when George later explained how he didn't tell her how he felt. Fred was now pulling at his own hair. "You are more stress than it's worth, do you know that?!" George laughed half heartedly as he thought about what he was going to do. He hadn't missed the hurt that flashed in Katara's eyes when he blew her off. He slumped in the couch. What a mess this had turned out to be. He was supposed to confess his undying love for her in the most romantic way possible, not when she was an emotional mess and his brother had forced the situation upon them both. He sighed.

The twins heard their mother talking to Katara. She had noticed her puffy eyes, and was just making sure everything was alright.

"Oh, I'm fine really. Just feeling a bit off that's all. I should be fine by tomorrow!" she had argued, and entered the living room.

"Hey guys! What you up to… am I interrupting something?" she noticed the serious look on the twins' faces.

"No. no. I was just leaving actually." Fred elbowed George hard in the ribs and gave him a look before he left the room.

"Is he annoyed at me?" Katara asked sitting next to George. "Ever since last night, it's like he's been avoiding me. I didn't mean to get upset…" George looked over to see her looking rather guilty, her eyes filling with fresh tears.

"Of course he's not, he's just… I'll explain later." Katara frowned. That was the second time today.

"When is later?" George flinched, hearing the hurt etched in her voice. She continued to smile sweetly though.

"After this." He turned himself so he was facing Katara. "I uh… about this morning. Don't be mad, but Fred told me, about how you're worried to be with… anyone" he covered up that he knew about her liking him, protecting his brother "because they would be in danger. He also told me he called you selfish, which was out of order, but at the same time, I see where he is coming from." Katara sat still, silently vowing to beat Fred until he was unrecognisable. "I don't think you should not be with someone because there is a chance they could get hurt, I mean, you're still friends with me and Fred, and we could get hurt, but we stick by you, 'cause we care, and we're not going to let you go." He stopped, trying to word his thoughts carefully. "All I'm saying is that Fred was right in the sense that, it's not just up to you." Katara looked at George. "I wish you wouldn't torture yourself so much. How are you meant to help people if you won't go near anyone? Plus, you can't save the whole world no matter how much you want to." George tentatively reached his hand out and cupped Katara's cheek. "I…" he stopped, waiting for Katara to give him something, anything. But she just sat looking at the floor. He was so close yet so far, and it was driving him insane. Katara then looked up a small smile on her face.

"I'm… scared. Everything hurts." She said quietly. George's restraint broke. Before he even knew what he was doing, his lips brushed against Katara's. Her eyes shot open as she realised what happened, and George lingered for a second before he pulled away.

"Shit… I'm sorry… I dunno what- " It was George's turn to be caught off guard, as Katara placed a finger on his lips, effectively silencing him.

"Your right. I… hope you know what this means, the danger you will be putting yourself in?" Katara wished she could change his mind, but a small part of her wanted this to happen. It felt so right. She removed her finger so George could speak.

"Me and Fred already knew about all that stuff, about you probably being hunted down and such, and we already accepted that it was dangerous. It didn't stop us though, and it's not going to stop me. And everything doesn't have to hurt, eventually things will be better, but you need to let people in to help you, otherwise your just going to destroy yourself." He said smiling.

Katara blushed slightly as she felt George slide his arm around her waist. He had done it a million times, but this time seemed different. She gasped as he pulled her flush against his body, suddenly full of confidence. He hesitated for a second before he pressed his lips against hers. She tensed up, even though she knew it was coming, but soon melted into the kiss. George ran his tongue along her bottom lip, softly asking for access. She complied, and his tongue dove in, tasting her. The kiss grew more and more passionate as it went on, both wishing it would never stop. Katara pulled back for a second, making George whine at the loss of contact. She laughed and shifted, trying to find a comfortable way to sit, but the couch and the angles they were sitting at made it hard.

"Come 'ere." George said as he took Katara's hand and pulled her over so she was sitting on top of him, her legs on either side of his hips, facing each other. His hands snaked up her back and pulled her towards him, starting another tongue war.

"Jeez. Man! That's disgusting!" Ron had entered the room, giving the pair quite a fright. Katara had jumped up, trying to pretend nothing was happening, but lost her footing, promptly falling on her backside.

So much for the shinobi training huh?

