AN: Hey people, This took a lot longer to write then I'd expected. Sorry about the cliffhanger and then the delay, but what can I say -- I was ...distracted. That being said there may be a lot more sex in the this chapter then should be and I definitely went a little nuts with the music. Let's just say this story would have a killer soundtrack. Anyhoo, keep this chapter closer to the movie script in your brain. It's much easier to envision that way. As for new stories- I have no ideas at the moment. I think I'm gonna finish the two that I haven't finished and hopefully the new season will inspire something.

And P.S. this is chapter is for Ad Hom- because she always seems to guess my shit. I'd like to be upset by that, but it's actually quite nice to know somebody else gets my strange storylines.

Case Closed

"We find the defendant…..guilty-"

Wha...wait…what? All was still. You could hear a pin drop. The lights in my mind faded to a dim orange haze and a soft drifting sound of music faded into my ears.

Fade in "Dead Already" from the sound track of "American Beauty," as we get a close up of Olivia's stunned face. She sits alone and the room grows unusually quiet.

"Guilty on the charges of man slaughter in the first degree."

"What! That's wrong," Elliot yelled.

Bobby and Alex looked at each other puzzled. Bobby turned to Elliot and grabbed his arm. "Hey, you did all you could. We weren't fast enough."

"Didn't you hear her?!," he flailed. "You're wrong."

Judge Donnelly's face lit up like a monster from hell. "Detective, refrain your emotions!"

"I want a mistrial! She's not guilty!"


"She was defending herself!"


"She was fucking DEFENDING HERSELF!"

His protests were pulled into the hallway by Munch and Fin, who were using all of their strength to hold him back.

I looked down at my chipped finger nails. If anything could come from this lesson it was the power of expectations. Nobody thought something like this could happen to a person like myself. Even Paris Hilton wouldn't have expected my valiant character behind bars and she'd been there and done that…not so valiantly, but she'd hit the showers with Hollywood's finest inmates.

Nothing is more defeating then having your whole life taken away from you when you weren't ready for it. Yet, are you ever ready for something like this? I think that even the guiltiest criminal expects the best.

Flash to Ted Bundy in court.

"The Jury finds you…Guilty of all charges."

"Guilty of ALL charges! But that second girl wanted me to cut her arm off!"

Flash to Olivia.

After the reality sinks in, it's funny what goes through your mind. First, you think about how terrible you must really be. Then you immediately try to place the blame on something or someone else. And lastly, you just want to go back to the beginning. Back to a time you may have taken for granted.

Flash back


"Yes, Mama."

We see Olivia as a teenager snuggled up against her mother on the couch watching their favorite sitcom "Moonlighting"

Serena runs her fingers through Olivia's long hair and smiles down at her daughter.

"How'd you get to be such a good kid, huh? "

Olivia places a piece of popcorn in her mouth and stares at the TV screen. "Dumb luck and moral Television. That and somebody's got to be ambitious around here, otherwise we'd never leave the couch."

Serena laughs.

"Someday you'll do your ol' drunk of a mother proud."

"Yeah, yeah, mum. I love you, too. Commercials are over, now shush."

Flash End

Not that my mother could have helped me out of jail. Not that she could have helped me with much of anything, but when all seems to be lost, there are few things that will always remain, memories and family. My family was like the cockroach of memories that could never die even after they'd stopped breathing. But in a city like New York, it couldn't have been more appropriate.

Maybe that's why it took a bullet and a masquerade ball (Literally, Kathy's stomach was as round as my 8 ½ inch dodge ball) for Elliot to finally let go of his ideal wife…wait, life?…no, wife.

Even after death, the memory of family would still continue. Just like my mother would always haunt me and Kathy would always haunt him.

Still, through all of the animosity, I wished she were here to hold my hand. I think she could have handled holding my hand.

Judge Donnelly pulled off her glasses and waited for the room to settle into silence.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and then looked over at me. She was leaden and almost remorseful as she spoke. "Olivia, I'm going to charge you with fifteen years… with a chance to redeem yourself in five. You are to hand over your badge and your firearms. Any and all information regarding the NYPD will be taken back into your units custody."

"Yes, Ma'm."

