Hey, this is my first High School Musical story so if it's not that good I apologize.
Who saw HSM2? I did and I was IN LOVE WITH IT! haha and I got the CD
the first day it came out . My fave songs are "Bet
on it"
and "All for One" and
Everyday" Especially
Bet on It because it's Troy's solo and Zac is AMAZING! haha. I was
listening to the HSM2 CD while I wrote a bunch of the Chapters. But
I will stop blabbering and let you get on with the story.
This is copying a smidge of One Tree Hill's plot, but it is not a crossover with One Tree Hill.
Title: The Life we Live
It's been 5 years since High School Graduation. Everything in the lives of Troy and Gabriella Bolton are content but could that change? Total Troyella! With some Zekepay, Chaylor, Jason/Kelsi, Ryan/Melinda.
Disclaimer: I own nothing relating to HSM. But I am looking for my own Troy Bolton to own wink wink
Rating: Lets just say things that Disney would never do![Not that bad though
Character Info:
Troy Bolton [23 years old-------------------------Gabriella Bolton[23 years old
Blane Micheal Bolton[5 years old
Zeke Baylor[24 years old-------------------------Sharpay Baylor[23 years old
Shaya Melina Baylor[3 years old
Ava Emma Baylor[3 years old
Chad Danforth[23 years old---------------------Taylor Danforth[23 years old
Callie Elizabeth Danforth[3 years old
Jason Cross[23 years old------------------------Kelsi Cross[23 years old
Danielle Camille Cross[2 years old
Ryan Evans[23 years old------------------------Melinda Evans[22 years old
Melinda is 7 months pregnant.
Chapter One
Troy Bolton was trying to get his son, Blane to clean his room up but Blane refused and instead was jumping on his bed.
"Mommy wouldn't make me!" Blane said, continuing to jump up and down.
"Yes, Mommy would!" Troy said trying to calm the 5 year old.
"Prove it!" the five year old shot back.
"No, Mommy isn't feeling well and she is resting, so come on bud just please help me out here and clean up your room!" Troy begged.
"But Daddy, I don't want to!" Blane complained.
"I know bud, but you have to!" Said Troy.
"Fine!" He replied finally cooperating. Troy and Blane began picking up all of Blane's toys and then Troy took Blane over to his Uncle Zeke and Aunt Sharpay's house to play with Shaya and Ava while Troy takes care of Gabriella.
Sharpay and Zeke's house:
Knock Knock
"Hey Troy, Blane! Come in!" Said Sharpay holding a crying 3 year old Ava.
"Hey thanks for taking him, Gaby's sick and I need to help take care of her without the distractions of a five year old" Said Troy.
"I know what you mean, If Zeke or one of the girls is sick it's so hard to contain the girl or girls!" She laughed.
"Where's Shaya?" Asked Blane.
"She's out back on the swing set with Callie" Said Sharpay as Blane ran out to the back yard.
"Okay, Well I better get back to Gaby in case she needs anything, Thanks again!" Troy said walking out to the front porch.
"Oh it's no problem. And Troy, Ill drop Blane off around 7 so I can see Gaby okay?" She asked.
"Yea I'm sure Gaby would love some girl company." He said as he walked back to his car and drove back to his and Gaby's house.
Troy and Gaby's house:
Gaby was laying in bed trying to fall back asleep. She had a horrible head ache, sore throat, fever and her stomach was aching terribly. Also earlier today she was very nauseous and was throwing up constantly with Troy holding her hair back and rubbing her back. He was always so supportive.
'This is how I felt when I found out I was...No, It Couldn't be could it?' She thought. Just then she heard the front door open, and she heard some grocery's being placed on the counter. Then Troy opened the door softly and saw Gaby looking slightly pale, and miserable.
"Hey baby are you feeling any better?" He asked bending down at her bedside to feel her forehead for her temperature.
"No" She replied shaking her head slowly.
"Wheres Blane?" She asked.
"He's at Sharpay and Zeke's, Sharpay is bringing him over at 7 because she wants to see you." He replied and she nodded.
"Well you still have a pretty high fever so you shouldn't go to work this week." He said. He was always so overprotective but he was such a charmer.
"I guess I should call for a sub." She said sitting up slowly reaching for the phone.
"No baby, Ill call you just rest" He said and she nodded giving a small smile as he got up and kissed her forehead before going back into the living room. There he called the school district to get a sub for Gabriella's 4th grade class for the week and then returning to the bedroom with some ginger ale for Gaby.
"Thanks" She said as he handed her the glass and then sat on the bed next to her rubbing her back and kissing her temple. Just then she put the glass down and ran into the bathroom not even shutting the door behind her. She bent over the toiler and began throwing up. Troy ran into the bathroom after her and held her hair back rubbing her back and hair. Once she was done she flushed the toilet and then began scrubbing her teeth with a large amount of toothpaste and then sat down on the tan colored tiled floor and began sobbing. Troy sat down next to her and pushed her hair out of her face.
"Why am I like this?" She sobbed as she put her head onto his shoulder. He stroked her hair.
"I don't know baby!" He said kissing her forehead.
"I hate being sick and nauseous!" She cried as he hugged her close to his body.
"I know babe" He said as she cried harder.
"Come on baby, you need to rest" Said Troy as he picked her up and carried her back to bed. He laid her on the bed softly and kissed her forehead, soon she dozed off.
Knock Knock
Troy's body was peaked through the door as Gabriella's eyes fluttered open slowly.
"Gabs, Sharpay's here. Do you want her to come in?" Troy asked.
"Yea, Thanks" She said as she began to sit up slowly. Troy exited the room and a couple minutes later Sharpay slowly knocked on the door.