"I knew it would work out! I told you, didn't I? But you wouldn't listen!" Hermione went on and on about how she was right, and George looked at Katara with mock hurt on his face.

"Hermione knew?! And I didn't?" Katara looked shocked. Wasn't he even slightly embarrassed that they had been caught?

"It's bloody gross if you ask me." Ron muttered.

"Well luckily, no one did ask you did they?" Hermione snapped, rather annoyed at his lack of support. They both left the room again in heated discussion. Katara still sat on the floor, as George got off the couch and crawled over to her. He kissed her again, pushing her shoulders down so she was lying on the floor.

"George! Someone will find us!" Katara gasped out as he left butterfly kisses down her neck. "Ah… please." George stopped and sat up.

"To the room?" he had a cheeky grin on his face and his cheeks still held a pinkish tinge to them. Katara rolled her eyes at how forward he was being.

"Fine! But only if Fred's not there." George's smile broadened as he took Katara's hand and pulled her to her feet, and dragged her up to their room. When they entered Fred was lying in his bed. George sighed looking defeated, but smiled cheekily.

"Oi! Fred! Mum's looking for you." Fred looked over at the two holding hands.

"You could have just told me to get lost." He laughed as he left the room. Katara folded her arms across her chest disapprovingly.

"George Weasley! You are despicable." George pouted playfully, tugging her over to the bed.

"But that's why you love me right?!" he chimed looking quite satisfied with himself. Before they had even reached the bed, George had instigated another lip locking session. Katara felt the back of her knees bump into the bed, and felt herself being pushed back. She plopped down on the bed with George still attached. She laughed into his mouth at his all of a sudden burst of energy. He lay on top of her, careful not to put all his weight on Katara's smaller frame. He ran his fingers through her hair as he explored her mouth, memorising every inch.

"Mum says… man I'm never going to get used to this… that dinner's ready. You think you can part for a while?" Fred had entered the room again, and George reluctantly pulled away. There was definitely a down side to having so many siblings and sharing a room with your twin. "You know mum's going to move her out once she finds out you's are… whatever this is." He pointed to the pair still lying in the bed. George hadn't thought about that.

"We just won't say anything then." He said happily.

"Ron and Hermione know. And you know what Ron's like. He'll be gutted he didn't get her." Fred countered. George looked rather crestfallen. "Maybe if we catch him quick, we can threaten him a bit." Fred added, not wanting to lose Katara's company either.

So the twins cornered poor Ron after dinner, and many spider comments later, Ron had sworn to secrecy. Hermione had been insulted that they thought she would tell Molly, obviously realising the consequences. The twins were relieved. George and Katara were safe for now. Who knows what Molly would gush. The twins shuddered, thinking of the way she had handled the other brother's and their girlfriends.

"Will you two quit it? I can hear you, you know!" Fred said when George had captured Katara's lips again. Fred shoved his brother. "Look. It's all good that you're together now, but come on! George, she going to suffocate!" George groaned as he glared at his brother in the darkness.

Katara laughed timidly, not really sure what to say. She liked the attention from George, but didn't like how poor Fred had to whiteness it.

The days went by, and George had been sneaking surprise kisses as much as possible. Katara was surprised they hadn't been caught already, but apparently he was good at picking his timing. His mood had definitely brightened, smiling 24/7. Fred too seemed to be relieved that things had progressed and that he didn't have to 'listen to Georgie boy whining all the time!'

George couldn't seem to keep his hands off of Katara. Even at the dinner table where they were in plain sight to Mrs. Weasley, he would draw patterns on her leg with his finger under the table. Sometimes he would hold her hand and play with her fingers, whispering naughty things in her ear, making her blush. Fred would say silly things in her other ear, making her laugh, and stop any suspicion. Luckily Molly seemed none the wiser and they were free to sleep in the same bed.

One night at the table, Katara had gotten a bit flustered as George successfully embarrassed her again with his dirty thoughts. She had wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine, but she was too shy to put such things into words. He seemed to have a sexy way of doing it that she didn't feel she possessed. So she did the next best thing.

George had started to say something else when he felt a hand touch his leg. He stopped abruptly, as it began to travel lightly towards his… Oh Merlin! Her finger had slipped in between his legs, and was caressing the inside of his thigh earning a panicked look to flash on his face. She leaned over to him and whispered.