The on sight cops cuffed me and led me to my doom. I made it a point to go out like a Greek Goddess. With my chin held high and my spine as straight as Achilles arrow, I was taken through the mob of media and past the many familiar faces of families who'd I helped over the years. They were a crowd who'd gathered to see my fate. Whether they'd come to gawk, spite, or support me I didn't know and I didn't care. My eyes would not weep for them. I was strong and I was determined to go down on my own terms.

Fade in Britney

Cameras are flashing while I'm caught in the action

They keep watchin' (Wait)

Keep watchin

Elliot pushed through the crowd and followed me to the police car. I kept my eyes on him and for a second I felt like we were alone. My sweet Elliot, where will we go from here?

Break'n it down like there's no one around

We'll keep on rockin' (We'll keep on rockin')

We'll keep on rockin' (Keep on rockin')

Gimme gimme more

Gimme more

Gimme gimme more

Gimme gimme more

Gimme (Uh)

Gimme gimme more

Gimme gimme more

Gimme more

Gimme gimme more

Gimme gimme more

Gimme (Uh)

Gimme gimme more

My final moments as a heroic Detective came to an end as I ducked into the vehicle and road in my chariot of metal and sirens to the gloomy pits of the Riker's Island Women's facility. And that is where I've been for five years.

Fade out and then in to Olivia in an orange jump suit on a prison bed.

So you must be thinking to yourself, Olivia, I can't go on knowing that the jury took you to such a low unfair level. Tell me this is a bad dream and you and Elliot are happily married with ten beautiful babies on the west side of Queens. Convince me this is a sick joke. Some days I wish it were, my friends, but it's as real as Martha Stewart's macramé.

These walls have been quite humbling really. I mean, I'm not begging to stay, but I've made a few historical changes during my visit.

What? You didn't think that I was going to sit around wallowing in my own self-pity did you? That's not very heroic. I am the main character after all. Just because I jumped the gun doesn't mean I'd lost my fire. And I wasn't alone. I've had plenty of support during my days of imprisonment.

Elliot, of course, visits everyday. Sometimes he even brings his kids and we have our own little bizarre prison picnics.

Flash to visiting hours at Riker's.

"Olivia, can you pass the Peanut Butter crackers," Maureen smiled.

I reached and CLINCK.

"In theory I'd love to Maureen...but..." CLINCK CLINCK "I'm a little caught up," I frawned looking down at the metal attaching me to the table.

Flash to Olivia.

We were an interesting group to say the least.

And if you thought the sexual tension was bad when Kathy was alive, try imagining five years of bumping into the bars. I got really good at writing pornographic love letters and taking my urge out on the bed sheets. There were even a few times when we touched each other under the table in the visiting room.

That was tough, though, and usually more of a tease than a release. This is why you should never have sex with a man until you know you're in the clear. Knowing what I was missing was the worst part.

But other then the minor details, prison became an outlet for me. Everyday was a step to changing the system, a fight to give to the lost souls surrounding me. I recognized right away that many of these women had children or were abused in one way or another. Also, a lot of them were uneducated. A few of my inmates couldn't even read. They were expected to shape up and get wise through prayer and sitting in a cell. I connected with them instantly and saw the prison's remedies more as a distraction from life rather than a lesson for the better.

In the small amount of time I'd been here, I'd managed to gain the public's attention to the problems facing the common female prisoner. It took a lot of research and an abundance of letter writing to get my opinions heard, but I certainly had plenty of time for all of that.

It also, took some finesse. The biggest issue I saw were the people who weren't prisoners, being treated worse than the prisoners. How were the guards supposed to make themselves the good examples and mandate law enforcement under long stressful hours and bad pay?

I made it my duty to make the prison guards more than just a security guard with harmful gadgets. They were going to connect to these women.

You see, if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a state to help the ones that slipped through the cracks. I don't think Hilary knew what hit her when she finally decided to take my advice, but I had something she'd never know. I had the experience from both ends now. I'd been the good cop and the bad one, and once my ideas struck a chord that old battleaxe was my new best friend.

Women in jail were now being taught how to find a job and take care of their families. Most importantly, they were finding themselves. They were getting therapy, taking classes, and making headway towards a new life.

