A/N: GUESS WHO'S BACK, BITCHES?! I got this idea while sorting through Lupin/Tonks pictures on DeviantArt, and I saw some pics of what Teddy looked like to people. Which, of course, inspired the hell out of me. So yeah. But to tell you guys the truth, I'm a bit scared to do a guy's POV for most, if not all, of the story, but I think it'll be fun. In the epilouge, he's what, nineteen? But this is held a year before the epilouge, so he'd be eighteen. Even so, he couldn't be in Hogwarts, so let's say he's fifteen, shall we? Fifth year—always fun. Wish me luck! -plunges into inspiration pool-
I startled from my deep sleep, and saw Lily standing over me and giving me a huge grin. I scrambled to cover myself, but Lily didn't seem to notice.
"Morning Teddy! Daddy says to come downstairs, he made breakfast." She said in her high-pitched, eight-year-old voice.
"Right, okay." I squeaked. My voice had changed last year, but it still made that annoying squeaking sound when I was distressed. Or surprised. Or anything other than calm.
She ran out of the room, her red hair bouncing behind her. I got up from my bed, and walked over to shut my door when someone else stuck their head in.
"Teddy, wasn't it your turn to do-" Victoire said, but her brown eyes widened as she saw me, in my boxers, one of my feet raised. My mouth just kind of hung open, and she finally said, "Forget it, I'll do the laundry."
When she walked out of the room, a bit dazed, I finally reddened. Honestly. Victoire was practically family, but she definitely did not need to see that. And I doubt anyone would enjoy it. After all, I'm fifteen, 5'6, and 110 pounds. You can't get much skinnier than that.
I continued walking across my room, and finally got my door shut. On my way back, I looked in the mirror thoughtfully, and closed my eyes, changing it from the black hair and blue eyes (James asked me to be him) it had been the day before into my natural appearance, which looked almost exactly like my father, except for the hair, which wasn't curly like his, but straight, like my mother's.
Everyone wanted to be a Metemorphmagus, right? You could change your look whenever you liked. Nothing better, right?
At least that's what people told me. Right after they told me how brave my parents were, they said, "Oh, you're so lucky to be a Metemorphmagus! I mean, I want to dye my hair so bad, but my mum…"
Now me and Victoire were nowhere near as famous as Lily, James, Albus, Rose, and Hugo, but we got noticed. But I, unlike Victoire, hated the attention. She reveled in it. She put on theatrical make-up, and wore (on weekends, at least) what no one expected her to. Truth be told, Victoire was less famous than me even, (just because my parents are dead. What a cop-out) but people still whispered things like "Oh my god, isn't that Fleur and Bill Weasley's daughter? Weren't they like, in that Phoenix thing? Didn't they fight Voldemort?" And Victoire always had something to say back.
"Yep, you're looking at her. Now feel free to watch my butt as I leave." And then she would turn and wink, swinging her hips. It was enough to make any sensible guy wet himself. Victoire looked very much like her mother, except for the freckles that dotted her face. But instead of the normal "I look like I have pox" effect that freckles usually have, they gave the "Look, I have adorable freckles. Doesn't it just make me that much prettier?" effect. Which HAD to be a useful effect.
Making a mental note to try freckles on myself later, I finished getting dressed and headed down stairs.
"Good morning, Teddy!" Ginny beamed at me, the spitting image of a housewife while she dried dishes with an apron around her waist. While she could easily just do it with her wand, she insisted to do it by hand, to "set an example for the kids." Or maybe she just liked looking so housewife-y, I don't know.
"Good morning, Ginny." I felt awkward saying this, but she always assured me to call her Ginny.
The Potters had a lot more muggle appliances than wizarding ones, such as their microwave, their toaster, and so on. I had a feeling these also were to "set an example", considering they never used any of them besides the fridge.
I looked around the table at my makeshift family, and smiled. Lily was bouncing in her seat, eagerly awaiting the pancakes that her dad was flipping (and no doubt burning) on the oven, James looked bored as he read an old copy of Flying With The Cannons that Ron had given him his last birthday, and Albus was looking attentive as always, perched at the edge of his seat, even though nothing even remotely interesting was going on.
But just as I was getting comfortable in my seat, Victoire flounced (yes, she inherited the ability to walk around like a ballerina from her mother) down from the stairs, and plopped herself down in a seat, which, as she looked up, I noticed was right next to mine. I had the feeling that she couldn't see me in anything but my underwear now, and that thought both disturbed me and made me stiffen in my seat. This made James look up.
"What?" I asked him, praying for him to respond with a "nothing".
"You're sitting up straight." He said, giving me a weird look, as I only sat up straight at formal occasions. Posture hated me.
"I am? Really?" I trued to go back to my usual slouchy position, but it just looked even more awkward than me sitting up straight did.
"What's going on?" James asked, and he looked like it was the apocalypse.
"I've…decided to get better posture in the hopes that I'll be more accepted in my peer group?" They all laughed, knowing I was joking this time, but James still looked at me funny. Then his blue eyes darted from Victoire, who was refusing to look at me, and instead studying the floor molding, to me, pretending nothing was wrong and whistling while bending my elbows at weird angles, and worked it out.
"Something happened between you two!" He shouted, and I'm surprised the neighbors didn't come over, he was so loud. Then again, the Potters don't have neighbors, so maybe I wasn't that surprised.
"Nothing happened." We both said at the same time.
"Suure, okay, keep it a secret then. But I will find out." And I knew he would, too. Damn.
Finally Harry brought over breakfast, and by this time we were all looking at it as if we were hungry wolves. (Haha, get it? Wolf humor.)
It took us about five to ten minutes to wolf (haha) down the entire meal, and we sat back, bloated, and enjoying ourselves. When I finally got up from the table, everyone else took it as their signal and got up too.
I walked upstairs to my room, Victoire right behind me, and as I put on my shoes to go play Quidditch with James, she stuck her head in my room, saying in a low tone, "You're really too skinny, Teddy." I looked up at her and just gave her a sort of "Duh." Look, and she said with a wolfish (I just can't stop) grin, "It's kinda sexy."
My brain exploded. I swear, my brain exploded. But what happened on the outside was this: I stopped looking for my left shoe, I blushed, I didn't dare turn around, and I felt my jeans get a bit tighter.
I knew she was just doing what she always did, which was flirt with everyone, but it was so reckless of her to just whip it around on guys like that. But that's what Victoire was. She was a reckless flirter. And if she knew the trouble that her comment was about to cause, I don't think she would have said it at all.
Or maybe she would have. Just to spice things up.
A/N: What weird fascination do I have with Lupin and Tonks' kids? Honestly. But no, I actually really like this story. I love making Teddy so awkward. It's like writing about Remus again, except more awkward, if that's possible. And see? I told you fifteen would be fun. You'll get the full story on the "wolf thing" later, as I'm way too busy right now. Reviews?