"My, my! Haven't the tables turned!" he just stared down at his dinner as her finger started swirling further up his leg, stopping just before his manhood. His breath had hitched and he chanced a look at Katara. She looked completely normal. Talking to Fred and Ron about some idea they had come up with. No one new that she was… holy shit! She gently touched his crotch, and began to run her fingers up and down. He whimpered quietly as he tried to look interested in his food. Katara didn't seem to notice his torture, and gave no indications to stopping. He would have enjoyed this a whole load more if it was in a locked room that only the two of them occupied.

Katara became surer in her strokes as she looked over to him.

"What do you think George?" she asked with a cheeky grin on her face. George looked pleadingly at her, face turning scarlet.

"Uh yeah. Just whatever!" he managed to get out, having no idea what they were talking about. It seemed to work as Ron and Fred continued to discuss another idea. George started eating fast, the sooner he finished, the quicker he could leave. Luckily he had a long jumper on.

"What's the rush" Katara whispered, giggling slightly, sending shivers through his body. Oh Merlin! She was hot, and why was this so much more arousing? He felt a moan make its way to his mouth, but held back for all he was worth. He was almost finished his dinner when he felt her hand shift to his zip. Oh fuck!

"This is definitely more fun on the giving end, rather than on the receiving, wouldn't you agree!" she asked softly, while unzipping his trousers. He choked somewhat on whatever he was eating, and his hands shot under the table. Unfortunately, he was no match for her skilled shinobi hands. She had managed to avoid him from removing her hand, and was currently rubbing him through his boxers. He whimpered again as he looked at her, eyes pleading. She smiled sweetly, as if she didn't know what was going on.

"George? Honey? You look a bit flushed, are you okay?" Mrs. Weasley looked worriedly at her son. His eyes shot open as he panicked. Katara removed her hand from his lower regions, and placed it on his forehead, feeling for a temperature.

"You're burning up! How about I take you upstairs and you get some rest?" Katara said, and Mrs Weasley seemed to agree.

"That's sounds like a good idea. And make sure he doesn't leave his bed. Don't want you getting too ill now do we? There's still lots of chores and housework to be done!" she said sweetly as Katara stood from her chair. George tried to zip his trousers inconspicuously and followed Katara out of the kitchen. "Poor boy." Molly said as he left the room.

He chased after Katara, running up the stairs, and diving after her into the bedroom. He cast a couple of charms on the room, locking the door and sound proofing it.

"You are so getting it!" George growled as he caught Katara around the middle and dropped her on the bed. He landed beside her, crashing their lips together in a heated kiss. She laughed a little at how horny she had gotten George. His hands had started to roam about her body, a little unsurely at first. He had been trying to take it slow so as not to scare Katara, it had only been just over a year since she had been raped, and he didn't want to bring those memories back.

Katara was grateful for George's decision, but felt she was ready to take the next step. George ran his finger along the small amount skin on her waist that was exposed between her clothing. Katara giggled as it was rather tickly, but didn't make any move to stop him. She then snaked one arm round the back of his neck, pulling him in to deepen the kiss, causing a moan to escape from his lips. Butterflies turned into man eating dragons in her stomach, and she didn't know how much more she could take of this. Her other hand moved down his chest, and played with the hem of his t-shirt, before pulling it up, and placing her had on his stomach. He smiled into the kiss, and followed her in suite, sliding his own hand under her top, and placing it on her hip. She was so warm. George then broke the kiss and panted slightly. Katara giggled softly as she kissed his cheek, then his jaw line, and then his neck, causing goose bumps to erupt. He shivered lightly, and placed a hand on her shoulder, rolling her round so her back was now flat on the bed. He bent down and captured her lips again, while timidly making his move…

"You're amazing, you know that? But, we really should get ready. Mum said she was coming up later." Katara's eyes shot open as she remembered and she dived off the bed searching for her clothes. George had his boxers thrown at his face, followed by his jeans and t-shirt. Katara threw her clothes on with incredible speed that only she could, and sat down on the bed to pull George's t-shirt over his head.

"Quick under the covers. You're not well!" she ran over to the window and opened it, trying to disperse any sex scent they had left lingering in the room.

Poor Fred she thought as she started bending air out of the room. George watched, amazed at her skill. He had seen her do it a couple of times before, and he always remained in awe. She really was amazing.