It was also nice to have arts and crafts time. I could finally feel as though my tax dollars were being used wisely.

You think I jest, but you should see Ugly Betty's watercolor paintings. Yes, we call her Ugly Betty. My favorite one is called "Heartless Psycho Bitch."

Ugly Betty turns and smiles at Olivia. She's a huge beastly woman with missing teeth and almost no hair. She is standing next to a painting of a blonde woman, who smiles contently, while barefoot and pregnant in a spotless kitchen.

I'm not entirely sure why I like that one but…"Nice work Betty!"

"Thanks, Mamma B!"

For some reason they call me Mamma B. Hey, whatever keeps them from touching me in the shower, right?

By the time my five year hearing came up, I'd changed so many lives and crossed so many roads that all I had to do was show up. The judge gave me my freedom back immediately and I'd become so famous for my in devours that every news station and television show in America wanted an interview.

Fade to Ann Currick on the Today Show.

"We're at Riker's Island this morning where Olivia Benson, former Detective for the NYPD Special Victim's Unit, is about to be released. This popular ex-detective, who spent most of her life locking up bad guys, is about to go in the history books for changing the lives of criminals after she...became the bad guy! Tune in on Monday to find out how she was wrongly accused for murder and how prison has made her a better woman despite the fact. I'll get the whole scoop in her first exclusive interview. It's all right here on the Today Show."

Fade back to Olivia in her cell.

I took a look at the bed I'd slept on for five years, kissed my roommate goodbye, yhen I headed down the long corridor where Elliot stood with purple flowers and a twinkle in his eyes.

This is where the happy-tearful music fades in.

"Time After Time" by Cindy Lauper.

Sometimes you picture me

I'm walking too far ahead

You're calling to me, I can't hear

What you've said

Cindy Lauper's voice grew louder and louder as the officer in front of me opened the barred door. Elliot took an anxious step towards me then stopped as the guard turned to uncuff my ankles.

Then you say go-slow

I fall behind

The second hand unwinds

The chains fell from my legs and I reached for Elliot's arms. His hungry lips clung to mine and he pulled me into the tightest warmest desperately anticipated embrace.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

The prison guards whistled and cat called in the background as we heavily kissed. But I didn't care. Screw the PDA rule. I didn't need pride or oxygen even. I was content to remain like this for a long time.

If you fall I will catch you

I'll be waiting

Time after time

Elliot lifted me off of my feet; his lips were an endless seam of one passionate kiss after another. I'm not sure how we managed to pull away from each other, but the doors to the prison opened and when we stepped out into the daylight an enormous flow of people cheered and applauded my exit.

"Olivia, were you angry with the jury?"

"How do you feel about New York's Court system?"

"Are you and Elliot Stabler going to get married?"

I held Elliot's hand and smiled as we walked towards the limo he had waiting at the curbside prisoner pick-up. It was like a strange award show. The flourish of questions and cameras flashing, but it was all just noise to me. My life was tangible and all I needed was Elliot and possibly an outfit that wasn't orange or made from cotton.

Elliot squeezed my hand. I caught a hold of his gaze and we ran for the car laughing like we were in a deserted field of daisies.

Reaching the door first and lifted the handle and before I could disappear into the tinted windows I heard a familiar voice shout over the crowd. "Olivia!"

I turned to see Jackson Zane pushing his way to the front. "Olivia, when I was finally released the first thing I did was order a supreme pizza. Tell us…what's the first thing you're gong to do?"

I smiled, gave a yank to Elliot's shirt, and yelled ", Him!"

The crowd roared with applause and laughter. Then without hesitation I pulled him into my arms and we kissed for all the world to see. When I felt the world had had enough I pushed Elliot into the limo, smiled for the cameras, and slammed the door.

Fade into the closing credits/behind the scenes footage.

It's Benson Bitch. (Laughter)

We see Olivia kneeling in front of Elliot on the floor of the limo. She rips his white button down shirt off and then goes straight for his pants. Their hands and lips smacking and touching like it's the beginning and the end of everything that ever was.

"Mmmm I never thought I'd say this but you are even sexier now that I know what you look like behind bars," Elliot pants as he fumbles with Olivia's bra.

