
Chapter Two

I looked behind me but...there was no one, nothing there. The pain in my body still hurt, I got chills in my back and I shivered.

My dad called me. He was getting out of the car. "Kelly! Why are you not yet inside?" Dad said going towards me. "The house is nice, do not worry." He continued stopping in front of me.

I nodded not looking directly at him. I was feeling something that I could not explain that time so I just nodded again and went inside the house.

There was already some little furniture inside. A couch, a little wooden table with a lamp and a TV, our TV, already there all in the living room. I went into the kitchen and saw two stainless steeled sink on a counter smaller than our old one.

I was planning to tour the whole house myself but then I didn't. I was confused about what I was feeling.

The living room came to my view again and I sat to watch TV. My dad was helping the people carrying our stuff to the house. Good, at least he was not bothering me; I just want to rest for now.

I flipped the channels, boring after boring shows came to the TV. Dad finally noticed me.

"Kelly, I told you to help fixing our things today." Dad said. I moaned and stood up.

"Dad?" I asked, "Can you show me my room? I'll just put my stuff there."

Dad sighed and pointed to the stairs. He said that I needed to go to the room with a silver doorknob with my name hanging to it. I really did not know what he was talking about but I just went upstairs anyway to just search for it. It's way better than arguing with Dad.

When I got upstairs, I started to search for my room. As I walk, I was wondering if some of my stuff was already there.

I stopped. It was a dead end.

"Augghhhhhh!!!" I stomped back to the stairs. It seemed years before I reached it but when I finally did, it was as if I didn't care. Another thing caught my eye. It was a door, seems old. I wonder why it was in this house. I don't recall my father telling me that this house was like era ago...or something.

I went near the door. It did not just look old it was old. "What a liar!"

My father lied to me about this house. This house may have been built in like the nineteenth century for all I care but all I know is that I hate it. I hate old houses, like very, very old houses, I really do with a capital H-A-T-E, HATE, more than chain letters but I hate them both for whatever reason there may be. And my dad knows that.

It's just because old houses are so...annoying...or creepy in a way. Whatever I can't explain it but I hate old houses.

I can't believe my dad took me to this old wretched house. I ran back to the stairs and stopped. Downstairs I heard my dad giving instructions to the men carrying our things inside. I need to get out of this place before it's too late.

I ran downstairs, got the rest of my stuff and threw the car keys at my dad. Dad caught them luckily then looked at me as if to say, 'What now, crazy kid?'

"What now Kelly?" Dad said. At least he did not say crazy kid. I replied, "Where's the nearest hotel here? We need to go." That was not exactly a reply to his question but I really needed to get out of this house.

Dad sighed tiredly. "Kelly, why do you need to go to a hotel? We have a lot of things to do today and we don't have time for—"

"We need to get out of here, now!" I did not let my Dad finish. I was losing patience with him with everything and I tend not to listen when I'm in such a mood.

"Kelly, you are unreasonable and I cannot let you go anywhere until you have lectured yourself." Dad said loudly, with a sharp voice.

I clenched my fist. What a liar, it's his entire fault I'm doing this, why can't he understand? I hate this house. It's old, and I can't stand it.

Some of the workers turned to look at us.

Did I mention that I also hate being embarrassed?

That's why when my Dad was about to say something, I did not let him. Instead, I pushed him—not that hard, but hard enough to get him out of my way. And, oh yeah to get him to stumble backwards a little. Good thing there was a chair there.—and ran outside.


I'm outside now. Out of that bad old house which my dad lied me to live in to. I mean c'mon even if it's just for a couple of days, no way will I live in that kind of house. Well excuse me for not liking something.

The problem is, now that I'm out-and after I pushed my dad, -bet his mad at me now-I need to go somewhere. And fast.

I'm hearing dad's voice now. He's shouting. Oh God, he is so mad.

I really don't have a choice so I did the only thing I could. I ran. Ran fast away from Dad, from the stupid old house, from everything. Dad's voice was getting louder but I was getting farer and farer from him. A big tree came into view and I hid behind it.

My heart was thumping and my head was swirling. It's like I don't know what to do anymore. I clutched my bag; I remember I had some money given to me yesterday by my mother. I also got my army Swiss knife, it could get handy…Oh god what am I thinking? Survival? I'm going crazy.

I breathed in deeply to calm myself. I peeked behind me from the side of the tree.

The road was empty. My dad did not run after me, I wonder why. Now I kinda feel alone and…scared.

Light footsteps were coming closer to me. Alarmed, I planned to go and hide but I stood frozen, my fists clenched and oh…I'm sweating hard.

I was really nervous for some reason I don't even know.

That someone was getting nearer then the footsteps stopped. Suddenly a girl's voice said, "Hello? Oh…yeah, I went straight home already."

I sighed, relieved. That girl was talking to someone else, maybe from her cell phone or whatever. I clenched my fists harder, stood up straight and walked towards the voice. While I still have my courage, I thought maybe I should go and ask her for help or something.

I took small steps closer to the voice until I saw her. She was talking to her phone and she looked..well let's just say she looks miserable…or…okay actually she looks like a mess! But she was my only option so after she hung up her phone, I called out to her.

"P-please, I kinda need some help here." I stuttered. I was somehow nervous.

The girl just stared at me with her big round dark eyes that looked like it hasn't received any sleep for years. Then suddenly her whole body stiffened like she was struck by a bolt of lightning and woke up from a weird dream.

"Stay away from me!" The weird girl suddenly shouted crazily at me.

I was so shocked I was speechless. I couldn't even move an inch from where I was standing. I don't even know if this is real or not because never have I seen such a crazy thing.

The girl continued shouting then she pulled out something from her dirty jeans pocket. It was a cutter. She pushed out the blade and held it in front of her. "I'll kill you if you ever go near me! Stay away!" she shouted again.

That's when I was suddenly awakened. My body immediately escaped the attack she made as she quickly tried to stab me. I tripped and fell down the pavement. Then she jumped back far away from me. I was shaking as I tried to stand up. My mind was a blank and I did not know what to do. I took a step backward little by little staring at a corner. I was still hearing the girl shouting but I can't seem to understand what she's saying.

Suddenly, there was a piercing scream that brought me back to thinking. I saw the girl, dropped the cutter then fell down on the ground. She was unconscious.


Everbody, I'm so sorry for making you wait for this chapter for so long...Well here it is now Please R&R Ü