"Come in" Gaby said. Sitting up and grabbing a sip of her ginger ale.
"Hey Gabs!" Said Sharpay as she entered the room.
"How are you feeling?" She asked. Gaby patted a spot on the bed next to herself and Sharpay sat down.
"Honestly, Like crap! But better than this morning." Gaby Replied.
"Wait Gaby weren't you like this when you were pregnant with Blane?" Sharpay asked.
"Well...Yea." Gaby replied nervously.
"Have you guys talked about having another one?" Sharpay asked.
"Well yea. But I think we wanted to wait until Blane was little bit older" Gaby replied.
"Have you taken a test?" Asked Sharpay and Gaby shook her head.
"How about when Troy's at work tomorrow I'll bring a couple over for you?" She asked.
"Okay, But don't let Troy know. I know he wants more kids but I'm scared what if he doesn't want this one?" She asked Sharpay nervously.
"Oh Sweetie. If Troy is the guy I know than he'll be thrilled!" Sharpay said trying to cheer her friend up.
"I really hope your right. I mean I really want another baby I'm just scared! And how would I tell him?" She said. Thinking of a way. She was 99 sure that she was pregnant again.
"Well how did you tell him last time?" Sharpay asked.
Gaby had just got the phone call from her doctor confirming she was pregnant. She was only a senior in High School and they had only been married for 3 months. 'What would he think? What is he going to say?' Gaby thought to herself.
Later that night.
"Gaby!" Troy called through our apartment.
"In the bedroom" She said as she went back to painting her nails a mid shade of pink.
"We got big envelopes from Berkley!" He said he handed Gaby her envelope.
"Let's open them now" Said Gaby. She was distracted but was hoping that both her and Troy had got into Berkley for the music program.
"I got in!" They both said hugging.
"But I can't go" Said Gaby sighing and placing the envelope on their dresser before walking into the living room and sitting on the couch. Sobs and crocodile tears began escaping from her mouth and eyes.
"Baby, Why Can't you go? Your voice is amazing!" He said trying to cheer her up.
"I...I need to stay here" She stuttered while crying onto his shoulder. He rubbed her back and the back of her head.
"Why?" He asked concerned.
"Because I'm...I'm" She couldn't say it.
"You're what Gaby?" He asked concerned.
"I'm...Pregnant!" She yelled before breaking into more tears. He was shocked. Never in a million years would he have guessed that his Gaby was pregnant.
"Gabs it's gonna be wok!" Troy said kissing her temple and playing with her hair.
"How do you know that?" She asked rubbing the tears off of her cheeks and wiping her eyes with a tissue Troy had just handed her.
"Because this baby is going to have the best life ever!" He said cheering her up.
"So your not mad?" She asked hopefully.
"How could I be? We're having a baby Gabs. Our own little baby!" He said kissing her forehead. She smiled and hugged him tightly. Gaby and Troy had ended up going to Berkley who were in the Singing and Acting Program with Taylor, who was majoring in chemistry and Chad who was on the basketball team and they all took turns taking care of Gaby and Troy's little Blane.
End of Flashback
"Aw he is so sweet!" Sharpay stated.
"Yea, He is." I smiled back.
"So if he took it well in high school then he will totally be thrilled now!" Sharpay said emphasizing the word high school. During Freshman or Sophomore year if anyone would have guessed Troy Bolton's future it wouldn't include him getting married and having his first child in High School. They would have imagined him playing pro basketball. But ever since he met Gabriella in the middle of Sophomore year everything changed. He's the same sweet guy he is just more open.
"Yea" Gabriella said hoping her friend was right.
The next day, 5:22 PM[Gaby & Troy's House:
Gabriella was sitting on the couch when she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed over and pulled Sharpay in to the house.
"Hi, Wheres-" She said when she entered the apartment.
"Blane?" She finished once she was in the master bedroom.
"Chad and Taylor's" Gaby said.
"Where is it?" Gaby asked. Sharpay handed her a bag.
"By it you mean 'they' right?" Sharpay asked.
" 'They' How many exactly?" Gaby asked.
"Twelve" Sharpay stated like it was nothing.
"Twelve?" Gaby questioned.
"Well we want it to be really accurate right?" Sharpay asked.
"Yea I guess." Gaby answered.
"Okay so ill be waiting out here and you come out and tell me the results once their done." Said Sharpay pushing Gaby into the bathroom.
5 minutes later
Gaby walked out of the bathroom with a shocked look on her face.
"So? New baby Bolton?" Asked Sharpay. Gaby just stared blankly in front of herself.
"Yup" She stated pointing out the obvious.
"How many were positive?" Sharpay asked curiously.
"Twelve" Stated Gaby blankly.
"Twelve? All Twelve?" Asked Sharpay not sure if she heard right.
"All Twelve" Gaby repeated.
"Wow you really must be pregnant!" Said Sharpay.
"Ya Think?" Gaby asked with a duh voice.
"Yea!" Sharpay answered and Gaby sighed at her friend then both started laughing a bit.
"So are you going to tell him?" Sharpay asked anxiously.
"No, I'm just going to let him notice my stomach growing fatter and fatter and then tell him once I go into labor!" Gaby said sarcastically.
"Okay okay. Well I mean are you going to tell him today?" Asked Sharpay.
"Yea, i just have to figure out how!" Said Gaby
"We'll think of something" Sharpay said.
A/N: So did you guys like it? Hate it? Please leave a review no matter what! So leave a review the more reviews the quicker I update, I wrote many chapters while I was on vacation but didn't have Internet so I will post one per day.