"Yeah and you're still the hottest alter boy I've ever fucked," She moans through the nibbles she makes on his neck. He…still fumbles anxiously with her bra.

"What is this made out of Titanium?!"

"Fuck it," she breathes, then pulls the satin over her head. Immediately she begins ripping at the button on her jeans.

Elliot is completely naked and pulling at Olivia's jeans as she falls back to do the old "Heave-Hoe" to the tight denim around her hips.

Once she's gotten her pants down she stands in a hunched position and bumps her head on the ceiling. "Ouch!"

"Oh," Elliot gasps and reaches for her only to make the matter worse by losing his balance and taking them both down.

They laugh hysterically at each other. Olivia hits Elliot on the chest. "You chump!"

"Hey, don't' judge me, it's been five years!"

She paused in his eyes thinking about how lucky she was to have a man that would take a vow of celibacy for five years to then wind up in a web of Brassiere trickery and sloppy limo sex with a convict.

It was even more wonderful that he knew exactly what she was thinking and grabbed her wildly into the quickest sexual position they could muster themselves into.

Fade in Kayne

That that that that that don't kill me.

Can only make me Stronger.

I need you to hurry up now

cause I can't wait much longer.

"Casey if you bring one more fucking balloon into this office I will invite Bozo the clown to your next birthday party," Munch snapped as he pushed a large cluster of helium filled latex out of his face.

"Okay, OKAY!!! Geez, I'm just trying to make it nice. They'll be here any minute."

"Oh, woman please," Fin sassed through the helium he just sucked in. "Five years without sex. I give them at least one more hour and that's still pushing it."

"And you," Casey whaled. "Stop eating my helium. You're the reason I keep making more balloons. That and your ghetto munchkin voice is freak'n me out. No pun intended, Munch."

Fade in "Body Moving" by the Beasty Boys

Let me get some action from the back sectio

We need body rocking not perfection

Let your back bone flip but don't slip a disc

Let your spine unwind just take a risk

I wanna do the freak until the break of dawn

Tell me party people is that so wrong

Body movin, body movin with the A-1 sound sound so soothing

The traffic light turns red and Boris the limo driver stops his vehicle…

rock'n rock'n rock'n.

And Boris, the limo driver stops the vehicle………

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

Stops the vehicle...


"The automobile should no longer be in transport," sounds the female computer voice that came with the limo.



Ding. "Check Engine at the nearest gas center."

"You are unfucking real," Elliot groans.

"There's no unfucking in this car! AHooh! I'm gonna cum all over you," Olivia screams.

Ding. "Please check shock alignment at the nearest gas center."

Boris, the thin sixty-year-old limo driver bounced like an out of place rap star. His saggy face smiled as he tipped his hat like an British rapper towards the on lookers starring at him.

Fade in Fat Joe

Now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back

Do the Rock-away.

"Damn it," Cragen shouted.

"What's up Cap, "Fin turned.

"This piece of crap needs to be replaced."

Cragen stood in the corner of the precinct batting balloons and yanking at a piece of material caught in the paper shredder.

"The damn thing hasn't worked in years. I thought one of you were suppose to order a new one?"

"Yeah, Lake was," Fin answered half paying attention to Cragen and half spitting paper wads at Dicky, who was ducking behind the video board.

Olivia's "welcome back to life celebration" was starting to fill up the office. People who were good friends with Olivia mingled and socialized as they waited for her grand appearance. Elliot's kids had been there since the early morning helping to decorate and as time went on things were starting to get a little silly.

Fin's spite wad missed Dickey by a few inches and its' wet salivated paper hit a picture on the screen.

Our focus follows the fast moving wad to a close up of Seamus, who'd just been convicted of raping small farm animals and a young girl that he stole from a Chinese family's basement.

Fade in "Psycho Killer" by the Talking Heads

I can't sleep cause my bed's on fire

Don't touch me I'm a real live wire

Psycho killer, qu'est que c'est

Far better

Run away

"Boris, can you pull over at Bloomingdales, my man?''

Elliot was laid back in the black leather seats with Olivia's naked satisfied body nestled in his arms. They giggled when Boris' old cracking voice sounded on the intercom.

