Okay so this is my first fanfic. I added some pieces of the song 'I Wasn't Prepared' by Eisley.

Disclaimer: I don't own the song...Eisley does, and I don't own Lost, Kate, Jack, or anything cool like that.

Oh when the day is blue

There she stood on the beach, waves crashing on the shore, washing over her feet. Slowly, the sand pulls out from underneath her. Kate basks in her thoughts as she sinks.

I'll sit here wondering about you

She cannot help but wonder why every time she gets a moment to herself, her thoughts always drift of to him, to Jack.

Why can't she stop thinking about him? However, in fact, she knows exactly why. She has known since the day she stitched him up.

Just as she is finally about to admit to herself why she constantly thinks about him, she is torn away from her thoughts.

"Hey" Jack states simply, coming over to stand next to her.

"Hey" Kate says, trying to push the thoughts of this man to the back of her mind.

He takes in all of her beauty in just one quick glance, and then diverts his gaze over the ocean. "I see you're still trying to sink your way off the island."

Looking down at her sinking feet, Kate gives a small laugh. "Still doesn't seem to be working."

Don't worry; we'll get off this island one way or another." Jack says matter-of-factly.

"How can you be so confident in saying that?" Kate asks. "There is nothing here, on this island, that anyone can possibly be sure about."

"Actually…" Jack hesitates a bit, still deciding whether he should go there or not. "There is one thing that I am one hundred percent positive about."

"Oh yeah, and what could that be?" she questions jokingly.

Becoming very serious, Jack says those words that he has been longing to say for what seems like ages. "That…I love you."

But I wasn't prepared for this

Dumbstruck, Kate doesn't know to say or do. She just stands there with her mouth slightly agape, frozen.

Jack looks back at her one last time before turning around and heading off to his tent. He didn't really expect her to say it back, but he did have hopes.

He entered his shelter and Kate manages to peel her eyes away from it, to stare out over the ocean again. Quietly, she whispers, "I love you, too."

I wasn't prepared for this

So that was it, please let me know what you think. I'm not much of a writer but I had to write one fanfic after the 5 million that I have read.