"As you wish, Master Elliot."

"Op-," Olivia chocked holding back the laughter.

"Thank you, Boris."

When she was sure that Boris could no longer hear them she laughed hysterically and did her own impersonation of him. "Master Elllllllliot, I will take you anywhere. Master Elliot, ET says phone home! Master Elliot, where the heck did you get me from, the bat cave!"

"Yeah, I've been working the streets in a uni-tard while you were gone. He picked me up one night and we've been partners ever since."

"You don't say."

The car stopped and they both quickly got dressed. Elliot stepped out of the car and took Olivia's hand. He was about to give her an out-of-prison- makeover at one of New York's finest Department stores.

Fade in opening Techno music to "The Way I are" by Timberland.

"Elliot Stabler, I hope you're not breaking your bank for me. This is too much," Olivia said from behind the dressing room door.

Elliot sat in the designated husband chair with his legs open and his shoulders slouched. His suit wrinkled nicely around his body and the top button of his shirt hung open. He could almost pull off the messy George Clooney look.

"Ms. Benson, don't you worry about my bank account."

Olivia opened the door. She was a vision. In an expensive layer of red Nicole Miller satin she flaunted her a new haircut, prison fit body, and glowing made up complexion in front of the many mirrors.

"Wow! That's it. You're buying that one," Elliot stuttered.

"Well, if you say so, but I'd hate for you to have to spend…" She looks down at the price tag. "Ow, $420 bucks just to rip it off."

Elliot stood up and placed his hand on her hip. His eyes followed the curves of her body under the rippled satin and then stopped at her sultry eyes. She couldn't resist his face when that bottom lip of his pouted with an innocent fascination. She touched his cheek to return his silent sentiments and he then nuzzled her hand so to kiss the tips of her finger. "You are amazing in or out of that dress. If you don't feel comfortable buying the dress, then don't, but if it makes you feel any better, Casey's paying for it, so stop worrying about money."

"Really, well in that case, I should go try on the $900 Carmen Marc."

He pulled her focus to his eyes. He had a hint of embarrassed shame on his face.

"You know I'd buy that dress for you if I could, right?"

"Oh my gosh, Elliot, I didn't mean to bring it up because you wouldn't. I just need you to know that it's superfluous to what I really want right now."

"Superfluous. And what is it that you do want," he asked as he traced the outside of her arm starting at her shoulder and making his way to her freshly manicured hand.

"This," she said taking his lips into her soft mouth.

"Only this," he pulled away.

"And this," she smiled grabbing his crotch.

He teased her by taking her hand man eating hand and lightly playing with the soft skin around her knuckles. "Yeah, but now that you're no longer stuck in my dreams I can't help but stand here in front of all of your beauty and ask myself ', why me?'"

"Why?" She smiled and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Lightly she ran her hand over his stomach. "Because a rock solid man like yourself needs a strong woman with killer instincts."

Elliot pulled his shirt off and undid his belt.

"But baby, I ain't got no money

I ain't got no Red American Express

We can't go nowhere exotic

But together we be the perfect soul mates

Talk to me girl."

Olivia turned her back on him and tauntingly unzipped the red dress. "Oh, baby, it's alright now, you ain't gotta flaunt for me

If we go and touch, you can still touch my love, it's free

We can work without the perks just you and me

Thug it out 'til we get it right.

Baby if you strip, you can get a tip

'Cause I like you just the way you are."

Elliot slid his hand up her back and pulled her around to face him. "I'm about to strip and I'm well equipted.

Can you handle me the way I are?"

Olivia unzipped Elliot's pants and lifted her skirt as she wrapped her leg around his waste. "I don't need the cheese or the car keys

Boy I like you just the way you are."

Their hips moved together slowly as Elliot pushed himself inside of her. "Let me see ya strip, you can get a tip cause I want you just the way you are."

Fade out and then in on Bobby Gorone and Alex Eames outside of the 16 precinct.

"How many times do I gotta tell yeah, Bobby? You have to let the coffee cool before you down it like that," Alex scolded before grabbing the dripping Styrofoam cup from his hand and passing him a napkin.

Bobby coughed and held out his tongue as he spoke. "Ah'm sthorry, bud I needit a dink."

"You're a dink alright. Here sign the card," She said handing him a hallmark card and a pen.

"ohtay, bud gib me da coffee bat."


"Da covvee. Just hand id do me. I gahnna due da tomtany."

Alex looked at him funny with the cup of steaming coffee held to her side. "I can't understand a damn word you're saying."

Just as she was ready to make fun of his ridiculous tongue burn and hand him the cup, a limo drove by and blasted the horn.

"Your tongue can not be that-"


"Huah!," Alex jumped spilling the hot liquid all over the front of Bobby's shirt.

"AHHH!!! HMMMMmmm. Sth-it! Son ob a bish!"

Elliot and Olivia stuck their heads from the window. "Goren, you gotta little something on your shirt," Elliot mocked.

"Deah, danks asth hoe!"

Fade in "Milkshake" by Kelsi

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,

And they're like

It's better than yours,

Damn right it's better than yours,

I can teach you,

But I have to charge

Munch danced next to Casey, red faced with alcohol and singing most of the words to Fin's IPod shuffle. "Damn right I'm better- up yours. Teach…you and I charge."

Kathleen slapped Maureen on the arm and laughed out loud. "Oh my god, look at Munch."

Elizabeth, who was in the middle of eating a handful of pretzels spit with uncontrollable laughter as she and her sisters witnessed Munch's white guy rapp'n episode.

"Ooo, look at Casey, she's dancing like a drunken Sascquatch," Maureen laughed.

"When I make it to congress, remind me to make a law that bands certain people from alcohol and top forty music," sighed Elizabeth.

"Hey now ladies, you'll be old soon enough. Let the geezers get their drink on," Fin smiled patting them on the back.

George walked over to their cluster of laughter with Melinda and looked at his watch. "This is one heck of a party, do you guys know when our girl isdue?"

"No idea," Fin answered. "They're making up for a lifetimes worth of sex so we could be here awhil-"

"Ah, AH," Kathleen twitched. "Mental images. That's my father you're talking about!"

"Newsflash, my friend. Your father….has sex," Melinda pointedly continued.

"With a hot convict! Holy shit," Fin jolted, before pushing them away and heading to the microphone he had set up next to his portable speakers. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Olivia Benson in the flesh!"

The party irrupted with cheers and whistles.

Olivia's smile brightened the whole room. Tears of happiness fell from her eyes and right then the lights flashed to a joyful happily ever after. She hugged each dear friend that stuck it out through the end, then turned to the side and winked as the camera pans away. The hole grows smaller and smaller until all we can see is the tiny hole from the barrel of a gun.

Their voices fading into nothingness.

Olivia "Wow, this is like a dream I once had. And you were there. And you were there. And YOU were there."

Casey "Okay, Dorothy we get it. Welcome back to civilization, you wayward child."

Fade in "It ain't nothin' but a she thing" by Salt N' Pepa

It ain't a man's world (You go, girl!)

No more sugar and spice (And everything nice)


Excuse me, hold up...(Pep got the floor!)

I'm givin' props to the strong women layin' down the law

Taking control of the wrongs in their life (hey)

Standing up and turning all the wrongs to the right (ho)

You're a genuine feminine female thang

Can you hang? Ain't nothin' but a she thang

It ain't nothin' but a she thing (We are proud)

It ain't nothin' but a she thing (Say it loud)

It ain't nothin' but a she thing (On the rise)

It ain't nothin' but a she thing (You better recognize)



Olivia's voice: "False alarm people! I dropped the cookie tray. It's all good.'s all good."

AN: I know, some of the songs were a little over rated and I'm so over Britney Spears, but I just couldn't help myself. That and it's a fun song to dance to when you're drunk. Too bad she's nuts and she shat it all up. Oh well, what's a girl to do? Anyway, drop me some lines. I'd love to know what you thought. I actually have a second ending that I may post later, but it's pretty sappy and predictable. If you think this wasn't satisfying I'll post it, but you have to convince me, because I really do like this crazy ending better. Peace Out, Shalom, Happy Ramadon, averdezan, po po sheeesho!!!